ClermontElementary School

Staff Handbook

Revised 6/2012

SECTION A: Staff Guidelines

SECTION B: County / School Policies
SECTION C: C. E. S. Schedules / Committees
SECTION D: C. E. S. Bulletins / Faculty Meeting Notes



C.E.S. Motto and Mission Statement

C.E.S. Standard Operating Procedures[s1]

Accidents...... 5

Afternoon Dismissal...... 5

Announcements...... 5

Attendance Reporting...... 5

Bus Duty...... 6

Bus Duty Rules...... 6

Campus Security...... 6

Care of Classroom Materials and Supplies...... 7

Child Abuse or Neglect Procedures...... 7

Child Safety Unit...... 8

Class Parties...... 9

Classroom Maintenance...... 9

Classroom Management...... 9

Code of Student Conduct...... 9

Copy Machine...... 9

Copy Machine Guidelines...... 10

Contract...... 10

Curriculum Guides...... 10

Discipline...... 10

Dress for Teachers...... 11

Dress Code for Students...... 11

Emergencies...... 11

Entering New Students...... 11

Faculty Meetings...... 12

Field Trips...... 12

Gifted Students...... 13

Grading Policies...... 13

Grading New Students...... 15

Head Lice...... 16

Homeroom Parents...... 16

LakeCountySchool Board Policies...... 16

Leave...... 16

Leaving Campus During Work Hours...... 16

Lesson Plans...... 17

Log of Parent Contact...... 17

Lunch...... 17

Lunch Money...... 17

Lunchroom Rules...... 17

Mailboxes for Teachers...... 18

Maintenance...... 18

Media...... 18

Messages...... 18

Morning Announcements...... 19

Notices Sent Home...... 19

Observations/Assessments...... 19

Paraprofessionals...... 19

Parking...... 19

Phone Calls...... 19

Playground/Recess...... 19

Progress Reports...... 19

Purchases...... 20

Releasing Students During the Day...... 20

Records...... 20

Reports...... 20

Response To Instruction……………………………………

Required Meetings...... 20

Retentions...... 20

Schedules of Teachers and Paraprofessionals...... 20

Smoking...... 20

Special Services...... 21

Student Absences...... 21

Student Detention...... 21

Student Medication...... 21

Student Supervision...... 22

Student Worksheets/Tests...... 22

Substitutes...... 22

SunshineState Standards...... 22

Supplies/Instructional Materials...... 22

Teamwork...... 22

Textbooks...... 23

Underage Children at School...... 23

Visitors...... 23

Volunteers...... 24

Withdrawals...... 24

Work Day...... 24

Worker’s Compensation...... 24

Security Plan/Emergency Procedures...... 25

ESE Programs Available at CES...... 27

Human Growth and Development Letter...... 28

Title I Summative...... 29



The combination of dedicated faculty and staff,

active parents, hard working students, and a supportive community

enhances our school’s motto[s2]: Cooperation Equals Success.


Staff members are responsible for all information contained in this handbook.

Accidents are to be reported to the office as soon as possible.An accident report must be filed with the office by the end of the school day.

At the[s3] 2:45 bell, kindergarten students will be escorted by their teacher or the safety patrol to their appropriate place of dismissal. Teachers should go into the gym and make sure that all of their bus students are seated appropriately[s4]. Walkers will go to the walker gate at the kindergarten end of the school. No student should be in the hallway without adults in the hallway to supervise.

Teachers who have hallway duty must split their students among their grade level teachers. Teachers should not take their students with them to their area of supervision[s5].

Teachers, if you are responsible for walking your students to an area, do NOTleave them unless there is an adult supervising that area. Make visual contact with the supervising adult[s6].

Also, if you are dismissing from your classroom, do NOT release any students until the office has made the announcement to do so.


All assigned[s8]teachers must be on hall duty during afternoon dismissal. There will be noexceptions. You may work with others in your area to take groups of students to their appropriate place, but all assigned[s9]teachers should be helping out with dismissal by being in the hallways. Negligence could be cited if an accident occurs in your area and you were not on duty.

Parents should have identification to pick up their children. The CES car rider sign is required in the kindergarten area. If the parent does not have the sign, they must be sent to the office to pick up their child[s10].


All announcements and bulletins from the County Office and LCEA will be posted in the faculty workroom and sign-in area. Please check the bulletin boards regularly. A monthly calendar for activities and events will be posted near the sign-in sheet.

eSembler needs to be completed by 9:00 each morning.

A plastic folder is given to each teacher, color-coded by grade level. Attendance/absence notes or other important information that needs to be shared with the office must be sent in the plastic folder to the office by 9:00. If you do not have anything to put in the folder, send the folder to the office anyway.

This is the responsibility of the teacher. Use the 3-week attendance form to report absences each morning.Accuracy is essential.

1. First day of school - Mark all students who are present on the first day as “E1”. If a student on your list is not in attendance, please mark “NS” until that student arrives. Make sure that the student is marked correctly on the first day that he/she is in attendance in your classroom.

