Mr. C.J. Witt

(615) 904-3850 ext. 22989

Classroom requirements, guidelines, and grading policy

  1. The guidelines of Blackman High School and Code of Conduct and Discipline for Rutherford County School System will be enforced. Any offense or disruption in class may receive any of the following:

1st Offense - Verbal Warning

2nd Offense-Verbal Warning (documented)

3rd Offense-Parent Contact

4th Offense-Administration

  1. Students should always bring their notebook, paper, pen or pencil to class every day.
  2. Pencils should be sharpened before and NOT during class.
  3. Use only Blue or black ink pens on assignments that are turned in.
  4. Always be prepared for each class, regardless of schedule or activities.
  5. Students should be in class before the tardy bell starts to ring.
  6. If you are late to my class you will go to E- 02 for a tardy slip.
  7. Students should be aware of the tardiness policy.
  8. Absences:
  9. Avoid being absent whenever possible.
  10. Be aware of the attendance policy.
  11. Make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Students have 5 days to make up all work.
  12. Do not ask to go to your locker. Bring all needed material to class.
  13. Safety:
  14. Keep your chair and desk on the floor at all times.
  15. Keep your chair and desk in their designated spot. DO NOT MOVE ANYTHING UNLESS TOLD TO DO SO.
  16. Pick up around your chair at the end of class.
  17. Remain in your seat until the bell rings to dismiss you.
  18. Walk and do not run when the bell rings to dismiss class.
  19. Students will have the option of using the class set of textbooks, getting their own textbook or using the on-line textbook for the class. A limited number of textbooks will be available to check out from the teacher to make up work for the class.
  20. Most importantly be respectful, no drama, no food, and do not have cell phones, headphones, etc. visible during class time.
  21. Do not talk while I am talking!
  22. There may be designated times allotted for these items and I will tell you when you are able to use them.

Evaluation/Grade Determination

A student’s grade will be determined through several different types of evaluations.

1. Formative Assessments (50% each grading period)

  • Minor quizzes
  • Minor lab procedures
  • Practice problems/Classwork
  • Projects
  • Notes
  • Class Participation

2. Summative Assessments (50% each grading period)

  • Major Examinations, including 9-weeks test

Required Materials:Composition notebook, folder and paper, pencils and/or pens (blue or black ink only), colored pencils, and calculator.

Suggested Materials: graph paper, ruler, highlighters (not required but may help during certain activities).

Physical Science Syllabus Review Form

Student Name:

Student Email:

I have read and reviewed the course syllabus and agree to the terms for the 2017-18 school year.

Student Signature:

Parent Name:

Parent Signature:

Parent Email:

Parent Contact Number: