Classical Mediterranean Choice Project Rubric

Classical Mediterranean Choice Project Rubric

Name: ______

Classical Mediterranean Choice Project Rubric

Outstanding: 10 / Strong: 8-9 / Needs Improvement: 5-7 / Incomplete/Major issues: 0-4
Research / Includes well documented sources, all information has been sourced, at least 5 sources, MLA format with no mistakes / All sources documented
One source missing, MLA mostly correct, mostly organized / Not all sources documented,
not well researched, not enough sources, not documented or shows poor effort at documentation / No citations, research is untrustworthy, lack of research,
Content / All information in own words, includes a wealth of information on the topic, information is well integrated with the project and theme, information is clear, relevant and understandable / All information in own words, a good amount of information, understandable information, reasonably clear / Information is difficult to understand or poorly organized, little information, information is random and doesn’t connect well to your project and theme / Lack of any information, confusing, unrelated, content is incorrect, unconnected to the theme
Creativity / Project is extremely creative, showed off student’s gifts and talents, brilliant choice of project, showed a lot of effort and creativity, above and beyond what was expected / Project was well thought out, compliments topic, showed lots of effort, a good choice of project to go with your research / Student accomplished what was necessary, had an interesting way to show information, complete but little creativity beyond complete / Lack of any creative portion, did not do all that was required by project, did not meet minimum requirements
Quality of work/Professionalism / Pristine completed work, cleanly edited, few to no mistakes, an exemplar of professional work / Strong completed work, some editing mistakes, mostly clean, professional work / Decent completed work. Many errors, somewhat sloppy, looks slightly thrown together, unprofessional / Did not meet the minimum of requirements, sloppy, errors found throughout, thrown together, lack of any professional quality
Thesis / Strong, clear sentence with the topic and the claim, project organized around the thesis, all information is connected to the thesis, and supports the claim / Strong sentence holding the project together, makes a claim, most information is connected to the thesis and supports the claim, / Weak or unclear thesis, no claim, many facts are disconnected from the thesis, very little cohesion throughout the project, / No thesis, no claim, just facts about the topic.

Areas to improve your project:










What I did to improve my project (fill this out and turn it back in with your improved project):










New, final score: