Department of Human Resources
Date Received
To Employees: This Job Content Questionnaire should be completed when requesting a review of the classification of your position. This information will be used to ensure that your job is properly classified and valued within the school system’s compensation program. Be sure to read the Guide to Completing the Department of Human Resources Job Content Questionnaire. You are also encouraged to refer to the school division’s procedures for reclassifications (Procedure GBC-P) as found in the Policy and Procedures Manual. Please keep a copy of this questionnaire for your recordsand return the completed questionnaire directly to your supervisor to review and forward. For additional directions and explanation of the reclassification review process, please call the Department of Human Resources at 881-5061. / Supervisor/Department
Additional Information: Attach extra pages to provide any other information you believe will be helpful in understanding the job duties assigned to your position. / Human Resources
To Supervisors: Review the employee's statements and complete section 15. Send the completed form with signatures to the Human Resources office within 15 days of receipt. If you disagree with any of the employee's statements, please discuss the Job Content Questionnaire with the employee. Please do not change the employee’s responses in any way. Rather if you wish to add comments, do so next to the employee’s statements or attach additional pages.
This questionnaire is also to be used by supervisors when requesting creation of new positions that may require development of a new job classification. When making such requests, supervisors should fill out the both the employee portion and the supervisory portion of this questionnaire.
1. Identifying/General Information:
Employee Last Name: / First Name / Middle Initial / Suffix (Jr., Sr.)Telephone / School/Department / Building and Room Number / Work Days and Work Hours
Supervisor’s Name / Supervisor’s Title / School/Department / Telephone
Principal/Department Head Name / Title / School/Department / Telephone
Current Position Title / Working Title (if different from current classification title)
Reviewed By: / Position Title:
Effective Date:
2.Position Purpose – Describe in three or four sentences the main reason(s) your position exists.
3.Specify the job classification you think provides the best match for the duties and responsibilities of your position and describe why.
Do Not Know (Check this space if you do not have an opinion about the proper classification for your position)
4.Education, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
a.Describe any specialized education and training that is required for entry into the position and note why it is required for the job.
b.Describe the minimum level of related work experience required for entry into the position and note why it is required for the job.
- Describe any specific job related knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required to successfully
perform your job.
d.Does the position require any specific certifications, registrations, or licenses to enter or maintain your job? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
e.Is driving a motor vehicle required in this position? YesNo
f.Is a commercial driver’s license required in this position?YesNo
If yes, explain why a license is required.
5.Primary Job Duties: List/describe your main duties and responsibilities (those which account for 5% or more of your time.) Attach additional sheets if necessary
Primary Job Duties / Approx. % Time Spent on Annual Basis*Total Must Equal 100% / Check if you believe duty falls outside current job class & specify how long you’ve had these duties
*(Omission of % of time information could result in delay of review.)
6. Decision-making Authority:
a.Provide some examples of typical work actions and/or decisions you make without consulting with your supervisor.
b.Provide some examples of decisions that you refer upward to your supervisor.
c.List any formal guidelines, technical manuals, and/or regulations within which your job must be performed.
7.Internal Contacts – Other than your direct supervisor and any direct subordinates, list what other jobs in the school system are directly affected by yours and describe the nature/purpose of these internal contacts.
8.External Contacts – List any external contacts required by your job and describe the nature/purpose of these external contacts. External contacts can include the general public, vendors, students, families, community leaders and outside agencies.
9.Organizational Structure/Reporting Relationships:
Complete the following information, or you may attach an organizational chart as long as it contains this same information.
a.Who is Your Direct Supervisor? This is the person who is responsible for establishing your job performance standards, evaluating your job performance, acting upon leave requests and, if necessary, would be responsible for initiating corrective action or hiring your replacement.
Name: Title:
b.To Whom Does Your Supervisor Report?
Name: Title:
c.Who Else Reports to Your Supervisor?
Name: Title:
Name: Title:
Name: Title:
Name: Title:
Name: Title:
d.Has there been a change in your reporting lines?YesNo
If yes, please describe the change and when it occurred:
Has this change affected the responsibilities of your position and if so, please explain:
e.Do You Lead or Supervise Others? YesNo(if yes, please list below)
If the job has no formal responsibility for leading/supervising others, proceed to question #10. (If your position trains others such as students, but you do not control their work assignments or work schedule, include your training responsibilities in the “Job Duties” section.)
