The Diocese of Southwark MDR: Agreed Record

Copies to:

Clergy file (for Area Bishop and Archdeacon);

Bishop with Extended Episcopal Oversight where appropriate;
Diocesan Bishop;

Ministry & Training (without final page).

Ministerial Development Review

Agreed Record

This form is to be completed at the end of your review.

Forms will be passed to the Archdeacon’s PA for distribution or filing as above. You should leave your review with a copy or request one from the Archdeacon’s PA as soon as possible.

The purpose of this agreed record is to enable you to be supported in meeting and fulfilling the objectives and needs identified in your review.


Parish / Chaplaincy / place of work

(note: more than one answer may apply)

MDR Reviewer

Date of MDR

Which Preparatory Form Did You Use

The pages which follow summarise ministerial and developmental priorities, and training needs.

They also suggest that you outline milestones in relation to these priorities, noting them in your diary so that the work done in your review remains useful to you throughout the forthcoming eighteen months. Your review will not tell you how to meet your training needs; that is how Ministry & Training can help.

The final page allows you to note anything of which you would like the Bishop to be particularly aware.

Education/Development from previous MDR: what education or development did you do after your last MDR? Did it help you to meet your objectives? Will it help with your new ones?
For example: objective: church growth; MDR: Leading your Church into Growth course; evidence for church growth: increased October count; new people in house/bible study/confirmation groups.
In the light of the Diocesan mission strategy, my top 3 priorities for ministry and development are:
e.g. equip others to preach the gospel / e.g.enhance skills in running small groups / Datesix months from now
Aimidentify course or literature to enable me to enthuse people to do this / In 18 months time, I hope to have lay leaders equipped to discuss faith within and beyond the congregation
e.g. improved communications / e.g. improve pc skills; talking to wardens / Dateone year from now
Aimplans in place owned by PCC for new noticeboard / We’ll have a new noticeboard


The Diocese of Southwark MDR: Agreed Record

Copies to:

Clergy file (for Area Bishop and Archdeacon);

Bishop with Extended Episcopal Oversight where appropriate;
Diocesan Bishop;

Ministry & Training (without final page).

In order to realise the above priorities, I identified the following Continuing Professional Development needs with my reviewer in the course of my MDR:
Important(for core ministry or specific purpose e.g preaching, stewardship, conflict, leadership): / Time specific- ideally within six months, for specific ministerial skills or to resolve difficulty.
Personal(something you would like to do): / Professional(learning which will enhance your ministry now or in the future):

In order to meet these learning and development needs, I have considered the following:

Kind of Learning
Area /subject? Course (long or short)? Study? Internet research? Work consultant? / Intention
What should be different when this need is met? / Making it happen
What have I done /will I do about this? Who could help? / Timescale When would I like to start or end this?

I would like to speak with the CPD Officer/ the Director of Ministerial Education:

(please tick the box if you would like a conversation; underline the preferred officer if applicable)

Other comments (if any):
Signature: Date:
Reviewer signature:Date:

I would like the Bishop to be aware of the following information as a result of my Ministerial Development Review additional to that which is given below concerning priorities for the coming months.

Signature: Date:
Reviewer signature:Date: