Sept. 2013


Charles E. Zumkehr Professor

OFFICE: School of Communication Studies, Lasher Hall, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701; Office Ph: 740-593-4843; Fax: 740-593-4810

E-Mail: Home Page:

HOME: 11 Cable Lane, Athens, OH 45701; Home Ph: 740-594-8478; Fax: 740-592-4706;

Cell Ph: 740-591-3323


Ph.D. 1974 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

M. A. 1968 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

B. S. 1966 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL

1962-65 Attended Eastern Montana College, Billings, MT

(now Montana State University-Billings)


Ohio University, Athens

2005 Spring, Visiting Professor, Bangkok University/OU Doctoral Program

2003-2008 Director, McNair Scholars Program

2001-2003 Interim Associate Provost for Graduate Studies

2000-2001 Associate Dean, College of Communication (half-time)

1996, 2000 Summer-Visiting Professor, OU/Hong Kong Baptist University Communication program

1996–1997 Special Assistant to the Dean for Grants (part-time)

1995-present Professor, School of Communication Studies; Tenured, 1996

University of Maine, Orono

1984 -- 1995 Professor, Communication Studies

1990 -- 1992 Student Academic Services Coordinator, College of Social and

Behavioral Sciences

1984-1988 Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

1981-1984 Department Chair, Speech Communication

1979-1984 Associate Professor, Speech Communication

1976-1979 Assistant Professor, Speech Communication

University of Wisconsin, Madison

1974-1976 Assistant Professor, Communication Arts

1973-1974 Instructor, Communication Arts

University of Iowa, Iowa City

1971-1973 NDEA Graduate Fellow

Colorado State University, Fort Collins

1969-1971 Instructor, Speech Communication; Director of Forensics

Kearney State College

1968-1969 Instructor, Speech Communication; Asst. Director of Forensics

Colorado State University, Fort Collins

1966-1968 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Speech Communication



Interim Associate Provost for Graduate Studies (2001-2003) Responsibilities: manage Graduate Student Services, Graduate Appointments and Minority Graduate Recruitment offices; oversee all MA and PhD programs with respect to stipends, tuition scholarships; manage budget for all offices as well as stipend/tuition scholarship budgets. Represent University at Regents Advisory Committee for Graduate Studies meetings. Work with faculty on building current and new graduate programs. Work with Graduate Council on graduate policies, program reviews, and other issues. Report to the Provost.

Associate Dean (2000-2001) Responsibilities: coordinate distance education program with

Lorain County Community College; oversee graduate programs and work with College and University Graduate Councils; oversee College budget, including responsibility for developing summer budget, approving College-wide disbursements, and monitoring accounts. Participate in Research meetings with VP for Research. Other duties as assigned.

Special Assistant to the Dean for Grants and Contracts (1996-1997) Responsibilities: Facilitated search for funding support; sent information on grant resources to college faculty; proposed grant incentive program.


Fall Orientation Coordinator (1993) Responsibilities: Temporarily assumed responsibilities of the New Student Programming office (closed due to budget cuts); Created Fall Orientation program for new students in consultation with various university academic and support staff units.

Student Academic Services Coordinator (1990-1992) Responsibilities: Recommended student suspension, dismissal, waiver of requirements and other actions as appropriate; Coordinated first/second year advising program; Participated in new student orientation programming; Assisted with operation of student services office. This was a part-time position.

Associate Dean: Arts and Sciences (1984-1988) Responsibilities: Managed College of Arts and Sciences travel budget; Served as liaison with Chairpersons on space/facilities issues; Advised Dean on reappointment, tenure, and promotion cases; Advised Dean on budget issues; Assisted with academic advising, probation and dismissal counseling; Assumed one-time assignments at direction of Dean (e.g., Chair searches, departmental reviews).

Department Chair, Speech Communication (1981-1984) Responsibilities: Coordinated policies and procedures in consultation with faculty; Responded as appropriate to administrative directives involving personnel evaluation, etc.; Represented the Department at meetings with College and University administration; Managed budget in consultation with faculty.


