
Homework for the Week of October 2nd –October 6th

Early Release

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Math Page
Math facts / Math Page
Math facts / Math Page
Math facts / Math Page
Math facts / Weekly Assessments
Blog: Tell me about one American symbol that we have talked about. / Blog Response due.
Read for 20 minutes / Read for 20 minutes / Read for 20 minutes / Read for 20 minutes

Parent Information


Last week, we wrapped up our unit on how choices affect our relationships. As part of that unit, students explored American laws/rules and symbols of freedom. We discussed the freedom to make choices, and that those choices have consequences. This week, we will begin our unit on Native Americans. We will begin by exploring California and its four regions. Students will learn characteristics of these specific regions. They will learn resources found in each area and how we use them to help us survive. In math, we continue to explore date, charts and graphs.

Multiplication Facts: Please note that students are tested on their facts every Tuesday. They will receive their slip indicating if they have passed their list or not. I test multiplication in the following order: 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10 (these are usually introduced in second grade). I then move on to 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Once students pass these lists, I move onto mixed lists A-F. Students that master multiplication lists will be moved to division. I highly encourage students to be close to full mastery by Winter Break. We usually begin our division units when we return in January.

Parent Conferences: I will soon be sending home a letter explaining how to sign up for a day and time for parent/teacher conferences.


October 2nd-6th: Harvest Dance tickets on sale before and after school

October 13th: Harvest Dance

October 20th: Picture Day

October 23rd- 27th: Parent/Teacher Conferences (I will be sending home information on how to sign up for a day and time)

October 23rd-27th: Red Ribbon Week

Have a great week,

Mrs. Hewitson