Classic City Classic: Round 1

1. He helped to diffuse the Corkbush Field, Bishopsgate, and Banbury mutinies after a manifesto he drafted with Henry Ireton entitled the “Heads of Proposals” aroused John Lilburne and other Levellers to oppose this leader of the Grandees in the Putney Debates. This leader of the massacre at drogheda had nine children with Elizabeth Bourchier, and his son Richard succeeded him in his most famous role. A leader of the New Model Army with Lord Fairfax and the victor at Marston Moor, FTP, who is this Lord Protector of the Commonwealth?

Answer: Oliver Cromwell

2.In one of the major reproductive modes of these organisms, Kar3p and Cik1p proteins extend microtubules from the spindle pole body, eventually initiating fusion along the edges of the spindle pole bodies and nuclear membrane fusion, resulting in the formation of a diploid cell. This process, called karyogamy, occurs only in the ascocarp or basidiocarp, depending on the organism. Preceding karyogamy in these organisms is a stage in which two parental mycelia fuse cytoplasm. FTP name this kingdom of organisms with chitinous cell walls, which includes slime molds and mushrooms.

Answer: Fungusor fungi

3.In the middle of this novel, the narrator moves his stepdaughter to 14 Thayer Street so that the narrator, a struggling writer, can teach at the Beardsley School for Girls. After recovering from an illness, the step-daughter is allowed to participate in a play called The Enchanted Hunters. The director of the aforementioned play, Clare Quilty, follows the pair as they leave Beardsley and travel across the Northeast. The source of the term "nymphet," FTP, name this novel about a precocious young girl loved by narrator Humbert Humbert and written by Vladimir Nabokov.

Answer: Lolita

4.He states that he would change his name to Lord Rupert Everton, a shipping merchant who raises fancy dogs, if he were ever in the Witness protection program, and supposedly he has been to prison for stealing, robbing, and kidnapping the president's son and holding him for ransom, though he claims that the worst part of prison was the dementors because their soul-sucking hurts. His lovers include Carol, Jan, Holly, and even more recently the mother of his former secretary Pam Beesley. FTP, name this man whose catchphrase “that’s what she said” receives little attention from his co-workers while working as the regional manager of the paper company Dunder Mifflin on the hit NBC sitcom The Office.

Answer: Michael Scott (Accept either, or "Prison Mike")

5. This man wrote a sociological examination of industrial regions of Lancashire and Yorkshire before discussing the development of his own political views in one work, and he wrote of U Po Kyin, Dr. Veraswami, and John Flory in another work.In addition toThe Road to Wigan Pierand Burmese Days, he wrote about Bowling's journey back to his hometown in Coming Up for Air.One of his best known works features characters such as Muriel, Moses, and Boxer, who all come under the oppressive regime of Snowball and Napoleon. FTP, identify this author, born Eric Arthur Blair, who wrote the allegory Animal Farm and the dystopian workNineteen Eighty-Four.

Answer: George Orwell

6.Its formulation is derived using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, and it was vigorously debated by Bohr and Einstein, the latter of whom made use of slit and box thought experiments to attempt to disprove it. Its founder originated it by picturing a free electron sitting beneath an extremely high-powered microscope that uses gamma rays for illumination. Related to the observer effect and describing a certain quality of both momentum and position, FTP, what is this principle of quantum mechanics named after the winner of the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics, Werner Heisenberg?

Answer: Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

7.In this city the Perioeci, or inhabitants of the surrounding countryside, had little say, though if they joined the Apella they gained more power and a chance to one day rise to this city’s 28 man Gerousia, or council of elders. The Agiads and Eurypontids made up its two lines of kings, who were generally subject to the will of the Ephors. Another class of this city located on the river Eurotas in the prefecture of Lacedaemonia were the helots, who conducted lesser chores while the rest of the city focused on its formidable army. FTP, what city state fought Athens in the Peloponnesian War?

Answer: Sparta

8.In this work, the protagonist remembers Wintergreen, who is forced to dig and fill up a hole each time he goes absent-without-leave. The protagonist spends time in the hospital by censoring mails and forging with the name “Washington Irving.” His division eats better than any other because his mess officer is in control of an international blackmarket syndicate, but Doctor Daneeka explains to him that the desire to be grounded demonstrates the sanity of a pilot. Milo Minderbinder and Major Major are some of the characters in, FTP, what novel named for the dilemma about Yossarian’s inability to avoid bombing missions, written by Joseph Heller?

Answer: Catch-22

9.The sculptor Giambologna created one piece featuring these victims, who were also shown by Rubens. A more famous depiction shows people fleeing from a white horse on the right, a figure in blue being carried off, and a man in blood-red garments standing on a platform at right. While imprisoned in LuxembourgPalace another painter created a sequel to the aforementioned work in which he added the oppressive Tarpeian rock to the background but this time showed the figures’ intervention rather than rape. FTP, Poussin and David portrayed what victims of a Roman kidnapping?

