CalvertonPrimary School

Design and Technology



Design and Technology Policy


The main aim of Design and Technology is to enable pupils to learn how to contribute to and intervene creatively and constructively to improve the made world in a rapidly changing technological society. It should enable pupils to become discriminating citizens and also to be able to contribute to their home, the community and industry: by having a better understanding of products and the associated values: by developing specific technology skills needed to produce quality practical solutions to real problems. Design and Technology is learning through doing and provides an excellent basis for enhancing and consolidation of other curriculum areas. (Source-DATA)


At Calverton,

  • children should develop their creative, imaginative and evaluative thinking in a constructive way;
  • children should be enabled to experience technological capability with a wide range of materials;
  • all children should be provided with equal access to the Design and Technology curriculum and to raise awareness of the technology of other cultures;
  • children should be able explore values about and attitudes to the made world and how we live and work within it;
  • children should develop an understanding of technological processes, products, their manufacture and their contribution to our society;
  • promote good health and safety awareness and practices;
  • develop good ‘housekeeping with an awareness of using materials efficiently, looking after products and equipment and storing them correctly;
  • encourage independence, cooperation and collaboration.
  • children should develop skills in communication, problem solving, application of number and information technology;
  • children will be able to apply these skills in a range of contexts using the types of materials specified in National Curriculum.


Design and Technology will be achieved through the following key features:

Types of activity

Children will be given opportunities to develop their capability through:

  • assignments in which children design and make products (DMAs);
  • focused practical tasks in which children practise particular skills (FPTs);
  • activities in which children investigate, disassemble and evaluate products (IDEAs).

Elements within activities:

  • Developing ideas
  • Planning
  • Making products
  • Evaluating

Planning of the activities in design and technology will be carried out so that they build upon the prior learning of the children. Children of all abilities will be given the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding and planned progression will also be built into the scheme of work, so that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school. The challenge for teachers is to cover all of the content in good quality and thorough planning.

Health and Safety

The school agrees to abide by statutory health and safety guidelines as outlined by the LEA (see copy of “Be Safe! Some Aspects of Safety in School Science and Technology for Key Stages 1 and 2 ” booklet that is available in the DT cupboard). SMT and the DT Coordinator will monitor Health and Safety to ensure compliance with legal requirements.

In general, teachers will always teach the safe use of tools and equipment and insist on good practice. Children will be taught to return tools to the tool board when not in use.

Hand tools are used under close supervision of a member of staff or an adult who has been instructed in its safe use.

The craft knives will only be used by responsible Year 6 children under direct supervision. The glue gun will be used by Key Stage 2 children under supervision only when there is no other appropriate joinery technique. When using the glue guns, the children should be well supervised. There should be a designated area for using the glue gun. Only one child should be in the area using the gun at any one time. All other children should be kept away. The item glued should be left for a few minutes to cool. If a child should burn him/herself, the wound should be run under the cold tap for several minutes. If there is any doubt about the severity of the burn, the designated First Aider (see staff room notice board) or the Head Teacher should be consulted.

Food-hygiene and safety

Perishable food will be bought and used on the day it is needed. Teachers and adult support staff will ensure that cupboards, tabletops cooker etc. are clean and in working order. Plastic aprons will be worn by adults and children and they are always to follow strict hygiene principles.

Curriculum Links

D.T. draws upon children's knowledge and skills in other subjects particularly Science, I.C.T., Mathematics, Language, Art and Personal and Social Education. To support their design effort should be made to fit D.T. into the topics covered in each year group. Opportunities should be given to develop and apply their I.C.T. skills through the study of Design and Technology. Children should be encouraged to obtain, prepare, process and present into, and to communicate ideas with increasing independence.

D.T. can be made relevant by using interesting contexts for children's activities. Where possible, children design and make responding to real needs and opportunities, or those they can relate to e.g. using a story as a starting point.

Equal Opportunities

All pupils will have equal access to the design and technology curriculum irrespective of race, gender or ability. Examples of technology from other cultures are a rich resource in the curriculum. Pupils with special needs will be considered when planning units of work and opportunities for differentiation will be considered for all ability levels of pupils in the planning.

Design and Technology provides opportunities to address some of the gender stereotypes children may have. Steps will be taken in classroom organisation to ensure that all pupils experience equal access to all activities, tools and materials.

Resource Management and Accommodation

An inventory of resources is available. It outlines the Design and Technology materials available and the teacher’s resources. Resources are shared and all staff. The teacher’s resources, replacement materials and shared resources are stored in the DT cupboard along the corridor by year 5 and 6. Some resources are also available from the Art and Science cupboards respectively. The DT Cupboards are available only to staff. It will be kept locked and the key will be kept in the general office. Under no circumstance should children be sent into the DT cupboard.

It is the responsibility of the teachers, Curriculum Team and Co-ordinator:

  • to review the position and use of technology resources;
  • ensuring the efficient deployment of existing resources;
  • updating and renewing their replacement when necessary, considering further purchasing to meet future needs.

Community Links

Opportunities to use the community as a resource will be encouraged. Parents and other members of the local community will be welcomed into the school to talk to children about aspects of this subject. Resources available in the immediate locality will be utilised and reference to the agricultural and horticultural nature of the area will be made when dealing with food topics.

Assessment, Recording and Reporting

See school’s Policy for Assessment, Recording and Reporting

Curriculum Time

An average of one hour per week is to be spent on Design and Technology. This time allocation can be blocked together to create longer periods of time.

Role of the co-ordinator

  • lead the development of design and technology on the school
  • provide guidance to individual members of staff
  • keep up to date with local and national developments in design and technology and disseminate relevant information
  • regularly update staff on new tools, materials etc.
  • review and monitor the success and progress of the planned units if work
  • order stock linked to the planned units of work at the end of each term
  • be responsible for the organisation and maintenance of design and technology resources.
  • carry out an inventory yearly of working tools to aid with ongoing ordering.
  • identify training relevant for staff and liaise with CPD Co-ordinator to arrange appropriate courses.

INSET Provision

See Policy for Professional Development.

Agreed by staff Date: ……………………………...

Agreed by Governors Date: ……………………………...

Date to be Reviewed Date: ………………………………