COURSES TAUGHT/DEVELOPED (1985+): BASIC: Public Communication, Business and Professional Communication, Argumentation, Communication and Public Advocacy. ADVANCED UNDERGRADUATE: Communication Theory, Persuasion and Social Influence, Political Communication, Contemporary Rhetoric, Women and Rhetoric, Third-Wave Feminist Rhetoric, Training and Development, Rhetorical Criticism.

GRADUATE: Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism, Seminar in Rhetorical Theory, Rhetoric and Social Theory, Foucault, Discourse and Social Change, Feminism and Rhetorical History/Theory, Corporate Communication, Rhetoric, Culture and Social Critique, Communication Theory I and II.

RESEARCH: Nineteenth/Twentieth Century Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, Postmodern Theory, Argumentation Theory, Critical/Cultural Studies

TECHNOLOGY USES: Use of PowerPoint for lectures; distance education experience in co-teaching a course across two institutions and in using Web-based instruction with students in Hong Kong; use of to integrate technology within class discussion/assignments.


UNDERGRADUATE: Ohio U: 25-35 advisees; Honors Thesis Director: Alena Amato. 1996, Courtney Bailey, 1998. Maine: Freshman/Sophomore Advisor; Department Advisor (numbers varied between 25-30 students from 1976-95). GRADUATE: Maine: M. A. THESIS: directed 7; committee member for 21; NON-THESIS: chaired 20; committee member for 15; INDIVIDUALIZED Ph.D. COMM.: 1 student.

Ohio University: M. A. Research Projects/Comps

Committee Chair: Alena Amato-June 97; James Tompkins-June 97; Bill Barber-November 97; Mary Beth Robinson, March 98; Tim Mattingly-May 98; Michelle Fournier-October 98; Kristen Halvorsen-November 98; Pam Royse-March 00; Ya Chen Lee-June 01; Yvette Chapman-June 01; Emily Wing-June 04.

Comm. Member: Jon Jump-May 96, Michelle Pitstick-December. 99; Teresa French-December 99; Audrey Bennett-December 99; Amy Rouse-August 00; Sheila Hunt-August 02; Syahgena Ardhila-August 04; Sharon Starr-August 04, Anjana Mudambi, Fall 04.

Ohio University Doctoral Committees —

Completed as Director:

1. Matt Smith, Fall 98 E-merging strategies of identity: The rhetorical construction of self in personal Web sites. Faculty member at Wittenberg University.

2. Robin Brown Broughton, Fall 99 Dramatism and the creation of meaning for assisted suicide in Derek Humphry's "Final Exit": A Burkian analysis. Faculty member at West Virginia State University.

3. Kanchana Khamnungsook Fall 99. [OU/BU doctoral program]. An Application of Michael Foucault's Critical Perspective to a Study of Interpersonal Communication Faculty member at Bangkok University.

4. John Richards, Fall 00 Multiple views of multiple realities: The rhetorical and social construction of the occult. Deceased.

5. Krishna Kandath [Co-Director], Fall 01 An analytic investigation of discourse and power in organizing for social change: Transformation possibilities for devadasis in India.

6. Cami Sanderson, Fall 01A culture of terror rises out of the dust: a rhetorical analysis of iconic imagery in the aftermath of 9/11. Faculty member at Ferris State University

7. James Crawford, Winter 02 Connecting the dots: The argument for contributive complexity and permanence and communication. Retired.

8. Natthapon Panyasopon Fall 02 [OU/BU doctoral program]. Cultural and filmic elements contributing to the popularity of the 999 film Nang Nak. Faculty member at Bangkok University.

9. Lee Ann Gray [Co-Director; IIP Ph. D.], Fall 03 The forgotten man: The rhetorical construction of class and classlessness in Depression era media. Curator of Exhibitions and Collections, Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

10. JongHwa Lee, Fall 03 Cyber-democracy and the politics of space: critical rhetoric, cultural geography, and radical democracy. Faculty member at Hawai’i Pacific University.

