Mrs. Schleper

Third Grade

Classroom Information

Superstar Spotlight

Each student will have a chance to be our classroom superstar! During your week as superstar, you will be asked to fill out an information poster about yourself with pictures of along to share with our class. You may also bring in pictures of yourself and any other special people, animals and events in your life. It will be a great chance for us to get to know you even better! The schedule is on the website.

Home Folders

Red Home Folders will come home every day. On Mondays, the Home Folder will be packed with all kinds of important information! This is our way of making sure the lines of communication between school and home are kept open. The folders need to come back with the students daily, and may also be used by parents to send any notes back to the teacher. Be sure to look for the Home folder every day!!

Book Orders

About once a month, book order forms will be sent home in the red Monday folder. These provide you with an opportunity to order inexpensive children’s books. If you are interested in ordering books from a book order, please fill out the order form and send the order form and money back to school or order online (J6GMK)by the following Friday. If you write a check, please make it payable to the book order company. Remember, this is entirely optional.

Homework/Assignment Notebook

Homework will be written on the board as soon as it is assigned, and students will be responsible for writing the assignment in their Assignment Notebook. This is a good way for you to see what your child is learning and to help your child be responsible about turning their work in on time. Please initial your child’s Assignment Notebook daily, even when work has not been assigned. This should eliminate any miscommunication or problems with missing work.

Weekly homework will include studying spelling words(parent letter will come one every Monday about the words) and spelling homework is due on Friday. There will also be math assignments each day. I will try to give student 10 minutes in class to get started on it. Nightly reading is strongly encouraged.

I will continue to send a parent letter home every Monday through email unless you state you would rather have a paper copy. My previous parents found it helpful. This will let you know what the homework will be for the week. There may be times it changes depending on the needs of the students.


Students may bring a healthy snack to eat during snack break. We prefer that students do not bring candy or pop as a snack. We also have a peanut allergy this year so I ask that you make sure the classroom snack does not contain peanuts. I will send home a letter with suggested snacks that do not contain peanuts the first day of school if it is not ready at open house. Thank you!

Birthday Treats

Students may bring a healthy snack to eat during snack break. We prefer that students do not bring candy or pop as a snack. We also have a peanut allergy this year so I ask that you make sure the classroom snack does not contain peanuts. I will send home a letter with suggested snacks that do not contain peanuts the first day of school if it is not ready at open house. Thank you!


When your child is absent they are expected to make up the work that is missed. For each day your child is gone they get an extra day to make-up the work. For example, if your child is gone Monday the assignments would be due on Wednesday. If you child needs an extension please contact me and we can work something out.

Please take time to fill out and return the parent information sheet and the purple volunteer sheet. Thank you!!

Please contact me any time if you have questions or concerns.

Kristi Schleper


See our new website below. It is a work in progress.