Answer:Sabine Women(prompt on Sabines, accept Rape of the Sabine Women before “Tarpeian rock”)

10.The title of one of this author’s plays comes from FitzGerald’s translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. In that play, Essie, the mother, worries that her son will become an anarchist because he is reading Wilde and Shaw, although he is only quoting them in his love letters to Muriel. In addition to Richard Miller in his only comedy,Ah, Wilderness!, this author created characters based on Clytemnestra, Agamemnon, and Orestes in his trilogy Mourning Becomes Electra. FTP, name this playwright best known for writing about the Tyrone family in the autobiographical Long Day’s Journey into Night.

Answer: Eugene Gladstone O’Neill

11.Many of this scientist's early theories were inspired by Johann van Helmont, and after returning home to England from his schooling in Geneva he led an anti-Aristotelian group called the Invisible College.He described many color reagents and acid-alkali indicators in his Experimental History of Colours. His most famous contribution occurred when his student improved Guericke’s model of an idea of Torricelli, allowing him to discover a law described in his The Sceptical Chymist. FTP, what teacher of Hooke used an air pump to create a namesake law relating pressure and volume?
Answer: Robert Boyle

12.One work by this author follows the “the kid’s” time killing Indians with the Glanton gang and their run in with Judge Holden and is subtitled “Or the Evening Redness of the West”.He also wrote a novel which takes its title from “Sailing to Byzantium” and features the psycho killer Anton Chigurh.One of his most popular novels features a father-son duo as they wander across post-apocalyptic earth. The author of Suttree and Blood Meridian, FTP, identify this American novelist who won a Pulitzer Prize for The Road, the author of All the Pretty Horses and No Country for Old Men.

Answer: Cormac McCarthy

13.In it resides four deer, which represent the four winds, and below it resides countless snakes, including Goin and Moin. The spring Hvergelmir is located near the wells Urdarbrunnr and Mimisbrunnr around its base, and at those wells can be found both the Norns and Mimir. Meaning "White Horse," there is a squirrel that runs up and down it relaying messages to and from an unknown eagle at its top and the dragon Nidhogg at its bottom. FTP, at Ragnarok Surt will set ablaze what great world tree made of ash?

Answer: Yggdrasil

14.During his time in office he appointed Daniel Clark and Elmer Dundy to the Supreme Court, and his delayed action to stop the Fenian raids of former Irish soldiers showed his contempt for Canadians, among other groups. George Atzerodt failed to go through with an assassination attempt on this president’s life, though Atzerodt's accomplices’ plans against other leaders were more successful. With his cabinet carrying out the purchase of the Dutch East Indies and a larger body of land from Russia, after his presidency he served a mere four months as a senator before dying of a stroke. FTP, what Tennessean President came to office following the death of Abraham Lincoln?

Answer: Andrew Johnson (prompt on just Johnson)

15.He was financially comfortable in his later life because his novel subtitled A Memoir in the Form of a Novel, which features Oliver Alden, met great success. Although an atheist, he described himself as an ‘aesthetic Catholic’ in another work. In addition to The Last Puritan and Reason in Religion, he is famous forThe Sense of Beauty,The Realms of Being,and Skepticism and Animal Faith. FTP, name this Spanish thinker who, in his The Life of Reason, said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Answer: George Santayana

16.In response to this, Governor James Bowdoin drew up a Riot Act, and due to a generous pardon by John Hancock the only men executed for it were John Bly and Charles Rose. After it began at Conkey's tavern, it quickly grew out of control, culminating in bloodshed when Luke Day and the uprising’s namesake assaulted the Springfield armory, but were met and repulsed by militia under William Shepard. A large force under Benjamin Lincoln eventually cleared up all remnants of the rebellion. Largely aimed at taxes and lenders, FTP, identify this 1786 uprising of poor Massachusetts farmers.

Answer: Shays' Rebellion

17.Bruckner's one of this number was completed later by Nicola Samala and William Carragan, Vaughn-Williams died the day his was recorded, Mozart's is catalogued as Köchel number 73 and was created during a trip to Italy, and Schubert called his "the Great." Shostakovich's was created to celebrate Russia's greatness and defeat of Nazi forces, and more famously Mahler's had so many instruments that critics called it the "Symphony of A Thousand." FTP, identify this number symphony, usually some composers' last, a symphony that Beethoven revolutionized with his "Ode to Joy," the "Choral."

Answer: Symphony No. 9

18.Tinker is the only juvenile one of these creatures while Sue is the largest one to be discovered. This creature lived during the time that Laurasia and Gondwana was completely separated, for which reason the only fossils of it are found in North America and Asia. The first evidence of this animal was discovered in 1902 by Barnum Brown in Hell Creek Montana though it wasn't named until three years later by Henry Fairfield Osborn. Famous for its big body but short arms, this is FTP what famous dinosaur that has a tendency for chasing Jeff Goldblum around in the Jurassic Park movies.