11. Michaela Meyer, Summer 04 Examining the representation of relationships on young adult television : a case study of Smallville. Faculty member at Christopher Newport University.

12. Mark Hopson [Co-Director], Spring 05 The talking drum: critical memory in intercultural communication research. Faculty member at George Mason University.

13. Katherine Hatfield, Fall 05 Slim chance: A study of communication in the airline industry. Public Involvement Coordinator at HDR Engineering, Inc.

14. Stacey Brinkley [IIP Ph.D.], Spring 06 Time out on the field: A study of the socialization experiences of African American intercollegiate athletics administration. Consultant, Strategic Initiatives Division, Ohio Department of Education.

15. Sarah Ryan, Summer 06 An absence of debate: an investigation of the lack of rhetorical democracy in media coverage of abstinence and welfare from 1992-2000. Faculty member at University of Texas at El Paso.

16. Saumya Pant [Co-Director], Summer 07 Enacting empowerment in private and public spaces: The role of "Taru" in facilitating social change among young village women in India. Faculty member at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.

17. Min Wha Han, Fall 08 Rhetoricity of history and narrativity of life: a life history approach to the Zianichi. Adjunct Faculty, Hawai’i Pacific University.

18. Chutima Kessadayurat, Winter 09 [OU/BU doctoral program]. Bangkok University’s adaptation to globalization: A study in corporate history. Faculty member at Bangkok University.

19. Pichayalak Pichayakul Fall 09 [IIP Ph.D.], Using American volunteerism as a model for domestic volunteerism management in Thailand. Faculty member at Chiang Mai University.

20. Patipan Lobburi Summer 10 [BU/OU program]. The influence of social support and organizational support on turnover intention among Thai workers: A proposed model. Independent Business Owner, Bangkok, Thailand.

21. Pamela Royse, Winter 11 Ideology, Space, and the Problem of Justice: The Lynching of Emmett Till. Faculty member at Kutztown State University.

22. Jerimiah Morris, Fall 12 Microentrepreneur Identity in Appalachian Ohio: Enterprising Individuals with a Regional Flavor. Faculty member at Bangkok University.

23. Annette Love, Spring 13.Communication Apprehension in the Classroom: A Study of Nontraditional Graduate Students at Ohio University. Records Manager, Graduate College, Ohio U.

Completed as Member; Faculty member [if known] at:

1. Emilie Falc, Fall 97; Winona State University

2. Sarah Mahan, Spring 97; Ohio University-Eastern Campus

3. Andrew Wood, Spring 98; San Jose State University

4. Bobby Toth, Spring, 99; Retired

5. Celeste LaCroix, Summer 99; College of Charleston

6. Mary Eicholtz, Spring 00; Kutztown State University

7. Elizabeth Oppe, Fall 01; West Virginia University

8. Ruma Sen, Spring 02; Ramapo College

9. Andrea McClanahan, Spring 03; East Stroudsburg University

10. Shannon Brogan, Spring 03; Kentucky State University

11. Jeffrey Bile, Fall 04; Spalding University

12. Amina Hassan, Spring 05

13. Nazan Haydari [TCom], Fall 05; Radio, Cinema and Television Department at Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey

