CLC 103: Survey of the Bible

New Testament Exam

Name: ______Date: ______

Please answer the following questions from Talk Thru the Bible (TTB) by Wilkinson and Boa. Thanks!

READING (25 possible points):

_____ I have read all of the New Testament sections in TTB (p. 1-303)

_____ I have read part of the New Testament sections in TTB. How many pages? _____

_____ I have not read any of the New Testament sections in TTB

signature date

REVIEW (5 points each, 75 possible points):

1.  (p. 301-303) How many books are there in the New Testament?

(a) 27 (c) 43

(b) 39 (d) 66

2.  (p. 301-303) What are the three sections of the New Testament and how many books are in each section?




3.  (p. 305-308) What are the five historical books?






4.  (p. 306) What is the theme of each of the four Gospels?

1.  Matthew –

2.  Mark –

3.  Luke –

4.  John –

5. (p. 348) Which Gospel contains the most Old Testament quotes?

(a) Matthew (c) Luke

(b) Mark (d) John

6. (p. 348) Which Gospel contains the highest percentage of unique material?

(a) Matthew (c) Luke

(b) Mark (d) John

7. (p. 352) Which two of the historical books were written by the same author?

(a) Matthew and Acts (c) Luke and Acts

(b) Mark and Acts (d) John and Acts

8. (p. 353) Which chapter/verse in Acts is the summary statement (key verse)?

(a) Acts 1:8 (c) Acts 6:9

(b) Acts 2:33 (d) Acts 13:3

9. (p. 367-371) How many of Paul’s letters were to churches?

(a) 4 (c) 9

(b) 7 (d) 13

10. (p. 367-371) How many of Paul’s letters were to individuals?

(a) 4 (c) 9

(b) 7 (d) 13

11. (p. 367-371) How many missionary journeys did Paul go on?

(a) 1 (c) 3

(b) 2 (d) 4

12. (p. 447) Which of Paul’s letters is described as a “Leadership Manual”?

(a) Romans (c) Philippians

(b) Ephesians (d) I Timothy

13. (p. 449-452) How many non-Pauline letters are there in the New Testament?

(a) 4 (c) 9

(b) 7 (d) 17

14. (p. 507) Which of the non-Pauline letters is referred to as the “Fellowship Barometer”?

(a) Hebrews (c) I John

(b) James (d) Revelation

15. (p. 507) Which of the non-Pauline letters describes “Coming Events”?

(a) Hebrews (c) I John

(b) James (d) Revelation