Purchasing Clicker/Subscription Information

When you have decided to use Turning Technologies response system in classroom, you have to add the "Purchasing Clicker/Subscription information" into the syllabus. Without this information, students might complain to administrators for not aware of extra educational fee.

There are two options of the "Purchasing Clicker/Subscription information" listed below. It depends on if you will allow students to use their mobile devices to answer polling questions. Select an appropriate option and add the information into the syllabus.

Option 1: Allow students to use mobile device

Purchasing Clicker/Subscription Information

·  New students: We will use Turning Technologies response system and you are allowed to use mobile devices. Instead of buying a Clicker bundle (1 Clicker + 1 year Subscription), you have the option to purchase a Subscription only ($24.95/year plus tax) at UH Barnes & Noble Bookstore. ISBN:9781934931370. You can use your book loan to buy the Subscription.

Note: If you have already purchased a Clicker, you still need to purchase a Subscription.

·  Currents students who used clicker before: All of your Turning account information will be copied from previous semester automatically. However, you need to login your Turning account to check if there are still 3 green check marks (or 2 green check marks for using mobile devices only).

Creating Turning Account and Registering Clicker/Subscription:

·  New students need to create a Turning account and register Clicker/Subscription. See this tutorial

Student Clicker Support: or http://www.uh.edu/clicker


Option 2: Do not allow students to use mobile device

Purchasing Clicker/Subscription Information

·  New students: We will use Turning Technologies response system and you can purchase a Clicker bundle (1 Clicker + 1 year Subscription) at UH Barnes & Noble Bookstore. It costs $48.55 plus tax, ISBN:9781934931684. You can use your book loan to buy the Clicker bundle through the bookstore.

Note: If you have already purchased a Clicker, you can purchase a Subscription ($24.95/year plus tax) at UH Barnes & Noble Bookstore. ISBN:9781934931370.

·  Currents students who used clicker before: All of your Turning account information will be copied from previous semester automatically. However, you need to login your Turning account to check if there are still 3 green check marks (or 2 green check marks for using mobile devices only).

Creating Turning Account and Registering Clicker/Subscription

·  New students need to create a Turning account and register Clicker/Subscription. See this tutorial

Student Clicker Support: or http://www.uh.edu/clicker