Classics of Christian Literature

Worksheet #1[1] -- 30 points

The Great Divorce

Please create a separate numbered document for your answers. Email it to me, and print a copy to bring to class, for our discussion.

1. As you read through chapters 1-8, complete the chart of ghosts. This will help you keepthe various ghosts straight.

2. Lewis makes reference to scripture passages periodically throughout the book. For example, in ch. 9, the Teacher explains how the solid people try to save some of the ghosts, concluding, "And it would be no use come further even if it were possible." This is similar to a parable Jesus told about the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:31. What other biblical allusions do you find? Cite at least five book-chapter-verse(s) here.

Questions for chapters 1-4

3. What do we learn about the narrator?

4. Describe time and distance (spatial relationships) in the grey town. What causes people to live so far apart?

5. Lewis employs several metaphors throughout the book in contrasting heaven and hell. E.g. light v. dark; solid people v. ghosts. What others do you find? How do these metaphors underscore the differences between heaven and hell?

6. Do you think the Big Man deserved to be in heaven more than Len, the murderer? Why or why not? Did the Big Man "get his rights"? Did Len?

Chart of Ghosts -- Chapters 1-8

Question # & Chapter #
/ Ghost
/ What the ghost clings to
/ Observations
Ch. 1 & 2 / Tousle-headed Poet
Ch. 4 / Big Man
Ch. 5 / Bishop
Ch. 2 & 6 / Bowler Hat Ghost (Ikey; also called Intelligent Man in ch. 2)
Ch. 7 / Hard-Bitten Ghost
Ch. 8 / Well-Dressed Ghost

Questions for chapters 5-8

13.  Why might the Bishop in ch. 5 prefer questions to answers?

14.  What does Lewis imply by the Bowler Hat Ghost setting out "on his via dolorosa to the bus, carrying his torture"?

15.  The Hard-Bitten Ghost is wary of being taken in by the management of heaven. When a person is habitually cynical, what is he really afraid of?

16.  The Hard-Bitten Ghost asks, "Why don't the ‘chaps up here ... attack and sweep the Town out of existence? They've got the strength. If they wanted to rescue us they could do it.'" How would you respond?

17.  Why did the ghost in ch. 8 not want to be seen? What did the Bright Spirit recommend?

Professor Christopher Ullman – Christian Life College -- 1

[1] Big thanks to . © 2009 by Allyson Wieland