Jonathan Blake Shaw – Physical Science
Classroom Rules and Grading Procedures
Classroom Rules
- Obey all school rules.
- Be respectful to others and their property.
- Be in your seat when the bell rings.
- Bring all necessary books and materials to class.
Consequences for Breaking Classroom Rules
1st time – Verbal Warning
2nd time – Break Detention
3rd time – Afterschool detention or office referral
An office referral will be written for severe 1st time offences.
Detention will be assigned at my convenience regardless of your after school commitments.
Classroom Procedures
- You may choose your seat. However, Mr. Shaw can and will assign individual students to sit in a specific seat. Mr. Shaw may also put the entire class in a seating chart.
- You must be in the room before the bell rings or else you are tardy and will spend the remainder of class in ISD. If you are late, you may be allowed in class but will be assigned break detention.
- Enter the classroom quietly. Once you are in the classroom you will sit down in your seat and quietly answer the bell ringer.
- Pencils will be sharpened before class begins or after I have made your assignment.
- Group work will be assigned on a random basis. Group size and members will vary depending on the activity. I will assign students to a group.
Zeros will be given on all work to all parties involved if cheating has occurred.
- Make-up work: Students will have three days to complete any make-up work. After three days a grade of zero will be assigned. It is your responsibility to ask your teacher for your work as well as to schedule a time to take missed quizzes and tests.
- The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell. Class will not be dismissed until everyone is quite, desks are in order, and the area around your desk is clean. I will not write you a pass to your next class if you are late.
Grading System
Students will keep a notebook of all required materials. Notebooks will be graded the day before or the day after a test. The contents of your notebook must be kept in a specific order. The order of your notebook’s content will be posted on the class website. Please keep up with your notebook.
Notebooks will contain the following items:
- All notes taken in class
- Handouts
- Other assignments done in class such as worksheets, study guides, etc…
- Any other work deemed notebook worthy
If you are absent and miss notes, it is your responsibility to make sure you have those notes in your notebook. An excused absence will not exclude you from not having notes in your notebook.
- Late notebooks will be accepted. A notebook is considered late if it is not turned in during the period you have this class. The penalty for a late notebook is 1 point/day.
- Penalty for having notebook content in the wrong order: 1 point.
- Grading policy:
A. Tests & Projects50%
B. Notebook10%
C. Labs, Group Work & Classwork10%
D. Quizzes30%
Technology and BYOD
Students who own an electronic communication device (ECD) are encouraged to bring them to class. However, ECDs are not always conducive to student learning. Therefore, all devices should be turned off and stored according to the Calhoun County Student Handbook.
Permission must be given to every student on a daily basis in order to use his/her ECD. Failure to ask permission to use an ECD is a rule violation and the appropriate disciplinary action will occur.
I highly encourage all students to read the following sections of the Calhoun County Student Handbook:
Pages 23 – 27 (Student Acceptable Use Policy)
Page 27 (Cell Phone Policy)
Page 30 – 34 (Rule Violations and Consequences)
Page 33 (Dress Code)
Classroom Requirements – Bring everyday to class.
- Pencil (Work completed using a pen will not be accepted.)
- Textbook
- Notebook & notebook paper
- Scientific calculator
- Note cards (3x5)
Course Description: During the first semester we will study physics related topics and content. The second semester will consist of chemistry and chemistry related topics. During this course we will study matter, atoms, the periodic table, types of chemical bonds, chemical reactions, motion, force, acceleration, work, energy, heat, waves, simple machines, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism. We WILL work EVERYDAY in this class. You can expect notes, labs, quizzes, activities, group work, group projects, worksheets, and tests during the year.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guarding email: ______
Please keep this paper in your notebook.