Claudia Shapiro
1920’s Notes
- Talkies: movies with sound
- “The Bob” haircuts: short haircut
- Flappers: risqué, sexy women
- Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929, stock market crashed
- Great Depression
- Prohibition: ban on sale and consumption of alcohol
- Diners, Drive Throughs
- Dates on front porch (before cars)
- Refridgerator
- Radio
- General Motors (GM)
- Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
- ATT telephones
- Cars:
- “Struggle Buggie” (General Motors)
- Highways
- Frequent vacation
- Babe Ruth: baseball player for NY Yankees
- Alcoholic
- Womanizer
- Foul mouth
- Charles Lindberg: pilot
- Flew from New York to Paris
- Nazi supporter, fascist
- Baby kidnapped for ransom
- Al Capone “Scar Face”: leader of the mob
- Organized crime against Prohibition
- Valentine’s Day Massacre
- Alcatraz – died of syphallis
- Klu Klux Klan (KKK)
- 5% of population
- Discriminated against Jews, Cristians, anyone with different values
- Clara Bow: movie star
- Original flapper
- Symbol of sex appeal
Causes of Cultural Changes
- Prohibition: ban of sale and consumption of alcohol
- Women suffrage (19th amendment): women’s right to vote
- Spanish Flu: 20-40 million people died worldwide
- WWI and the Horror
- End of Russian Revolution (1917-1923)
- Post WWI depression
- General strike of everything in Seattle in 1919
Clash of Cultures
- Very conservative
- Church, KKK: “stop unstoppable forces”
- Wanted to keep everything conservative and traditional
- 4-6 million people in KKK
- Thought they were moral
- John T. Scopes: arrested for teaching evolution in Tennessea
- Rebellion
- Flappers: sexy women
- Short dresses
- Short hair
- Sex appeal
- Beauty changed
- More makeup
- Short hair
- More revealing clothing
- Women
- Women in workplace: secretaries, telephone operators
- Women suffrages: right to vote, 19th amendment
- Flappers: young independent, partiers, sexy, risqué
- Politics
- The Red Scare: communism, sent 1000 people to Russia
- Sacco and Vanzetti: Italian men accused of killing bank guard(s) in 1921
- Executed in 1927
- Later found to be innocent
- National Origins Act: limited immigration
- Scopes Monkey Trial: Scopes arrested for teaching evolution
- Defense: Clarence Darrow
- Prosecution: William JenningsBryan
- Warren Harding: “a return to normalcy”
- Teapot Domes Scandal: leased federal land
- Calvin Coolidge: “the business of government is business”
- Also known as “Silent Cow” because did nothing for country
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR): 1933 saved Depression
- Changes in the work place
- Consumerism: buying a lot, by with installment plans
- Stock Market crash: Great Depression
- October 29, 1929-1942
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Organized Crime
- Mafia
- Valentine’s Day Massacre
- Al Capone: leader
- Tax evasion
- Alcatraz
- Prohibition: ban on sale and consumption of alcohol
- Enforced by Volstead Act
- Speakeasies: under cover bars
- Ended in 1932
Rise of Women
- Flappers
- Dancing: swing dance, Charleston
- Slang:
- Ossified: drunk
- Banana oil: non-sense, insincere flattery
- Swanky: elegant
- Keen: good looking
- Cake-eater: ladies man
- Hotsy-totsy: pleasing
- Cat’s meow: admirable, wonderful
Music and Literature
- Harlem Renaissance: cultural expansion in Harlem
- Creation of Jazz: “the only American art form”
- Langston Hughes: author
- Lost Generation: white authors went to Paris to escape consumerism in America
- Earnest Hemingway
- Georgia O’Keefe: painter
- Yonic imagery: female falic, feminism
- Dadaism: nonsense, purposefully having no point
- Surrealism: world unbalanced, uncomfortable
- Art Deco: architectural style, clean lines, simple, straightforward
- George and Ira Gershwin: composers of Broadway scores
- Charlie Chaplin: silent movie star
- Clara Bow: movie star, “It” girl
- Talkies: movies with sound
- First: Al Jolsom – Black face acting
The Roaring 20’s
Lucas Waldburger
- Women began to drink in bars as well.
- Causes
- Flu: kills 20-40 million
- Prohibition of alcohol
- Post WWI depression
- Woman’s suffrage
- Russian revolution
- Women joined the work force and where no longer dependent on others for income.
- Flappers changed how the “perfect woman” looked like.
Red Scare
- Planned to be a world-wide revolution
- Led to creation of National Origins Act
- Harding:“return to normalcy”
- Teapot dome scandal – illegal leases
- Coolidge: “the business of government is business”
- Hoover: considered the worst president in history because he was in office when the stock market crashed.
- Dawes Plan – U.S. businesses would lend 2.5 billion dollars to pay reparations of WWI, then Germany would pay the Allies, which owed money to the U.S. government.
- Installment Plans – pay something over time. Caused americans to buy a lot and end in debt.
- October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed.
- Effects of the crash
- Organized crime
- Bootlegging – alcohol
- Speakeasies
- Bolsted Act – inforced prohibition
- Conservatism
- KKK – 4 to 6 million members
- Christian Fundamentalism – grew after WWI
- Harlem Renaissance – hundreds of artists (authors, musicians, poets); creation of jazz
- Art
Georgia O’Keefe – painter
Art Deco – desire for simplicity
Surrealism – reality but skewed
Dadaism – art with no purpose -> because life has no purpose
- Entertainment
Charlie Chaplin
Geore and Ira Gershwin
Clara Bow – the “it” girl