TIME:45 Minutes
MATERIALS: Photo Visuals, Where Plaque Hides Visual, Keeping Teeth Healthy Visuals, Mirrors, Cups, Napkins and Disclosing Tablets, The Case of the Invisible Plaque/Now I See It, Soon I Won’t Worksheets, Large Disclosing Visuals, Cardboard Tooth Model and Wild Flosser visual, Wild Flossers for students, Typodent and Large Toothbrush, Small Toothbrush and Pencils.
1. Greet students. Use your photo visuals to show students examples of tooth decay and gum disease. Be sure to point out the decay between the teeth. Ask students to recall the cause of these dental diseases. (Plaque) Ask students why it is hard to remove plaque that is on our teeth and gums. (Germs are invisible to the human eye.) Hold up the Where Plaque Hides visual, and tell students that by using disclosing tablets they will be able to see the invisible plaque in their mouths and more effectively remove it. Hold up the pink-tinted Where Plaque Hides visual.
2. Using your Keeping Teeth Healthy visuals, ask students to recall the things we can do to keep our teeth and gums healthy. (Brush, floss, fluoride, sealants, healthy snacks, visit the dentist.) Ask students which of these things are useful for removing plaque daily. (Brushing
and flossing.) Tell students that they will be brushing and flossing today to remove the plaque
they are about to see. Distribute mirrors, cups, napkins, disclosing tablets, and The Case of the Invisible Plaque/Now I See It, Soon I Won’t worksheets to all students, except those whose parents/guardians declined by returning a slip. (All students receive flossers and participate in flossing and brushing segments.)
3. Using the worksheet as a guide, begin with #1 and proceed with the disclosing activity. Have students turn the worksheet over and shade in the areas where they see plaque on their teeth. Use your cardboard tooth model and Wild Flosser visual to demonstrate correct flossing technique. Lead students through flossing practice, observing and making suggestions for improvement. Use your typodent and large toothbrush to review the brushing technique you demonstrated at Visit #1, then lead the students in brushing, using your own smalltoothbrush. At the conclusion of these two activities, have students complete the bottom section of the worksheet as you collect the mirrors.
4. Thank students for their cooperation; leave pencils for students.