School: LawndaleHigh SchoolName: Mr. Paolo DeGuzman

Periods Offered: Location: Room 723

Credits: 5Email:

Prerequisites: Biology and ChemistryPhone: 310-263-3104

Website: (Click on my name)

Course Description:

The AP Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester college introductory biology course usually taken by biology majors during their first year. You can expect to be challenged by the material and in turn will be expected to keep pace with a demanding schedule of reading assignments and out-of-class assignments. The two main goals of AP biology are to develop a conceptual framework for modern biology and to gain experience and appreciation of science as a process. The ongoing knowledge explosion in biology makes these goals even more challenging. Your primary emphasis in this course should be on developing an understanding of concepts rather than on memorizing terms and technical details. Essential to this conceptual understanding are the following: a grasp of science as a process rather than an accumulation of facts; personal experience in scientific inquiry; recognition of unifying themes that integrate the major topics of biology; and application of biological knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns. Students will take the AP exam at the conclusion of this course.

Required Textbook:

  • Campbell, 2002 Biology Sixth Edition, Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company

Required Materials:

  • Student Planner
  • Pen (blue or black ink) and Pencil
  • Notebook and Paper
  • Lab

Classroom Rules:

Food, gum, drinks (except water), electronics (cell phones, radios, etc.), magazines, photographs, cosmetics, playing cards, and other distractions will not be tolerated in the classroom. All such items will be confiscated and given to administrative staff members.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

Cheating is defined as an attempt to turn in work that was not done by the person who is turning it in. This can be applied to homework, quizzes, tests and projects. Any student caught cheating will get a zero on the assignment, be referred to the administration, and will have his parents notified.

Makeup Work:

Students have the number of days they are absent to make up work ONLY if they bring an EXCUSED readmit to class. When returning from an absence, students are responsible for inquiring about missed assignments.

Late Work:

Late work is different from make-up work. Students who fail to turn in an assignment or provide an EXCUSED readmit will not receive credit for missed assignments. The Lawndale Science Department does not accept late work under any circumstances.

Grading Scale:

Students are graded based on the percentage of points they earn throughout the semester.

A (90-100%)B (80-89%)C (70-79%)F (69% and below)


The components of the final grade are shown below:

-Tests and quizzes40%

-Labs and Projects30%

-Classwork and Homework20%

-Final Exam10%


Tutoring is available M-Th during lunch in room 606 or by appointment.


  1. Molecules and Cells
  2. Biological chemistry
  3. Review of atoms, molecules, bonding, pH, water
  4. Carbon, functional groups
  5. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids
  6. Chemical reactions, free-energy changes, equilibrium
  7. Enzymes, coenzymes, cofactors, rates of activity, regulation
  8. Cells
  9. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
  10. Plant and animal cells
  11. Structure and function of cell membranes
  12. Structure and function of organelles, mobility components, cytoskeleton
  13. Cell cycle, mitosis, cytokinesis
  14. Energy transformations
  15. ATP, energy transfer, coupled reactions, chemiosmosis
  16. C3 and C4 photosynthesis
  17. Glycolysis, fermentation, aerobic respiration
  18. Genetics and Evolution
  19. Molecular genetics
  20. DNA, structure and replication
  21. Eukaryotic chromosomal structure, nucleosome, transposable elements
  22. RNA: transcriptions, mRNA editing, translation
  23. Regulation of gene expression
  24. Mutations
  25. Recombinant DNA, DNA cloning, hybridization, DNA sequencing
  26. DNA and RNA viruses
  27. Heredity
  28. Meiosis
  29. Mendel’s Laws, probability
  30. Inheritance patterns: chromosomes, genes, alleles, interactions
  31. Evolution
  32. Origins of life
  33. Evidence for evolution
  34. Natural selection
  35. Hardy-Weinberg principle, factors influencing allelic frequencies
  36. Speciation, isolating mechanisms, allopatry, sympatry, adaptive radiation
  37. Patterns of evolution, gradualism, punctuated equilibrium
  38. Organisms and Populations
  39. Principles of taxonomy and systematics, five and six kingdom systems, domains
  40. Survey of Monera, Protista, and Fungi
  41. Plants
  42. Diversity, classification, phylogeny, adaptation to land, alternation of generations
  43. Structure and physiology of vascular plants
  44. Seed formation, germination, growth in seed plants
  45. Hormonal regulation of plant growth
  46. Plant response to stimuli: tropisms, photo-periodicity
  47. Animals
  48. Diversity, classification, phylogeny, survey of aceolomate, pseudocoelomate, protosome, and deuterostome phyla
  49. Structure and function of vertebrate tissues, organs, and systems; homestasis
  50. Gametogenesis, fertilization, embryogeny, development
  51. Behavior
  52. Ecology
  53. Population dynamics, biotic potential, limiting factors
  54. Ecosystems and community dynamics
  55. Biogeochemical cycles

Write down another person’s info so you can get missing work!

Student 1 Name______Cell:______Email______

Student 2 Name______Cell:______Email______

Student 3 Name______Cell:______Email______

Science Instructor - Mr. DeGuzman

Parent/Guardian Copy

I have read these policies and reviewed them with my student. I understand and agree to comply with the policies of LawndaleHigh School’s Science Department.


Print Student Name


Student SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

Teacher contact information: Mr. DeGuzman



(Please cut and return the section below to your Science teacher)

Teacher Copy

I have read these policies and reviewed them with my student. I understand and agree to comply with the policies of LawndaleHigh School’s Science Department.


Print Student NameClass Period


Student SignatureDate


Print Parent/Guardian Name


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate


Home Phone NumberWork Phone Number

Best time to contact parents: ______

Who speaks English in your home? ______
(If no one speaks English the teacher will use a translator when calling)

Optional: Student email: ______Parent email: ______

Is there anything else that the instructor needs to know? Please write below.