Dear CASA member,

Happy New Year to you all! I hope that 2015 is pregnant with promise and possibilities.

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the CASA essay competition was won by Christiaan Bronkhorst of the University of Cape Town. The examiners praised his essay, entitled ‘Self-satire in the Cena Trimalchionis’, for being ‘ a well argued, well focussed and well formulated approach to a thorny issue…..[showing] sophisticated knowledge of the Petronian period and context, as well as literary context’.

The second best essay, out of seven entries, was entitled‘Psychagogy in Plutarch’s Advice to the Bride and Groom. Aspects of Gendered Virtue in Moral Education for Women’ and was penned by Lunette Warren of Stellenbosch University. Our grateful thanks to the CASA members who submitted entries on behalf of their students, to the entrants themselves and to the panel of judges.

Members are reminded once again of our CASA conference at Potchefstroom from the 7th-10th July 2015. Abstracts (350 words) by the Kalends of March. Please visit the conference website for further information. The conference (‘Anthropology and the Classics’) looks as if it is going to be very stimulating.

The Secretary General of FIEC, Professor Paul Schubert, asked me to draw the attention of all of you to the first World Conference on the Rethinking of the Role and Prospects of the Humanities in the 21st century to be held at the University of Liège (in Liège, Belgium) during August 2017. The conference will be held under the auspices of CIPSH (the Conseil International De La Philosophie Et Des Sciences Humains/International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences), a UNESCO body. The main goal of the conference will be ‘to explore ways how, throughout the diverse societies and regions of the world, the humanities contribute to cultural, social, economic and environmental development’. See for further information, in particular, the debate about the format of the conference. Promoting and teaching Classics in a South African and African context will be of particular interest to the conference organizers.

With best wishes,

Chairman Mike

RhodesUniversity, Grahamstown
