/ Draft unconfirmed
TIME AND DATE / 9.30 am –12.30PM
Wednesday 9th April 2008
LOCATION / Meeting Rooms 1 &2, Level 10,
Building C, Centennial Plaza Building
300 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000


Andrew Papandreas / AI Group / Sims Metal
Ken Mc Kell / AMIC
Dave Henry / AMWU
Michael Costello / Co-ordinator Statewide Programs Team WorkCover
Martin Lewis / Furnishing Industry Association of Australia
John Lynch / JL Engineering/ NSW Business Chamber
Regina Dunlea / NSWFITC
Sharyn Buck / Self Insurers Association
Ken Hocking / Timber Trade Industrial Association
Lynette Harper / WorkCover (Director Premiums Group)
Susanne Hollis / WorkCover (IRG Branch, Convenor)
Karyn Davidson / WorkCover (IRG Branch, Minutes)
Peter Hayes / WorkCover (Manufacturing Team)
Virginia Westerton / WorkCover (Strategic Projects Unit)
Chris Jones / WorkCover (Strategic Projects Unit)
Peter Hayes / WorkCover (Manufacturing Team
Denis Goodwin / WorkCover (Convenor)


Maria Hooker / AMPC / NSW FITC
Robert Sams / Sarah Lee/NSW Business
Steven Bali / AMU


The Convenor opened the meeting at 9.30am, noted apologies and welcomed all members and speakers.

Robert Sams (NSW Business Chamber) has resigned from the IRG. The Convenor also advised that this would be her penultimate meeting as she would be changing portfolios and taking on Government and HACS IRGs after the June meeting of the IRG.


2.1Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Minutes of the Manufacturing IRG meeting held Wednesday 27th February 2008 were accepted as an accurate record.

Moved: John LynchSeconded: Martin Lewis

2.2Matters arising:


Appendix 1A new way to notify work-related incidents

WorkCover is simplifying the way work-related incidents are notified. These changes take effect from 1 September 2003. WorkCover has developed a suite of information to assist you with the new incident notification process.

Below are links to:

  • a new online form that allows you to notify WorkCover of a work-related incident, using the internet
  • a brochure that tells how, what, who and when to notify

frequently asked questions (FAQs) that provide more detailedinformation about the new incident notification process

Online form
Notify work-related incidents here

This brochure tells you how to notify

1.Incidents involving injury or illness to workers

Serious incidents involving a fatality or a serious injury or illness.
(Refer to clause 344 of the OHS Regulation 2001):

  • phone WorkCover IMMEDIATELY on 13 10 50 as an urgent investigation may be needed,
  • notify your workers compensation insurer within 48 hours.

Other incidents involving an injury or illness to workers, where workers compensation is payable or may be payable, eg. time lost, medical expenses.
(Refer to sections 42 and 44 of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 and clause 32 of Workers Compensation Regulation 2003):

  • notify your workers compensation insurer within 48 hours.
    There is no need to notify WorkCover as the insurer advises WorkCover of these incidents.

The OHS Regulation 2001 lists serious incidents under clause 344.

Serious incidents include the following incidents occurring at, or in relation to, a place of work:

  • that resulted in a person being killed
  • an injury that results in the amputation of a limb
  • the placing of a person on a life-support system
  • any event or circumstance listed below that presents an immediate threat to life:
  • the loss of consciousness of a person caused by impact of physical force, exposure to hazardous substances, electric shock or lack of oxygen
  • major damage to any plant, equipment, building or structure
  • an uncontrolled explosion or fire
  • an uncontrolled escape of gas, dangerous goods or steam
  • imminent risk of explosion or fire
  • imminent risk of an escape of gas, dangerous goods or steam
  • a spill or incident resulting in exposure or potential exposure of a person to a notifiable or prohibited carcinogenic substance (as defined in Part 6.3 of the OHS Regulation 2001)
  • entrapment of a person in a confined space
  • collapse of an excavation
  • entrapment of a person in machinery
  • serious burns to a person.

Ken Hocking requested information regarding WorkCover grants, as he is under the impression that WorkCover Assist will no longer exist as of July 08.

The convenor informed the group that the Minister has approved funding for the WorkCover Assist Grants program for a further three years. All information will be released on the WorkCover website once it is finalised. The structure of the grants program has been slightly altered for the 2008-11 funding rounds. There will be two distinct components under the programs as follows:

  • The General and Commissioned Education components have been combined into a single funding stream that will be known as Educational Grants. Funding will be available for Employer Associations, Registered Trade Unions and not for profit group training organisations to allow for industry based initiatives targeting priority OHS and injury management focus areas. The projects will run for a period of up to 18 months to allow for a wider range of initiatives.
  • The Applied Research grants timeframe has been adjusted to extend over two years to allow for research proposals that fill key knowledge gaps as well as the testing of the specific application within industry. Applications can be submitted from 5th May 2008 and will close by July.

For further information you can contact Vicki Telfer, General Manager Strategy and Policy Division or Tanya O’Donnell. – Planning, Performance and Research Unit.

Chris Jones provided the following information after the meeting.

WorkCover expects to be in a position to advise employer associations, registered trade unions and other eligible organisations of the upcoming education and research grants program shortly. Given recent events in the media, he also advised that WorkCover has always employed a rigorous assessment process and engaged an independent probity advisor to oversight the process. WorkCover requires ongoing program reports and audit certificates for all funds expended.


3.1Workers Compensation Division Report -Lynette Harper, Director Premiums Group

Lynette Harper, Director Premiums Group presented and distributed the WC Division Report. Main areas discussed were:

  • Specialised Insurance
  • Heads of Workers Compensation Authorities (HWCA) update
  • Personal Injury Education Foundation (PIEF) conference
  • Certificate IV in Workers Compensation
  • WorkCover Scheme Agent Contracts
  • Indexation of Workers Compensation Benefits
  • Large Employer Premium Reform Discussion Paper

A question was raised regarding statistics for employers who do not declare or under declare workers compensation. Lynette advised that is was difficult to determine due to cash economy business, as there was no record and hard to investigate.

Any further questions can be sent to Susanne who will forward to Lynette to answer.

A copy of the presentation is attached for those not present at the meeting.

3.2Manufacturing Plan - Virginia Westerson, Chris Jones, Strategic Projects Unit

Chris presented the Manufacturing Industry Action Plan. A copy of the presentation is attached with the Minutes.

The presentation outlined the outcomes of the Safety Summit in 2005. Nine industry groups worked together to review information, identify safety issues and develop strategies to resolve these issues. The Manufacturing Industry Action plan in reviewed by a number of working groups chaired by John Watson, General Manager of OHS Division.

The working groups have met three times to date with the last meeting in November 07. The Manufacturing group still has issues to be resolved and will have a follow up meeting later this year.

The goal of the action plan is to reduce incidence rates (number of claims) by 40% within 5 years.

The statistics have shown a gradual decline from 2001/2002 until 2005/2006. The next working group meeting will have 2006/2007 data and statistics to date indicate a further decrease.

A chart representing Claims for employment injuries by Sector in 2005/2006 showed the highest area in “Other” which includes prefabricated building and furnishing. Non-metallic or stone masonry etc also displayed high risk.

Priority issues include:

  • Manual Handling (being the highest)
  • Noise
  • Safety Culture
  • Safe Design
  • Chemical and Substance exposure
  • Transient and outworkers

A copy of the presentation is attached for those not present at the meeting.

Questions raised during the presentation

1. Is there a proposal for a future Safety Summit?

Chris advised that the Safety Summit in 2005 was a three year strategy to 2008. WorkCover were considering future options for this strategy that would be presented to the Minister but could not confirm that a future safety summit would occur.

2. Can specific breakdowns of data be received?

A formal request should be made to Vicki Telfer, General Manager of WorkCover's Strategy and Policy Division. Requests must be in writing and must clearly stipulate who is requesting the data, why it is required and the purpose for which it will be used. WorkCover will review the request in detail and advise if there are any issues associated with extracting or providing the data, and whether there will be costs associated with the service.

3. When will the next data be available?

The data for 06/07 was due to be released but is currently being reviewed due to a problem with employment data received from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

4. How are you analysing the decline?

The Knowledge Management Division is dissecting the data as to what is causing the positive downward trend but it is thought that the trend is due to a range of factors including better technology, greater awareness in industry.

3.3Bullying Guide - Michael Costello, Co-ordinator Statewide Programs Team

Michael distributed the Bullying Guide, brochure and fact sheet. The guide was developed after a number of workshops and was then distributed for public comment. The main focus of the guide is to prevent workplace bullying and will help employers to develop systems that will prevent or minimise bullying, respond to complaints or incidents of bullying quickly and effectively.

The guide gives a description of workplace bullying that reflects repeated and one-off incidents of behaviour that creates a risk of physical and/or psychological harm.

It identifies and assesses risk factors, advises procedures if it occurs ie formal, direct approach, informal, reporting of incidents and places to contact to get assistance. The guide provides a checklist that is recognised as a useful tool and will be given to OHS committees to evaluate how effective it is.

It will be reviewed in 12 months through the Inspectorate and the Hotline to evaluate how effective the guide is. It is hoped that a Publication will be produced that is standard across Australia.


4.1Occupational Health and Safety Division Report

Peter Hayes, Inspector Manufacturing Team provided a report to the meeting. A copy of the report was tabled and sent out prior to the meeting.

Mentor Program

The Mentor Program that has been extended to June 2008 for employers to apply. Employers with less than 20 employees can apply to become a Mentee whilst larger organisations can apply to become Mentors.

Safety Interactive Workshops

A number of workshops are being run per month. This month 3 is currently being run and the Bread and Bakery industry are invited to participate with approximately 20 employers at each workshop.

The last 3 workshops were designed for wood manufacturing and provided information and safety procedures on machine guarding. The workshops also give practical experience and solutions and discussed the safe business kit and rebate program.

Industry Stakeholder Groups

WorkCover are working at building up relationships with industry groups by meeting with employer and employer associations to discuss key risks and issues in the sector and to provide suitable solutions.

For example the Glass Sector has had a number of serious incidents and a working party was formed to identify key risks in particular to storage and handling of glass. A risk poster has been developed for small business with pictures to demonstrate safe handling requirements. These posters will be rolled out into workplaces to raise awareness of these issues.

Regina gave great feedback that the Industry Stakeholder Groups for the food industry have been highly successful. There was initially hesitation and lack of trust but are now forming a solid relationship with WorkCover.

Glass industry Safety Alert

A poster has been developed and is currently with Marketing for publication. Industry guides will also be developed.

National Manufacturing Week 27-30 May

WorkCover NSW will be co-hosting a stand with WorkCover VIC and Inspectors and Business Advisory Officer will be present to give advice.


Machine Guarding – workshops were held and will be followed up with workplace visits for safety management system audit to be completed by the end of April. The workshops have been well received with numerous requests for assistance and identifying risks in the workplace.

OHSD Restructure

The proposed restructure

  • Will strengthen the enforcement role through effective targeting.
  • Improve alignment of technical expertise to industry solutions
  • Provide more effective planning and evaluation of interventions
  • Provide greater focus on information, assistance, education and advice to build capability
  • Maintain the industry approach
  • Strengthen the IRGs’ support
  • Establish the strategic interventions unit and response function
  • Improve focus on permissioning verification

A review will be undertaken after 6 months


5.1Workplace Safety Culture Project

It was agreed Susanne will decide on the Manufacturing IRG Logo to be used in the CD.

Karyn advised that the production of the CD has been delayed due to problems with the interactive spreadsheet, use of several photos and a RTW guide that the Legal Department has made recommendations to amend/update.

The CD will not be available to be launched at Manufacturing Week but it is hoped to have a final format within the next few weeks. Extra time is required to ensure that the interactive spreadsheet is trialled and working correctly before it is produced. The distribution of the CD is not dependant on the Manufacturing week launch so this can be moved to October and the Safety Show.


6.1Information Dissemination

Denis Goodwin will be the new Convenor of the Manufacturing IRG due to the OHSD restructure.

6.1.1Meat Industry Conference – Ken McKell

Major presentations will be on case studies for Injury Management and Robotics on particular tasks. It is aimed at small, medium and large businesses and hope to have as many attendees as possible. A flyer will be sent out in the next month or two.

The group requested for IRG Meeting in Oct to be held the same week as the Safety Show in Sydney at Homebush.

Action: Denis to follow up.

6.1.2Act Review

WorkCover NSW has recently released a discussion paper for the review of Part 9.2 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 (Certificates of Competency for Formwork and the Operation and use of Explosive Powered Tools). WorkCover NSW strongly encouraged stakeholders to review the discussion paper and provide comments on all items listed by 28 March 2008

6.1.3Manual Handling Conference

WorkCover will be holding three conferences in May 2008 to provide participants with knowledge on the prevention and management of manual handling related incidents and injuries These conferences are designed to look at a holistic approach to manual handling within specific industries and will feature sessions on risk management, and injury management and will include case studies, workshops and panel discussions.

Ken informed the group that the Retail section of the conference would be held at Parramatta.

OHS Legislative review – Announcement

The Deputy Primer Minister and Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, the Hon Julia Gillard MP, has announced a national review into model Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Laws. The Rudd Government has committed to work cooperatively with State and Territory Governments to harmonise OHS legislation within five years of coming to office.

Harmonising OHS laws will cut red tape, boost business efficiency and provide greater certainty and protections for all workplace parties. An advisory panel to be chaired by Robin Stewart-Crompton will conduct the review. The other panel members are Barry Sherriff and Stephanie Mayman.

The panel has been asked to report to the Workplace Relations Ministers' Council on the optimal structure and content of a model OHS legislation that is capable of being adopted in all jurisdictions.

Below is a link to terms of reference and other relevant information:

Any Other Business

Issues Raised:

Dave Henry raised a serious concern with the WorkCover website Notification Provision and the 131050 Hotline which failed to accept a notification of a notifiable incident. The Company was unable to lodge the incident online and was then advised on the 131050 number by a WorkCover employee that the incident (amputation) was not a notifiable incident. This is the second time this has occurred in the last 9 months.

Dave would like a response from WorkCover regarding this concern and has given Susanne details.

Dave Henry requested a record of the attendance of organisations that have attended the Manufacturing IRG Meetings from 2007 to date.

Martin Lewis asked if the Call Centre (1300 number) was outsourced outside of Australia. Susanne confirmed that the call centre is based in Gosford.


9.30 AM – 12.30PM

Wednesday 18th June 2008

WorkCover Offices, Level 10
300 Elizabeth Street, Sydney

The meeting closed at 12.30pm

Susanne Hollis

Convenor Manufacturing IRG

Ph: 02 4321 5103

Fax: 02 9287 5103

Mob: 0421 611 164



  1. OHSD Report
  2. Workers Compensation Division Report
  3. Review of the NSW Workplace Health and Safety
    Strategy 2005-2008

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