Central Oregon Community College
Classroom Observation Summary: Part Time Faculty
Pre-Observation Form to be Completed Prior to Classroom Visit
Note: The completed form will be submitted to the respective Department Chair who will forward a copy to HR and the Instructional Dean by June 1 of the evaluation year.
In preparation for the classroom observation, please provide a syllabus, a sample assignment you’ve given or are going to give and the following information to the faculty member who will be observing your class.
Observer______Site ______
Provide a brief overview of what was covered in the preceding class session and what is planned in the session being observed.
What could the person observing your class focus on that will most help you improve your teaching?
Describe your assessment practices and explain how they connect to student learning outcomes.
What concerns you the most about teaching this course? Are there any areas that you are having difficulty with, in or outside of the classroom (Student interaction, group work, maintaining policy, resources, etc.)?
What assistance from C.O.C.C. would be beneficial to help you become a better instructor?
Are there other questions or concerns you have that can be addressed either in the classroom visit follow-up session or by the department or department chair?
Syllabus Checklist: all should be present on syllabus
____ Course Information: CRN/Course Number/Title, term, location, and time
____ Instructor Contact: Name, office location, office hours, phone, email
____ Course Description (verify match to COCC catalog)
____ Pre-requisite courses or recommended preparation and how course fits
into college degree or certificate programs
____ Course Specific Student Learning Outcomes
____ Department, Program or Gen Ed Outcomes (if applicable)
____Primary instructional methods or approaches
____Textbooks, required readings, outside materials, ISBNs required
____ Course Schedule/topics (weekly overview of activities, important due
____Assessment Practices: linked to outcomes (tests, quizzes, papers, group
work, discussions); and how to find assignment criteria (ie: Bb, handouts)
____ Grading scale and policies for missed work, absences, or extra credit.
____College Policies:
____Link to Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook
____Course rules/disruptive behavior
____Other: department/course specific such as Injury, Physical Contact,
Participation, Student insurance, etc.
Note: The completed form will be submitted to the respective Department Chairwho will forward a copy to HR and the Instructional Dean by June 1 of the evaluation year.
Course______Site ______Time IN/OUT______
Observer______# of students present/registered: ____/____
Topic/s being taught this day: ______
Check those items you were able to observe during your visit. Note: Checklist is based on COCC Common Teaching Standards described in the Peer Evaluation Handbook.
( – Observed, no concerns or suggestions; X- Observed, note comments or suggestions below; NO – Not observed, please comment; NA – Not Applicable)
The Instructor:
____Arrived early enough before class to meet with students
____Started and finished class on time
____Explained the day’s learning objectives and expectations clearly, using vocabulary that
was appropriate to subject and audience
____Provided feedback on returned assignments and gave directions for attaining success on upcoming assignments
____Demonstrated a strong foundation in the content materials and evidence of staying abreast of
the field. (Note in comment section below if you are a non-content evaluator)
____Was clearly prepared for the class, including supporting materials/technology which enhanced the lesson
____Communicated passion and enthusiasm for the subject
____Demonstrated strong voice, adequate pace, volume and non-verbal cues
____Encouraged meaningful student participation in the class
____Encouraged creative ideas, critical thinking and appropriate use of connections to student’s life experiencesand remained respectful to differing views
____Explained connections of materials to application outside the classroom
____Acknowledged student input and answered student questions appropriately
____Effectively managed class discussion and if necessary exhibited effective conflict resolution skills
____Closed the class by effectively reviewing key concepts and agenda items
Please comment on any areas marked “X” or “NO” above:
Please list 3-5 positive aspects of the class (things you thought the instructor did very well):
Please offer at least two constructive suggestions to improve the instruction or course.
Additional notes (if needed) including any information based on follow-up visit with the faculty member (please attach added materials).
Observer’s signature & position: ______
Observed Faculty Member Signature & Date of Follow up Visit______
Received by Department Chair (Signature and Date)______
Date of Submission to HR File and Instructional Dean______