- When you check out a book from the classroom library, fill in the sign-out sheet with the date and your FULL name.
- Check the book for damage (ripped covers, torn pages, writing, etc.). If any damage is found, show the teacher so that it can be documented.
- The book must be protected by a plastic zip-loc bag at all times when in your possession.
- Check out time is three weeks.
- After three weeks, you must return the book or renew it.
- When you return a classroom library book, find your name on the sign-out sheet. You may have to flip back a few pages to find the row with your sign-out information.
- Fill in ONLY the date that you are returning the book. Do not create another sign-out row!
- Return any books that were signed out to the book return bin. Please do not put books back on the shelves!
- You may only borrow another book once I sign off that your book was returned, and my initials are next to your name on the sign-out sheet.
- Check out and check in times will be before class begins, after class, or when the teacher gives permission.
- You must remain quiet while browsing the bookshelves for a book. Please do not distract other students.
- You are responsible for the book you check out. If you lose or damage the book, you must replace it or pay for the book to be replaced.
*Only books may be checked out. Periodicals (magazines, newspapers, etc.) cannot be checked out and must remain in the classroom.
Dear Parents & Guardians,
This year your child will have an opportunity to choose from a variety of books to read. While NAMS does not have a central library, students will have full access to our classroom library in room 301. It consists of books purchased by the district, along with many that I have purchased personally over the years. I am proud to say that my classroom library boasts over 1,400 titles!
These books are for the enjoyment of all our students. In order to maintain our library, students are responsible for providing payment or a replacement for any classroom library book which is damaged, destroyed, or lost when in his or her care.
I have not had the opportunity to read all of the classroom library books. I am asking that you work with me as a team and help monitor and become involved in the books your child is reading. Please read over the classroom library rules with your child and sign below.
Below are some helpful hints on encouraging your child to read.
- Set aside time every day for reading.
- Be aware of your child’s current reading level.
- Let students choose their reading material.
- Frequently visit a library or bookstore to provide a wide range of books and other reading materials, including magazines and comic books.
- Explore audiobooks as a way to enhance your child’s reading experience.
- Take an interest in what your child is reading. Discuss it with your child.
Please read the following information carefully with your student. Then return the signed bottom portion with your student by Thursday, September 13, 2012.
If you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail or phone.
Thank you,
Michelle Keeler
201-991-6800 ext. 2303
Students and Parents: Please sign below to indicate that you have read and agree to the rules governing the use of our classroom library.
Thank you!
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Student Signature______Date______
Please return by Thursday, September 13, 2012.