* Definition of Leading Others: A lead employee has delegated responsibility for training; assigning, organizing or scheduling work; and reviewing completed work assignments. A lead worker does not make hiring decisions nor do they have responsibility for formally evaluating staff.
** Definition of Supervising Others: A supervisory employee has authority to recommend hiring of staff, establish job performance standards, formally evaluate job performance, and take corrective action if performance is not acceptable. Supervisors are also responsible for training; assigning, organizing, and scheduling work; acting upon leave requests; and initiating and making recommendations for various personnel actions.
Name: Title:
FTE (Full Time Equivalent): Permanent Temporary Seasonal
Your responsibility: Lead* Supervise**
Name: Title:
FTE (Full Time Equivalent): Permanent Temporary Seasonal
Your responsibility: Lead* Supervise**
Name: Title:
FTE (Full Time Equivalent): Permanent Temporary Seasonal
Your responsibility: Lead* Supervise**
Name: Title:
FTE (Full Time Equivalent): Permanent Temporary Seasonal
Your responsibility: Lead* Supervise**
Name: Title:
FTE (Full Time Equivalent): Permanent Temporary Seasonal
Your responsibility: Lead* Supervise**
10.Budget Authority: Complete this section only if you have responsibility for (check appropriate box(es))
maintaining fiscal records and/or controlling or authorizing the expenditure of funds.
Total annual budget or funds for which you have responsibility:=
11.Working Environment:
a.Please indicate the % of time:Working OutsideWorking Inside
b.Are there any unusual temperature considerations?If so, please describe.
c.Are there any unusual noise level considerations? If so, please describe.
d.Is there a potential risk for exposure to dusts, fumes, vapors, etc. in the performance of job duties? If so, please describe.
e.List any materials and tools (supplies, chemicals, or other potential risk materials) used in performing the duties of this job.
f.What are the most common types of work environments for this position. (check the appropriate boxes).
Office EnvironmentWarehouse EnvironmentStudio Environment
Classroom EnvironmentGarage EnvironmentLibrary
Clinical/Lab EnvironmentOperating Motor VehicleOther (please indicate)
Physical Plant FacilityCafeteria
12.Physical Demands:
Please use the following definitions for questions “a” and “b” below
0%=Not at all Up to 10 lbs.
1-33%=Occasionally11-20 lbs.
a.Indicate whether any of the following activities are required in performing the essential duties of your position and the frequency (using the scale above).
Walking YesNo
b.Indicate whether any of the following activities are required in performing the essential duties of your position and the frequency and maximum weight (using the scale above).
- Are there any repetitive movements required in performing the essential duties of your position? If yes, please describe.
- Please indicate whether any of the following activities are required in performing the essential duties of your position.
Talking (outside of normal conversation)YesNo
Visual AcuityYesNo
Color Determination VisionYesNo
13.Please use the space below to add any other important information about the content of your job or the way in which it functions in the organization.
14.Signature Line:
The information I have provided is accurate and complete:
Employee SignatureDate
After you have completed the questionnaire, please forward it to your direct supervisor for review.
15. Supervisor Review and Signatures:
a.The information on the Job Content Questionnaire is accurate and complete. Yes No
Please do not change the employee’s statements. If you disagree with any of the employee’s statements, please discuss the Job Content Questionnaire with the employee. If you wish to add comments, do so next to the employee’s statements, make notes in the section below, or attach additional pages.
b.Check the statement that most accurately describes the level of supervision you exercise over this position:
Close, detailed
Spot-check basis only
Little, employee responsible for devising own work methods
Other, please explain:
c.Please list examples of decisions that the employee is authorized to make without your prior review.
d.If there are any positions within your department that you believe are comparable to this position, please list these positions and note the similarities and differences:
e.Of the duties listed in question #5 on this questionnaire, which ones (if any) have been newly assigned to this position?
What position was responsible for performing these duties prior to the assignment to this position?
f.Add any additional information that you believe is important to the understanding of this position.
- Signatures: The signatures below only constitute approval of the request to review the position, not approval of an increase/decrease in the classification of the position.
Supervisor’s Name (type or print) / Supervisor’s Signature / Date
Principal/Department Head Name (type or print) / Principal/Department Head Signature / Date
Assistant Superintendent Name (type or print) / Assistant Superintendent Signature / Date