14. Elizabeth Ruchti [Interdis. Arts], Spring 06; West Chester University

15. Jennifer Scott, Spring 06; Grove City College

16. Michael Powell, Fall 06; deceased

17. Minah Harun. Winter 07; Universiti Utara Malaysia

18. Danielle Stern [TCom], Spring 07; Christopher Newport University

19. Pamela Rossi Keen [Interdis. Arts], Spring 07

20. Daniel Rossi Keen, Summer 08; Independent Business, Pittsburgh, PA.

21. Jennifer Dunn, Spring 09; Dominican University
22. Eimi Lev, Spring 09; Tel Aviv University

23. Erica Butcher [Media Arts and Studies], Summer 09

24. Stephanie Young, Summer 09; University of Southern Indiana

25. Nathan Shepley [English], Winter 10; University of Houston

26. Marie Thompson, Spring 10; Wright State University

27. Anne Gerbensky-Kerber, Summer 11; Winona State University

28. Abbie Wojno, Summer 11; Columbus State University

29. Jirah Krittayapong, Winter 12; University of Thai Chamber of Commerce

30. Rebecca Mercado Thornton, Summer 12; Oakland University

31. Michelle Calka, Spring 12; Manchester University

32. Anna Wiederhold, Spring 13; University of Nevada-Reno

In Process as Director: 1. Craig Pinkerton, Proposal Defense

2. Sarah Patten, Prelim Defense, POS, Fall 10

3. Yui/Pornpen, BU/OU

4. Jessica Furgerson, Proposal Defense, Spring 13

5. Dante Morelli, Proposal Defense Fall 11

6. Zhou Li, Prelim Defense, Fall 12

7. Usa Silraungwilai, Proposal Defense, Spring 13, BU/OU

8. Sawitree, BU/OU

In Process as Member. 1. Steve Phalen, Prelim Defense Fall 10

2. John Whicker, English

3. Aaron Duncan, completed POS, Fall 13

4 Andrea Iacherri Prelim Defense, Fall 13

5. Margaret Romoser, Proposal Defense, Winter 11

6. Stephanie Ruhl, Portfolio/Proposal Def. Spring 13

7. Dorothy Oshiro [Media Arts], Comps Fall 12

8. Jordan Compton

9. Phanuthep Sutthithepthamrong [Media Arts]; comps, Fall 13

10. Maria Subert, Prelim Defense, Fall 12

11. Dongjing Kang, Prelim Defense, Fall 12

12. Michael Broderick


Named Awards:

Raymie E. McKerrow Chapter of the Year Award, Sigma Chi Eta, National Communication Association, 2006 (annual award to community college honorary chapter of the year).

Communication and Journalism Raymie E. McKerrow Award, University of Maine, 1976 – (annual award to undergraduate major).

Raymie McKerrow Outstanding Student Leader Award, School of Communication Studies, Ohio University, 2013 (annual award to undergraduate major).


Lifetime Achievement Award, Critical and Cultural Studies Division, National Communication Association, Nov. 2009.

Charles E. Zumkehr Professor of Speech Communication. School of Communication Studies, Ohio University, July 2009- present.

Centennial Scholar. Rhetoric and Public Address Division, Eastern Communication Association, April 2009.

Wittenberg Fellow. Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH. Fall 2008.

Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award. National Communication Association. 2006.

Sigma Chi Eta Distinguished Service Award of Appreciation. National Communication Association, 2006.

Outstanding Senior Graduate COMS Faculty Member. GradCo, Ohio University, 2005.

Outstanding Student Organization Advisor Award. Student Affairs, Ohio University, 2002.

Charles H. Woolbert Research Award. National Communication Association, 2001.

Outstanding Service to the Discipline Award. American Communication Association, 1998.

ECA Teaching Fellow. Eastern Communication Association, April, 1998.

David Descutner Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award. School of Interpersonal Communication, Ohio University, Athens, OH, 1997.

ECA Research Fellow. Eastern Communication Association, April, 1997.

Outstanding Alumni, Recognition for Exceptional Contribution. Montana State University-Billings, Billings, MT, 1996.

Distinguished Maine Professor. Univ. of Maine Alumni Association Award, 1992.

Distinguished Service Award. Eastern Communication Association, 1991.

Distinguished Service Award. American Forensic Association, 1990.



McKerrow, R. E. (1993). Ed. Argument and the Postmodern Challenge. Proceedings of the Eighth Summer Argumentation Conference. Annandale, VA: SCA/AFA.

McKerrow, R. E. (1982). Ed. Explorations in Rhetoric: Studies in Honor of Douglas Ehninger. Glenview, IL: Scott-Foresman.

McKerrow, R. E. (1975). Ed. and Introduction. Richard Whately. Elements of Logic, 2nd. Ed. (1827; Rpt.). Delmar, NY: Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints.


McKerrow, R. E., Gronbeck, B., Ehninger, D., & Monroe, A. (2007). Principles and Types of Public Speaking, 16th Ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.