Clerk: Ms E Haskins, 174 Bradford Road, Shipley BD18 3DE
Tel: 01274 408472; Email:
Sandy Lane Parish Council Meeting
Monday 7th August 2017
To be held at Bethel Baptist Church, Sandy Lane, at 7.30pm
- To receive apologies for absence.
- Declarations of interest:
- To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda;
- To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interest;
- To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate.
- To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on10thJuly2017asa true and correct record (enc.).
- Public forum – Chair to invite questions and suggestions from members of the public for a maximum of 15 minutes.
- To receive representation from the local PCSO and the Neighbourhood Watch group of Meadow Court.
- To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:
- Summer event (including updates on collection permit, banner, refreshments, children’s games, stall holders, portable toilets, ice-cream van, etc.);
- Red phone box/defibrillator;
- Traffic issues;
- Park equipment funding (section 106 funding);
- Emergency planning.
- Planning issues
- Current planning applications:
None received.
7.2Notifications of planning decisions by Bradford Council:
a)17/03189/HOU: the proposed additional window added to existing gable of previous approval 16/08878/HOU (alterations to existing dwelling with two-storey extension and attic) at 150 Haworth Road, Sandy Lane – GRANTED (Parish Council had no objection to this application).
7.3Local Development Plan: To consider any updatesfrom the LDP.
7.4Neighbourhood Area Plan: To consider the consultation for Bingley Neighbourhood Area application.
- Financial matters:
8.1To approve any accounts for payment, including the following:
- BMDC for salariesfor July(£511.08);
- Clerk’s expenses (£TBC), including travel (£TBC) and refreshments (£TBC);
- GS Toilet Hire for toilets for summer event (£60.00);
- Event Entertainment for face painters at summer event (£345.00);
- J Hirst (J W Amusements) for balance of rides at summer event (£700.00)
- Shipley Print UK Ltd (£341.80) for newsletters (£295.00) and summer event banner (£46.80);
- PKF Littlejohn LLP (£120.00) for annual external audit.
8.2External audit: to receive feedback on annual return 2016-17.
- Correspondence received
- Email from pre-school re attendance at summer event;
- Email from local Brownies and Scouts groups re possible attendance at summer event;
- Emails from local PCSO re Parish Council meetings and Neighbourhood Watch;
- Emails from local residents, Ward Cllr Dunbar, local police, Planning Deptand Senior Building Control Surveyor at BMDC re ceasing of development at Wilsden Road;
- Email from local resident re problems with parking on Wilsden Road;
- Email from representative of British Heart Foundation re collection permit at summer event;
- Email from BMDC re Plan-it Bradford Newsletter, July 2017;
- Email from Harden Parish Council Clerk re advice on the Neighbourhood Plan process.
- To identify items for inclusion in the agenda of the next meeting (to include standing items of traffic issues and emergency planning).
- To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting,to be held on Monday 11th September 2017 at Bethel Baptist Church at 7.30pm.
E Haskins (Clerk)