2. Second day of school - Add any new students to the bottom of your alphabetical listing. Do not add a new student to your rollunless you have been notified by the office that the student has been placed in your classroom. If you are not sure, ask.

3. Attendance Codes are as follows:

E1 - entering the first day of school X - Absent
NS - Did not show O - Tardy

4. Data Entry will mark any new entries or withdrawals on your attendance sheets.

5. After marking your attendance, place the sheet in the folder provided and

send it to the AC Room by 9:00 AM.

6. Tardy students report to the AC room to receive a tardy slip and data entry will be notified.

PLEASE NOTE:Each teacher is responsible for the accuracy of their attendance report. Check your attendance for previous days. If you need to make a correction, send a note attached to your attendance sheet.

If you believe that a student is withdrawn but they have not been crossed off your attendance, keep marking them absent until Mrs. Mullins marks them off.

There will be no new student enrollment the first two days of school.


Teachers will follow a scientific, research-based behavioral system. The system will be posted in the classroom.


Teachers need to be in the gymnasium before the students are dismissed (about 2:35). Afternoon duty will end when the last bus and day care bus has left the campus.It is your responsibility to see that your duties are covered in your absence[s12].

  1. Students are to sit in their bus lines in the gym until their bus arrives.
  2. Students may not leave their bus line in the gym. Backpacks may not be put down to save a place. Students may not leave the bus line for drinks or bathroom breaks except in case of an emergency and only with permission from an adult on duty.
  3. Students who are not behaving will have to sit at a time-out area until their bus is called. They will go to the end of their bus line.
  4. When leaving the gym, students are to proceed down the hall in an orderly line.
  5. Students are to be respectful to all adults.

We encourage each teacher to discuss bus safety and post bus rules in their room - stress respectful behavior and line etiquette.


All school personnel are to be alert for suspicious, unusual, or unknown people on campus. All visitors are to check in with the office to receive a visitor’s pass. Anyone who does not have a sticker must be escorted to the main office immediately. If the person refuses to return to the office, buzz the office for assistance.

This is the responsibility of all staff members.

  1. Report any damage to the facilities or equipment to the office.Notify the media specialist of any A/V equipment needing repair.
  2. Keep all A/V equipment covered when not in use[s14].
  3. Cover the computer key boards when not in use.
  4. Equipment assigned to your room must remain there and will be periodically checked by the county inventory number.
  5. Be alert for students marking on desks and furniture.
  6. Be alert to abusive use of textbooks
  7. Keep crayons, pencils, markers and paper clips off the floor.
  10. Remember to lock your classroom doors when you leave yourclassroom and before you leave the campus in the afternoon.
  11. No eating or drinking in classrooms except at parties that have principal’s approval. Food snacks are to be kept in the cafeteria or outside eating areas.Your class is responsible for cleaning up trash. Take care with food and beverages in your room. You are not getting a new one[s16].
  12. At the end of the day, clean up unnecessary clutter, put all garbage into one large garbage can in the room, and stack chairs.
  13. DO NOT use extension cords, suspend anything from the ceiling, or cover more than 20% of the walls with posters, papers, etc.


(from the Lake CountyStandard Operating Procedures)

Remember: it is not our job to investigate, only to report[s18].

LAW: School Personnel are obligated to report suspected cases of
child abuse or neglect.
LAW: School Personnel are held harmless for reporting suspected
child abuse or neglect.
LAW: School Personnel are subject to lawsuit for not reporting
suspected child abuse.

Teachers and all other Board employees having personal knowledge ofsuspected childabuse or neglect shall report this information directly to LakeCounty DCF officials per agreement between DCF and Lake County Schoolofficials as of August 17, 1987.

There will be no screening of any reports as tothe validity of potential suspected casesof child abuse.According to the Florida Professional Education State Guidelines[s19], theSchool Boardemployee shall first call 1-800-96 ABUSE and then notify theprincipal.

The following information should be obtained for inclusion when reporting:

Child’s name, address, and date of birth

Names and addresses of people involved

Names and ages of siblings, if known

How to contact the child at home, school, day care, etc.

Nature and extent of the abuse or neglect. Describe the injury exactly(i.e., a bluish-purple bruise measuring 1”x2” on the child’s left upper arm, 3” below the shoulder

Identity of the abuser, if known

Any other information helpful in establishing the abuse or neglect

The reporter should ask which Board employees received information and document their name, the child’s name, the date and the time of the report. If the counselor taking the report states that the report is not valid, ask to speak with the supervisor on duty for clarification.
Teachers and all other Board employees who receive information of suspected child abuse from other sources shall report this information directly to the DCF officials. There will be no screening of any reports as to the validity of potential suspected cases of child abuse. The School Board employee shall first call 1-800-96 ABUSE and then notify the principal.

The supervisor shall report the suspected child abuse or neglect to the Office of Student Services and/or Office of Superintendent. The reporting call to DCF officials shall be made in the principal’soffice.

The general procedure is as follows:

1.Make the report to DCF by phone or fax.

2.Notify guidance and Ms. Caple.

3.Guidance will send a copy of the written report to the student services office and keep one copy on file in the guidance office.

School personnel (counselors and/or administrators) shall cooperate with DCF

investigative officials in conducting abuse or neglect investigations with students in the school during school hours.
The DCF investigative official can interview the student without school personnel being in the conference. However, if the child needs or requests a school official be present, DCF and school officials will make the appropriate arrangements.

Anyone may report suspected child abuse or neglect of a student by a School Board employee to the Office of Superintendent or Student Services.

Child safety units are to be included in your classroom instruction each month. Grade level teachers may plan their units together[s20].


All class parties must have the prior approval of the principal at least one week in advance and a copy of the information must be given to the office.Parties are to be scheduled during the last period of the day. Notify the lunchroom manager two weeks in advance if your students will not be eating in the cafeteria due to a field trip, picnic, or class party. Please notify the office if you are expecting adelivery from a parent or business.


Cleanliness and neatness are essential in all classrooms. Students are to keep their desks neat and have all books and papers off the floor before leaving school daily. Teacher desks, files and bookcases are to be kept orderly. Teachers should periodically remove outdated and unnecessary clutter from the room.Each teacher is responsible for his/her classroom and leaving it neat and orderly each day. Students should not eat or drink in the classroom.

Each class should reflect an atmosphere of purpose. It should be evident that you have a planned program and that the children respond to your directions. Use classroom instructional time wisely; reduce student wait time by giving students a task to do while you are checking roll, setting up a machine, etc. Teachers should handle discipline problems within the classroom whenever possible. Have a classroom management plan and work your plan. PARENT INVOLVEMENT IS IMPERATIVE!

Do not send students to the office, AC room, or nurse without a written statement or accompanied by an adult. Students without note/referral will be sent back to the teacher. The only students to be placed in the AC room to do work are those designated by the administration[s21].
Putting a child outside the classroom for punishment is not permitted. A student must be under adult supervision at all times!Administering punishment to an entire class or group, or sarcasm to students,is not appropriate teacher behavior and will not be accepted.

Withholding academic enhancement opportunities, such as specials (science, PE, keyboarding, library), because of misbehavior or incomplete work, will not be allowed. Work with the student’s parents to improve the completion of work and behavior.[s22]


The Lake County Code of Student Conduct and the CES rules outlined in the student handbookare to be reviewed each semester by all classroom teachers with their assigned students. This review must be documented in teacher’s lesson plans at the beginning of the year, and in January.

If you need copies for school business, please ask for assistance. Personal copies can be made for 5 cents each.


1. Copier-made masters only. Personal copies are 5 cents.
2. Directions for using copy center will be given during preplanning.
3. Plan ahead.Poor planningon your partwill not create an emergency forothers.
4. Each teacher will be allotted 50 feet of laminating film per semester.

Each teacher is responsible for their personal knowledge of the LCEA contract.

All curriculum guides developed by the district must be used by teachers in planning and teaching course content. Regularly scheduled grade level meetings will be required to plan and share strategies for academic improvement. Periodic reviews by teachers at each grade level will be done to ensure that curriculum skill sequencing, based on Next Generation Sunshine State Standards[s23] and focus calendars,is progressing toward completion.


Discipline should be positive and consistent. Whenever possible, handle your own classroom problems. When you have exhausted all your resources on a problem and have contacted the student’s parents, a disciplinary referral to the principal may be needed. Do not refer a child for minor offenses. When a teacher refers a child to the office, a discipline referral sheet MUST be sent[s24]. Each teacher is to formulate a discipline plan and submit it to Ms. Caple by the first week of school. Use good judgment and contact parents frequently.

Each class area should reflect an atmosphere of purpose. It should be evident that you have a planned program and the children respond to your directions.Try to avoid periods of time when students are not engaged in an activity.

It is our job to help students learn to control their own behavior.This requires us to demonstrate follow-through and consistency. Whenever possible, teachers should handle discipline problems within the classroom.Stay in regular communication with parents.
The following procedures will not be used:

  1. Corporal punishment
  2. Classroom suspension (putting a student in the hall). A student must always be under adult supervision.
  3. Administering group punishment, even when in the cafeteria (taking recess).

The following 5-step discipline plan will be implemented:
STEP 1:Misbehavior will be handled by the teacher.
STEP 2: Misbehavior will be handled by the teacher. Parent contact

is required.

STEP 3:Referral to the principal’s office: negative consequences may include work around the school, after-school detentionor time-out in the AC room. PARENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED BY ADMIN.

STEP 4:One to three day in-house suspension; parent conference
will be requested.

STEP 5:Out-of-school suspension for 3-5 days: Parent conference required.

Do not send a student to the AC roomthe office for discipline without a referral form. (Page 7a) If the teacher has made parent contact prior to sending a student to the officethe ACroom, a note will not be sent home unless requested by the teacher.