Position:Support Worker

Classification:Class 1 (EBA), Level 4 (SCHCADS)

Department/ Program:MHCSS


Employment Type:Full Time

Reporting to:Regional Operations Manager

Supervision/Support:Team Leader

“Every person

has the right

to a

decent life”


Prahran Mission is a community service agency of The Uniting Church in Australia committed to social justice and the well being of its clients.

Our mission is to engage with those who have or have had a mental illness or experienced extreme social and economic disadvantage in order to facilitate a full and meaningful life. We also promote social justice by the development of a more caring, more humane and more equitable society that integrates and meets the needs of all its members.

Prahran Mission achieves this through the provision of services that are grounded in our values and by effecting beneficial social change that creates opportunities for meaningful participation in society. We work to address and change the attitudes, institutions and policies which create and perpetuate inequality.

Prahran Mission is committed to working within the framework of the Strengths Based Approach with participants, colleagues and communities.

Prahran Mission is an equal opportunity employer and upholds the value of its workers, both paid and unpaid and the principles of social justice in its workplace policies and practices.

Prahran Mission’s services and programs are available to all people irrespective of class, race, religion, gender, age, sexuality or health status.

Prahran Mission is a quality assured agency as awarded by QIP. All programs undergo regular audits and are committed to the continuous improvement of the services provided.

We will prove the reality of our worship by the quality of our service.”

Frank Hartley 1958

1.0 Characteristics

You will work under general direction in functions that require the application of your skills and knowledge appropriate to the workyou are doing. Program guidelines and work procedures are established. General features at this level require that you apply your knowledge and skills which are gained through qualifications and/or previous experience in this discipline. You will be expected to contribute knowledge in proposing procedures in the appropriate work-related field to the Prahran Mission Continuous Quality Improvement Committee.

Your work at this level requires a sound knowledge of program, activity, operational policy or service aspects of the work you perform with a function or a number of work areas. You will require skills in managing time, setting priorities, planning and organisingyour work. You will be expected to set outcomes and further develop work methods where general work procedures are not defined.

1.1 Program Context

The Mental Health Community Support Services (MHCSS) are funded in a particular geographical catchment area to provide allocated support to people with a serious mental illness. This program is funded by Mental Health Branch, Department of Health and Human Services to provide support to people in an outreach capacity on an individual basis. The program provides psychosocial rehabilitation to people who have a severe and enduring mental illness. You will provide support to participants by assisting them to develop, implement and refine their articulated goals.

2.0Key Responsibilities

You will be expected to perform duties of a specialised nature requiring the development of expertise over time or previous knowledge; exercise judgment and/or contribute critical knowledge and skills where procedures are not clearly defined. You will exercise responsibility for various functions within a work area and undertake a wide range of activities associated with program activity or service delivery. Although still under general direction, there is greater scope to contribute to the development of work methods and the setting of outcomes. However, these must be within the clear objectives of the organisation and within budgetary constraints. In addition to these duties:

2.1 You work with a caseload of participants determined from time to time – where you:

  • Provide individualised strengths based support to participants, some of whom live with complex needs.
  • Assist participants to set and achieve their recovery goals and support them through times of crisis to access appropriate clinical mental health or primary medical care.
  • Liaise with key stakeholders – such as clinical services, carers and other support service organisations involved with clients to ensure best outcomes for the participant.
  • Work with participants to develop a Recovery Plan using a Strengths Based approach and the Recovery Star tool.
  • Review document participants Recovery Plans every three months or earlier if ‘they are showing signs of recovery (or is dealing with unplanned events/challenges), to track progress towards agreed goals and modify strategies.
  • Arrange support meetings with participants.
  • Report on progress of participants issues/ or support needs during regular supervision with the Team Leader or Regional Operations Manager.
  • Maintain all participant records as per program work instructions
  • Ensure exit or discharge proceduresare followed.
  • Encourage and support feedback from participants, from their families or carers and from other sources and input into program planning and delivery.
  • Contribute to program review and development.

2.2General Responsibilities – you:

  • Adhere to all Prahran Mission Policy and Procedures.
  • Adhere to Work Place Health and Safetyguidelines when reporting incidents, maintenance issues
    etc. to relevant parties.
  • Participate in relevant forums, networks and sector liaison.
  • Are committed to the continuous quality improvement of the program.
  • Undertake training and professional development relevant to the primary work of the program and to the work of Prahran Mission.
  • Actively remain involved in Prahran Mission activities and projects.
  • Promote ethical and non-discriminatory behaviours and practices which incorporate respect, dignity, confidentiality and a duty of care.
  • Carry out other duties as directed.

3.0 Requirements of the Job

Your role requires:

  • A comprehensive understanding of the Mental Health sector.
  • Knowledge of organisational programs, policies and activities.
  • Knowledge of the role and structure of the organisation.
  • Sound discipline knowledge gained through experience, training or education
  • Understanding of the Strengths Based Approach principles.
  • Knowledge of the National Mental Health Standards.
  • Knowledge of statutory requirements relevant to work.
  • Professional or specialised knowledge in the area of Mental illness, drug and alcohol and homelessness.

4.0 Organisational Relationship

You will workunder general supervision of theTeam Leader and the Regional Operations Manager.

4.1 Accountability

You are accountable to the Team Leader and Regional Operations Manager.

4.2 Other Relationships

Program Staff

You will communicate with and work co-operatively with other program staff.


You will ensure the needs and rights of participants continue to be your major focus and will deal with all related matters in line with Mission policies.

Prahran Mission Staff

You are part of the wider Prahran Mission team and you’ll need to liaise, meet with and share responsibility with other staff where appropriate and as directed, in line with the work of the whole organisation.

External Stakeholders

You’ll be professional in your interactions and communications with external stakeholders and shall uphold and represent the values of Prahran Mission at all times.

5.0 Extent of Authority

You may be required to use your expertise and knowledge to assist in the recommending of procedures to the Prahran Mission Continuous Quality Improvement Committee where there are no defined established procedures in place.You will be required to set outcomes within defined constraints and work within the program budget.

I have read and understand the content of this Position Description.

Signature of Employee: ______Date: ______

Signature of Manager: ______Date: ______

Position #
MHCSS026-031 / Creation 27/09/16
Review 27/09/17 / Support Worker - MHCSS v2.0 / Approved By
GM Services / Page 1 of 5