The BrowC.P.School, Runcorn

Class 4 Half Term Overview

Summer 1– 2018

What plants and animals thrive in our local area?

Week Beg / Maths / English / Spelling / PSHE / Topic / P.E. / MFL / Events
16/04/18 / Comparing and ordering decimals. / SPAG
Using apostrophes for possession and / Teach – words with sc
Write words in spelling books and highlight the tricky parts. / Living in the Wider World:
Discuss and debate topical issues.
Describe potential problems that arise through peer pressure/media influence. Children to set themselves a health goal. / Music: Gospel (weekly on Wednesdays).
Art: Study Georgia O’Keefe and use the outdoors to represent her life. Create sketchbooks to show favourite Georgia O’Keefe images. Use pastels to recreate an image in sketchbooks in the style of Georgia O’Keefe.
Science:Recognise that living things can be grouped in different ways. Children will generate their own sorting game and they will sort the living things accordingly. / Tuesdays – Gymnastics with progressive sports.
Fridays – Athletics with Miss Scutt.
Tuesdays – Spanish with Mrs Gill.
23/04/18 / Writing decimals as fractions. / Use front cover and discuss what the promise might be.
Create poetic sentences and create a list poem.
Evaluate, re-draft and proof read. / Teach – words with sion.
Teach turning this weeks spellings into sion (in spelling books). / Discuss how do rules and laws protect children?
Explain what is needed to make rules – can children make their own rules and explain why their rule is important. / Art: Using Georgia O’Keefe images print onto different materials using four colours and glue into sketchbooks.
Design Technology: Produce a plan of a bird box which will contain food for birds.
Science: Identify different plants and animals in the school environment. Children to record the living things they see.
30/04/18 / Writing amounts of money and solving money problems. / Write an eye-witness account of the event in the story.
Use computers to rewrite eye-witness account. / Teach – apostrophes for possession.
Children to rewrite sentences. / Understand that everyone has human rights.
Explore and research human rights across the world. / Design Technology: Measure accurately and create a bird box using a range of materials. Learn how to be safe when using different appliances such as glue guns. Evaluate our products explaining how we have made improvements.
Science: Create a branching database/ dichotomous key to sort and identify local invertebrates.
07/05/18 / Measuring mass and volume. / Consider the message in The Promise. Record response.
Discuss Nicola Davies’ reasons for writing The Promise
Watch the videos on The Promise website on The Promise and on conservation. / Teach – homophones
Children to find meanings of the words. / Understand that human rights are there to protect everyone.
Do those who care for us always know what’s best for us? Opportunity for a debate depending on children’s views.
Can we agree to disagree and still be friends? Children to take part in a role-play activity. / Geography: Explain how much food had been eaten by the birds. Produce information in the form of a graph with a written explanation.
Computing: Produce a podcast and upload it advertising our bird boxes. Children should persuade others to buy their bird box.
Science:Identify dangers to wildlife in the local environment and recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. / 10th May – Trip to Norton Priory (full day)
14/05/18 / Converting units of length and mass. / Look at persuasive flyers and the persuasive language used on the websites.
Build toolkit for writing a persuasive flyer.
Publish flyer – link to art and ICT as appropriate. / Teach – homophones
Children to correct the spellings in the passages. / Learn that different cultures have different traditions that may sometimes be illegal.
Explain that we have the right to say no to something that could harm our health or well being.
Explore strategies for telling someone if we think someone is at risk. / Computing: Children to give other children direct and precise instructions which will lead them to an object – children to complete this outdoors. Children will then programme a roamer using similar instructions and write down commands.
Science:Experiment lesson – children to show how they can make a fair test and produce results using planning boards. / Family Learning - TBC
21/05/18 / Measuring length and area. / Writing Assessment Week / Teach – statutory words.
Children to dictate sentences using statutory words. / What are the consequences of anti-social behaviours?
Identify what impacts our behaviours have on other people.
Identify how our responsibilities change as we grow older. List what responsibilities do the children currently have? / Computing: Give an onscreen robot direct instruction in order to create a game about plants and animals. Using scratch children to debug game to correct errors and mistakes.

Miss Scutt 2017-2018