2 Peter

Kay Arthur

Lesson 7

False teachers are here and will increase


2.indulge the flesh- cross is not apart of their teachings because the cross represents denial of self

3.given to greed- like Balaam- money will play a big part of their message

4.despise authority….è 2P2:1 deny the Master Who bought them = JC died for everyone 1 J 2:2

they say they believe but don’t; anyone who says they want to go to heaven but don’t want Jesus

to rule over them, doesn’t really believe in the LORD Jesus; Matt 7;

2P2:10- daring- self-willed; no tremble

Jude 3-4 licentiousness- = moral anarchy

Matt 5:- righteousness must exceed… we cannot live as we please as a Christian; if there is moral

anarchy in life then there is every reason to doubt the salvation of the one

Jude 8-10- they dream up their teachings, fantasies; “I don’t care what the Bible says, I know what happened to me and what I experienced”- we live in a day of deception and our experiences will deceive us; we need to take everything to the Word of God; “dumb stupid devil”- not understanding the authority of the angelic authorities- Satan has authority!!- DO NOT speak lightly of him or his demons

1. they delude their followers- then they become disillusioned because they become a follower of man instead of Christ; 1Co3; there is emptiness is false teachings

2P2:17- blackness of darkness;

-spring doesn’t satisfy because they don’t take them to the fountain of living water;

-mist driven by a storm- mist would be a relief as it brings water, relief from the sun but these are driven away = these teachers do not provide protective blanket; Ep 4:11-13- v.3- unity of the Spirit; v.11-13- unity of the faith- only comes as people are in the Word; a child is one who has to be fed by others, we are to grow upv.14; the false prophets go after those who have just escaped

-speak great swelling words of vanity- who promise freedom but are slaves-

prosperity teaching: dishonors God by causing the believer to:

1.question God’s faithfulness and constant care

2.those sitting under the teachers are not prosperous- they don’t test the Words of the teachers, because “God has told me..”

3. they assume an gnostic type of spiritual superiority- “what’s wrong with you that you don’t have… wealth, health…”

4. believer place themselves above correction by rejecting discipline from God à attributes everything to Satan who hates us and God can’t be the One who is trying to teach us anything because God only wants us happy and… not training us; Paul suffer want, trial… be content in all things

5.contradicts the clear facts of life = God allows/ (causes) His own to suffer

2. violates every sound principle of Biblical interpretation and exegesis

Prosperity in America dilutes and deludes Christianity

Jeremiah 23:16-17,22-23,28-34- we have the Word- that is enough!!!

False teachers are had to spot; we want to believe they are just temporarily deluded BUT

2P2:20-21- the false teachers are exposed to Christianity and they adopt it (Xianity doesn’t adopt them) an din this way they escape some of the defilement of the world but their nature has not changed, it is still sensual and not divine, then they turn back and go into the world. When they go back they are worse than before they left- more sensual

1.turned from the world in repentance w/out belief: turned from their way but never submitted to God as Lord

2.experience w/out a transformation; they had some sort of experience with God but it never changed their character

3.escaped the defilements of the world but not its corruption;

4. no change in their nature; 2 Cor 5:17-1 Jo2:19- they are lost, He 3:6,14 - if you are truly born again you do not leave the faith, we hold fast unto the end

6.deny/ ignore God’s judgment on sin- 2P3:1- OT & NT- both are equal (2P120-21)

- they ignore the flood because it speaks of the judgment of God; peace, peace; Jer14:14

- Do we want to be deluded?

- True teachers teach so that there can be preparation for what is going to come