Mr. Toussaint:Classroom Activity Expectations

Conversation / Help / Activity / Movement / Participation
Entry / Voice Level 1: Whisper
You may speak quietly with the person next to you. / Hold questions until Warm-up Activity begins. Handle personal business (lockers, bathroom) before class. / Take out/get materials (binders, pencils, books, pens) and be in your seat ready to begin class when the bell rings. / No horseplaying. Get your books/supplies and get in your seat. / Be in your assigned seat and begin the Warm-Up Activity.
Warm Up / Level 0 – 1 based on teacher directions. / Raise your hand if you need help. Continue to work. / Complete the Warm- Up and wait silently for teacher direction. / Begin working immediately. This is the time to get a pen, sharpen pencils or borrow paper. / You are in your seat, working on the Warm- Up, and not having independent conversations.
Focus/ Mini Lesson / Level 0: There should be NO TALKING at all during this period / Raise your hand if you have a question / Take Cornell notes; participate in class discussion; fill out learning log. / Be seated and taking notes. Walk to the back of room to sharpen pencils, etc. / You are quietly seated, taking notes and participating in class discussion.
Student Activity/ Work / Level 0 – 1: It is OK to ask the person next to you or behind you a question (5 – 10 seconds). Keep the volume low. / Raise your hand if you have a question / Complete the assigned activity / Collect/ Turn in necessary materials; Refer to activity list if you finish early. / You are seated quietly, working on the daily activity.
Group Work / Level 1 – 2: The captain should keep the talk on topic. You may not talk to members of other groups. / Assigned “expert” will raise hand if ALL group members have the same question. / Complete the assigned activity / Materials Manger collects and turns in materials. / You are only discussing the day’s work with your group.
Presentation / Level 3: The presenting group/ person should be the only people/ person speaking / Raise your hand if you have a question for the presenters. / Recorder/ Reporter will present the group’s project. / Recorder/ Reporter will present. Other group members stand up front. / All members of the group will stand with their group. Other groups are seated.
Wrap Up/ Exit / Level 0: There should be no independent conversations here. / Raise your hand if you have a question. / Question/answer over the day’s activities. Complete learning log/exit slip. / Put away binders,books, materials and return to your seat until dismissal. / Put away binders, books, materials and return to your seat until dismissal.