Grade Seven Geography

Month / Content / Skills for Student Achievement / Assessment / Performance Standards Addressed / Essential Questions
(Power Standards are bold)
1-2 / ·  Research/Media Center Overview
·  Technology
·  Presentation
·  Cooperative Learning / ·  Understand basic research methods
·  Utilize technology formats in research and presentation of information
·  Demonstrate positive methods of successfully working with other people / ·  Basic Research Project
·  Role Playing, Modeling of Cooperative Social Skills
Week 3 /

·  Maps and Globes

/ ·  Identify different types of maps and their uses
·  Demonstrate how symbols are used to show information
·  Demonstrate concept of Mental Mapping / ·  Key/Legend Activity
·  Features Quiz
·  MN Map Project
·  Mapping Minnesota
·  Physical Geography Test (after week 6) / ·  Usemapsandglobesto
geographicknowledge / What tools do geographers use to study the world?
How do maps assist us in interpreting information about a country?
Week 4 / ·  Theme of Location / ·  Explain absolute and relative location
·  Demonstrate understanding of Latitude, Longitude, and Coordinates
·  Observe, Deduce, and Analyze the impact of geographic features on Location / ·  Nation Location Activity
·  Coordinates Quiz
·  Settlement Sites Activity
·  Physical Geography Test (after week 6)
·  Canby and 5 Themes of Geography project (after week 8) / ·  Make-use maps to know & show spatial organization of people-places on Earth
·  Show people connected to each other & environment / How do physical and human geography affect people, places and regions?
Week 5 / ·  Land/Water Forms
·  Movement of the Earth
·  Time Zones
·  Theme of Place / ·  Describe the different types of land and water forms
·  Explain the rotation of the earth which creates night/day
·  Explain the revolution of the earth with respect to seasons
·  Demonstrate an understanding of time zones and how time changes
·  Describe a place by its physical/cultural characteristics / ·  Land/Water Forms worksheet
·  Time Zones Activity
·  Places, Places, Places Activity
·  Physical Geography Test (after week 6)
·  Canby and 5 Themes of Geography project (after week 8) / ·  Use terms telling physical & cultural continent features
·  Give examples of physical systems and describe their role in shaping life on Earth. / How would you use the geographic concept of "place" to describe your community?
Week 6 / ·  Climates / ·  Describe the factors which influence climate and the impact of climates on people
·  Identify the specific climates of the world / ·  Climates Quiz
·  Physical Geography Test / ·  Give examples of physical systems and describe their role in shaping life on Earth. / How does climate affect how people live, work, and play?
Month / Content / Skills for Student Achievement / Assessment / Performance Standards Addressed / Essential Questions
Week 7 / ·  Cultural Geography / ·  Describe and identify differences between race and culture / ·  Culture worksheet / ·  / Do belief systems unite or divide people?
Week 8 / ·  Five Themes of Geography / ·  Identify, Observe, Describe, and analyze examples of the 5 themes / ·  Environmental Experts Activity
·  Canby and 5 Themes of Geography project
·  5 Themes Test / ·  ID physical place characteristics. Define regions, relationship of regions & change patterns / Why do countries around the world rely on each other for the resources and products they need?
Week 9 / ·  Create a Country / ·  Demonstrate and Apply an understanding of physical/cultural geography with respect to the 5 Themes of Geography / ·  Create a Country Project / ·  Demonstratehowvariousregionalframeworks
humanoccupationoftheEarth’ssurface. / How do physical and human geography affect people, places and regions?
Weeks 10-11 / ·  Pollution / ·  Observe, Analyze, Identify, and Describe the various types of pollution and its impact on the environment / ·  What is Pollution Activity
·  Acid Rain Production Activity
·  Pollution Quiz / ·  Giveexamplesof
shapinglifeonEarth. / How does technological change affect people, places, and regions?
Weeks 12-13 / ·  Regional Studies: United States / ·  Draw a physical/political map of the United States
·  Identify major geographic regions and land/water forms of the United States
·  Describe and Analyze the diverse geography of the United States and how people adapt to it
·  Explain and Examine the unique characteristics of the “American” culture / ·  Mapping the USA
·  US Atlas Activity
·  United States Test / ·  demonstratehowvariousregionalframeworksare
·  ID-locatephysical-culturalfeaturesthat
playedroleinUS history / How does living in the United States influence our way of life?
Week 14 / ·  Regional Studies: Canada / ·  Draw a physical/political map of Canada
·  Identify major geographic regions and land/water forms of Canada
·  Describe and Analyze the diverse geography of Canada and how people adapt to it
·  Explain how the indigenous peoples of Canada have adapted to modern day / ·  Mapping Canada
·  Canada Atlas Activity
·  Canada Packet Activity
·  Canada Test / ·  Demonstratehowvariousregionalframeworksare
humanoccupationoftheEarth’ssurface. / How does Canada’s economy depend on its geography?
Why was the acquisition of Nunavut important for the Inuit peoples?
Month / Content / Skills for Student Achievement / Assessment / Performance Standards Addressed / Essential Questions
Week 15 / ·  Regional Studies: Middle America / ·  Draw a physical/political map of Middle America
·  Identify major geographic regions and land/water forms of Middle America
·  Describe and Analyze how the extreme geography of Middle America impacts land use and the economy
·  Explain how Middle America’s past has impacted its present geography / ·  Mapping Middle America
·  Middle America Atlas Activity
·  Travel Middle America project
·  Middle America Test / ·  Demonstratehowvariousregionalframeworksare
humanoccupationoftheEarth’ssurface. / Why is the United States so interested and involved in what happens in Middle America?
Weeks 16-17 / ·  Regional Studies: South America / ·  Draw a physical/political map of South America
·  Identify major geographic regions and land/water forms of South America
·  Describe and Analyze how the extreme geography of South America impacts land use and the economy
·  Explain how South America’s past has impacted its present geography / ·  Mapping South America
·  South America Atlas Activity
·  South America Poster Activity
·  South America Test / ·  Demonstratehowvariousregionalframeworksare
humanoccupationoftheEarth’ssurface. / How have the countries in South America developed based on the physical environment and the developmental needs of its inhabitants?
How do these countries continue to change to meet current/growing needs?
Week 18 / ·  Geography 7 Final / ·  Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of Geography 7 content / ·  Final Test Geography 7 / ·