Classroom Observation Report

*To be completed by someone other than the student’s general education teacher.

Student Name: ______

School District: ______Date of Observation:______

Observer:______Time Started:______Time Ended:______

Teacher Observed:______Class size: ______

Where did the student sit? ______

Please briefly describethe type of classand lesson presented:

Reading , Math, Written Expression, Social Studies/Science, other______


Academics Part I: Based upon your observation please place a check mark by the items listed below that describe the student according to the area(s) of concern.


Problems reading orally

Problems with word attack /decoding

Loses place easily

Reads fluently and accurately


Written Expression:

Difficulties with spelling

Difficulties with handwriting



Problems with number recognition

Problems solving word problems

Poor understanding of money values

Problems with math facts


Listening Comprehension:

Problems following verbal instructions

Answers questions inappropriately

Needs questions repeated


Oral Expression and Speech:

Problems expressing thought and ideas

Problems speaking clearly

Poor sentence structure

Problems with grammar

Articulation errors



Visual Motor Coordination and Memory:

Problems with paper/pencil tasks

Problems copying from the board

Visual/ Auditory memory concerns

Poor retention of material


Behavior Part II: Based upon your observation, please place a check mark by the items listed that describe the student in comparison to other students in the same grade.

Classroom skills:

Poor organization of classroom material

Poor listening in class

Poor note taking

Poor class participation

Called on in class and answered incorrectly

Needed teacher prompting to answer correctly

Not prepared for class with necessary materials

Participated in class

Raised hand in class to participate

Called on in class and answered correctly


Behavior skills (during instruction time):

Trouble following directions

Problems staying on task

Difficulty maintaining self-control

Aggressive behavior

Impulsive behavior

Wastes class time

Fidgeting with items

Difficulty sitting in chair

Out of desk often


Behavior skills (during work time):

Initiates tasks without help

Demands help in order to start

Belittles own work

Requests assistance to start tasks

Actively refuses to do task

Needs verbal encouragement

Seeks constant reassurance

Complains before starting tasks

Passively retreats from tasks

Becomes easily frustrated

Problems with homework completion

Poor independent study skills

Completes tasks requested

Good independent study skills

Problems completing class-work

Works well independently


Teacher/Student interaction:

Seeks teacher attention

Non-demanding manner in the classroom

Needs teacher proximity

Verbally/Physically abuses teacher

Rejects teacher support

Accepts teacher support when needed


Peer/Student Interaction:

Poor interaction with peers

Poor participating in a group

Gives help to peers when needed

Withdraws from group

Shared material appropriately

Accepts peer help when needed

Physically/Verbally provokes peers

Participates in group activities

Disrupts group activities

Works well in a group activity


Part II: Please summarize other important behavior(s) noted during the observation:


(observer) (title)(date)