Answer: Tyrannosaur or T-Rex or Tyrannosaurus Rex

19.This husband of Jiang Qing wrote many poems in the Qi and Shi forms, and his many short essays and pamphlets outlined his philosophy that would later develop into a cult. The author of On Practice and On Contradiction, he attempted a campaign to foster new ideas, though when it caused political instability he quickly cracked down on his Hundred Flowers Campaign. Hua Guofeng succeeded him in his most famous post, during which time he instituted the Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward. FTP, who is this first Chairman of the Communist Party of China?

Answer: Chairman MaoZedong (accept either name)

20.In one myth the giants Otus and Ephialtes captured this Greek god in chains and sealed him an urn for thirteen months. During his labors Herakles killed two children of this god, one being the owner of the flesh eating mares, Diomedes, and the other being Queen Antiope. In Homer’s Illiad this god is wounded by a different Diomedes, who had been strengthened by Athena. It is said he took the form of a boar to kill Adonis, which he did out of jealousy due to his love for Aphrodite. FTP, name this Greek god of war.

Answer: Ares (Do not accept Mars)

Tiebreaker:In one of this author's works, Dorcas's body is mutilated by Violet Trace, and in another, Pilate is born without a navel and bears a granddaughter who falls in love with Milkman Dead. In addition to writing Jazz and Song of Solomon, this author wrote a novel in which Pecola Breedlove believes she is ugly and wishes to be a white girl with the title features. Another of her novels centers on Sethe's relationship with the daughter she murdered so that she would not become enslaved. FTP, name this author of The Bluest Eye and Beloved.

Answer: Toni Morison


1.He created works like The Distribution of the Eagles and The Coronation of Napoleon. FTPE

A)Identify this painter known as the "Robespierre of the brush," who also depicted the result of Charlotte Corday's assassination in his Death of Marat.

Answer: Jacques-Louis David

B) This neoclassical work depicts the three warriors who fought to defend their city from the Curiatii, a scene taken from the First Book of Livy

Answer: Oath of the Horatii

C) The form of this work inspired Ingres' The Grande Odalisque and a study by Rene Magritte. In it a coffin reclines on the empire couch instead of the titular woman

Answer: Madame Recamier

2.With the help of his minister Mir Jumla he dismantled the Ahmadnagar Empire, and conquered the Bijapurs, FTPE

A) This son of Jahangir and grandson of Akbar constructed the Red Fort and the Jami Masjid while serving as Mughal Emperor.

Answer: Shah Jahan

B) Shah Jahan is most famous for his construction of this palace on the Yamuna River, dedicated to his wife Mummtaz.

Answer: Taj Mahal

C) In his old age Jahan was imprisoned by this son of his in a succession crisis. This imposer of the jizya tax would become a notably cruel leader for his destruction of temples and murder of family members.

Answer: Aurengzeb

3.The planetary model for the atom is also known as his model, and in 1932 he became the first to split the atom. FTPE

A) What New Zealand scientist made such discoveries at Cavendish Laboratory?

Answer: Ernest Rutherford

B) Rutherford's students carried out this famous experiment, which shot a beam of alpha particles at a namesake object, disproving the plum pudding model of the atom.

Answer: Gold Foilexperiment, accept Geiger-Marsden experiment

C) The Gold Foil experiment disproved this model of the atom advanced by JJ Thomson, which suggested that electrons moved around in a soupy mixture of positive charge.

Answer: Plum Pudding

4. Answer some questions about the US financial crisis and the giant investment houses involved, FTPE:

A) Headed by John Thain, this company prior to the crisis had been a perennial underperformer, but its management managed to secure a lucrative deal for its shareholders by selling out to Bank of America.

Answer: Merill Lynch

B) This bank’s September 15th failure triggered a 500 point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and is usually considered the beginning of the crisis in the financial markets

Answer: Lehman Brothers

C) This company’s financial products division at one time insured over 400 billion dollars worth of credit default swaps, and soon found itself needing over 150 billion dollars worth of government cash.

Answer: AIG

5.Identify the following about classical economics,FTPE:

A) This author of The Theory of Moral Sentiments contributed greatly to the field, and is often considered the founder of Classical Economics for his theories in his Wealth of Nations.

Answer: Adam Smith

B) This advocate of bullion currency is famous for his theory of comparative advantage and Iron Law of Wages.

Answer: DavidRicardo

C) Many early economic theories were revived by this neo-classicist, who authored perhaps the first economics textbook with his Principles of Economics.

Answer: Alfred Marshall

6.According to the book of Genesis, this was where the first man and woman were formed and is where sin originated. FTPE,

A) Identify this place in which paradise was lost when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.