Honors Anatomy and Physiology Course Syllabus

Mrs. Sorbello

Course Description: Anatomy and Physiology involves the study of the structure and function of the human body from the molecular level of organization to the organ system level of organization. The study of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates from the shark to the cat will take place with dissections of a dogfish, mudpuppy and a cat. Evolutionary advances of each animal are emphasized during the dissections. Lab experiences are essential and several independent projects will be given throughout the year.

New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards:

5.1 Science Practices and 5.3 Life Science.

Readings, Projects, Assignments and Lab Activities:

Students will be required to read their textbook and any assigned reading for current events. In addition to reading of the text, material will be covered through lecture, class discussions, homework, special projects, online research, group discussions and lab activities.


  • Each student will be issued a book. It is their responsibility to cover the book and bring the book to class every day.
  • Students will be encouraged to visit my website for power point presentations and handouts for class.

Supplies needed:

It is very important that each student have

  • A 3 ring binder, preferably at least 2 inches
  • Paper, pens (blue or black ink only!) and pencils (for labs)

Grading System and Assessment of Student Performance:

Student performance will be assessed as follows:

50% Tests/projects

30% Quizzes/labs


Cell phones

  • Not allowed in class unless specified by the teacher. There may be times where we use the technology to answer questions. However, if I have to speak to the student about their phone, an email/call home will be made.


  • If you or your parents have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at school at the following address: . I will check my e-mail periodically throughout the day.
  • Also, I will be available after school for extra help. Please take advantage of this as sometimes a few minutes after school makes a world of difference on an assignment/test.

Website: My website is a useful tool. Go to click on Woodstown High School, then click on teachers. Once on my home page, click on Anatomy. All power points and worksheets that can be uploaded will be located here. Information sheets on projects or study guides are also located here.

FAILURE TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT – page 39 of student handbook

It is the responsibility of the student to complete any and all assignments by the assigned due date. In the event that a student doesn’t complete an assignment by the assigned due date, the student will be assigned an Academic Detention each day until the assignment is completed. If the assignment is a take-home quiz or test, research paper, or project with at least a two-week timeline and is not completed by the designated date, there will be a deduction of 10 percentage points from the grade earned as well as a detention assigned everyday until the assignment is completed.

Science Department Re-test policy

  • Student must have all assignments completed for the subject tested prior to the first test, to be eligible for the retest.
  • Student must successfully complete an additional assignment given by the teacher, such as a review.
  • Student must meet with their science teacher outside of class time or attend a science lab prior to the retest test.
  • Students will be given one opportunity for re-take per assessment.
  • The make-up test must be completed in 1 week from the date the assessment was put into powerschool.