Job Location:Rochdale, details tbc
Responsible to:Parent Support Director
Pay:NJC pt 32 – 35, £27,052 - £29,236
Job Hours:37 hours / week
Job Purpose:To work with multi-agency partners tackling child sexual exploitation and support and empower parents whose children are being sexually exploited
Main tasks and responsibilities
A Support for parents
- To work with multi-agency partners in the Sunrise Team, attend team briefings, and identify parents whose children are at high risk of child sexual exploitation.
- To meet parents and talk and work with them to ascertain the level of one to one support that they would find helpful.
- To equip parents whose children are sexually exploited with information and understanding of the processes by which children and young people are groomed and coerced into sexual exploitation.
- To liaise with Pace’s Volunteer Coordinator where parents can benefit from additional emotional support from a volunteer befriender.
- To provide information about the roles of the various agencies safeguarding children and act as advocates for parents with other agencies as necessary.
- To work alongside parents to re-establish or improve relationships with their children at risk of or involved in sexual exploitation.
- To develop focused parent support groups as appropriate e.g. online grooming and internet security, and understanding prosecution processes.
- To equip parents to engage and work in partnership with the police, young people’s workers, sexual health advisors, social care, etc, who are in contact with affected children and young people
- To give support and information to families going through the courts and ensure that witness care measures are in place to help them with the prosecution process.
- To maintain and develop contact with multi-agency partners and other agencies providing services to children and young people.
- To contribute to requests that Pace receives on research into CSE, and to contribute to Pace research that may be undertaken from time to time to show from our experience the need for parent involvement in tackling child sexual exploitation.
- Occasionally to organise and deliver training to relevant agencies or at conferences in order to highlight the benefits of multi-agency working to support families and improve safeguarding of children and young people.
C Other Tasks and Responsibilities
- To maintain effective data inputting and case management procedures.
- To participate in regular supervision and annual appraisal to ensure this post
develops within the agreed strategy of Pace’s work with affected parents.
- To take part in any further training as agreed with the Parent Support Co-ordinator
- To undertake any other duties commensurate with the post as agreed with the Parent Support Co-ordinator and CEO.
- To carry out all the above in accordance with the vision, mission and ethos of Pace, and within the business plan and policies of the organisation.
Knowledge / Qualifications /
- Knowledge and understanding of child sexual exploitation (CSE)
- Knowledge of safeguarding agencies and LSCB roles
- Knowledge of child protection procedures
- Knowledge of legislation relating to CSE, trafficking, domestic abuse, and other relevant legislation
- Knowledge of criminal justice system
- Education to degree or higher education level
Experience /
- Working on own initiative and independently, developing new work as required
- Working with a wide range of people
- Working with groups
- Presentational skills including delivering training
- Working within the Third Sector
Abilities /
- Able to manage emotionally demanding work
- Able to prioritise workload
- Be a clear communicator
- Undertake admin tasks including database inputting
- Work under supervision and within agreed boundaries
- Basic ability to use IT systems
Personal Qualities /
- Good interpersonal skills
- Sympathetic to issues for families affected by child sexual exploitation
- Willingness to work flexible hours
- Car owner / driver
- Commitment to own professional and personal development
February 2013
Pace Rochdale Parent Support Worker: Job Description and Person Specification, Feb 2013