Clerk: Ms E Haskins, 174 Bradford Road, Shipley BD18 3DE

Tel: 01274 408472; Email:

Sandy Lane Parish Council Meeting

Monday 7th August 2017

To be held at Bethel Baptist Church, Sandy Lane, at 7.30pm


  1. To receive apologies for absence.
  1. Declarations of interest:
  1. To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda;
  2. To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interest;
  3. To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate.
  1. To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on10thJuly2017asa true and correct record (enc.).
  1. Public forum – Chair to invite questions and suggestions from members of the public for a maximum of 15 minutes.
  1. To receive representation from the local PCSO and the Neighbourhood Watch group of Meadow Court.
  1. To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:
  2. Summer event (including updates on collection permit, banner, refreshments, children’s games, stall holders, portable toilets, ice-cream van, etc.);
  3. Red phone box/defibrillator;
  4. Traffic issues;
  5. Park equipment funding (section 106 funding);
  6. Emergency planning.
  1. Planning issues
  2. Current planning applications:

None received.

7.2Notifications of planning decisions by Bradford Council:

a)17/03189/HOU: the proposed additional window added to existing gable of previous approval 16/08878/HOU (alterations to existing dwelling with two-storey extension and attic) at 150 Haworth Road, Sandy Lane – GRANTED (Parish Council had no objection to this application).

7.3Local Development Plan: To consider any updatesfrom the LDP.

7.4Neighbourhood Area Plan: To consider the consultation for Bingley Neighbourhood Area application.

  1. Financial matters:

8.1To approve any accounts for payment, including the following:

  1. BMDC for salariesfor July(£511.08);
  2. Clerk’s expenses (£TBC), including travel (£TBC) and refreshments (£TBC);
  3. GS Toilet Hire for toilets for summer event (£60.00);
  4. Event Entertainment for face painters at summer event (£345.00);
  5. J Hirst (J W Amusements) for balance of rides at summer event (£700.00)
  6. Shipley Print UK Ltd (£341.80) for newsletters (£295.00) and summer event banner (£46.80);
  7. PKF Littlejohn LLP (£120.00) for annual external audit.

8.2External audit: to receive feedback on annual return 2016-17.

  1. Correspondence received
  • Email from pre-school re attendance at summer event;
  • Email from local Brownies and Scouts groups re possible attendance at summer event;
  • Emails from local PCSO re Parish Council meetings and Neighbourhood Watch;
  • Emails from local residents, Ward Cllr Dunbar, local police, Planning Deptand Senior Building Control Surveyor at BMDC re ceasing of development at Wilsden Road;
  • Email from local resident re problems with parking on Wilsden Road;
  • Email from representative of British Heart Foundation re collection permit at summer event;
  • Email from BMDC re Plan-it Bradford Newsletter, July 2017;
  • Email from Harden Parish Council Clerk re advice on the Neighbourhood Plan process.
  1. To identify items for inclusion in the agenda of the next meeting (to include standing items of traffic issues and emergency planning).
  1. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting,to be held on Monday 11th September 2017 at Bethel Baptist Church at 7.30pm.

E Haskins (Clerk)