
CLASS : XI First Assessment Max. Marks: 70

25.09.16 BIOLOGY (044) TIME: 3 HRS.

General Instructions:

  1. There are a total of 26 questions and five sections in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
  2. Section A contains question number 1 to 5, Very Short Answer Type questions of 1 mark each.
  3. Section B contains question number 6 to 10, Short Answer Type I questions of 2 marks each.
  4. Section C contains question number 11 to 22, Short Answer Type II questions of 3 marks each.
  5. Section D contains question number 23, Value Based Question of 4 marks.
  6. Section E contains question number 24 to 26, Long Answer Type questions of 5 marks each.
  7. There is no overall choice in the question paper, however, an internal choice is provided in one question of two marks, one question of three marks and all the three questions of five marks. An examinee is to attempt any one of the questions in such case.


  1. Distinguish between rennin and renin.
  2. Human stomach consists of three different regions; the first part is cardiac stomach. Name the other two parts.
  3. Give one speciality and one example for synovial joints in humans.
  4. What is Kranz anatomy and where you can find it?
  5. How hydroponics plays a role in identifying deficiency syndromes?


  1. Draw the structure of a multipolar neuron and label the parts.


Give a brief account of chemical synapse and its importance.

  1. Give one example each for the following

(a)Nitrogen fixing free living bacteria

(b)Denitrifying bacteria

(c)Nitrifying bacteria

(d)Nitrogen fixing symbiotic bacteria

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  1. Write the role of nitrogenase enzyme and leg haemoglobin in nitrogen fixation.
  2. Give a schematic representation of cyclic electron transport in photosynthesis.
  3. Define Photoperiodism. How LDP and SDP differ in terms of photoperiod?


  1. The inner most layer of small intestine consists of many finger like outgrowths. Name these outgrowths and draw a neat labelled diagram of the same.

(a) Oxy-haemoglobin and carbamino-haemoglobin are formed in humans during a metabolic process. Distinguish between them.

(b) Name any two muscles involved in inspiration.


Draw the diagram of human respiratory system and label the following parts.


(b)Part where exchange of gases between blood and lungs takes place.

(c)The part that helps in sound production

(d)Wind pipe

  1. Kidney functions are regulated by different hormones. Give an account of regulation of kidney by RAAS. Name the three different hormones involved in this.
  2. Identify the specific location of the following in human body.

(i) Nissl’s granules.

(ii) Schwann cells.

(iii) Bipolar neurons.

(iv) Arachnoid

(v) Corpus callosum

(vi) Corpora quadrigemina

  1. Tabulate the differences between cyclic and non-cyclic electro transport in photosynthesis.
  2. Write short notes on the three different steps in C3 path way.
  3. Represent the different steps in Krebs cycle schematically, by cyclic representation.
  4. Give reasons for the following

(a)PS I is also known as P700.

(b)Photorespiration is absent in C4 plants.

(c)RuBP Carboxylase is also known as RuBisCO.

  1. (a) Name the path way which is known as EMP pathway. Why it is known so?

(b) Give the name of the substrate entering this path way and the final product.

(a)Respiration is known as Amphibolic pathway. Give reason.

(b)Define R.Q. Give its importance.

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  1. Observe the following figure.

(a)Identify the transport mechanism represented by the above figure.

(b)How this mechanism varies from the normal passive transport method?

(c)Give specific names for the three pathways represented in the figure.

  1. (a) Give a brief description of symplast and apoplast method of water transport.

(a)Which pathway is common to cross cortex of root and why?


  1. Ram is a healthy person who used to exercise regularly. After vigorous exercise he felt tired. He took rest for some time and went to office. One day he met his friend who was a doctor asked about his fatigue after exercise.

(a)Why a person felt tired after vigorous exercise?

(b)How our body overcomes this fatigue?

(c)Comment on the advantages of regular exercise.


  1. Mechanism of muscle contraction in human is best explained by sliding filament theory.

(a) Why the above mentioned theory is known so?

(b) Explain the process of muscle contraction.

(c) What is the role of neurotransmitters like acetyl choline, in this process.

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Muscle fibres consist of two main contractile proteins which play a major role in muscle contraction.

(a) Name two contractile proteins.

(b) Give a brief description of the structure of the thin filament, specifying the proteins present in it.

(c) Give a diagrammatic representation of monomeric unit of thick filament and label any two parts.

  1. (a) State Law of limiting factors.

(b) Give a brief description of any four limiting factors of photosynthesis

(c) Why CO2 is not a limiting factor for C4 plants?


(a)Give a schematic representation of C4 pathway.

(b)Write any four differences between C4 and C3 path way.

(a)Distinguish between arithmetic growth and geometrical growth.

(b)Define the following terms and give one example each.





(a)Name the hormones involved in the following process.

(i)Ripening of fruit

(ii)Bolting of rosette plants

(iii)Closing of stomata

(iv)Apical dominance

(b)Define Vernalisation.

(c)Plant growth is indeterminate. Justify.

(d)A defoliated plant cannot respond to photoperiod. Why?

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