Calverton Primary School

Spring Term 1 Curriculum 2015

Class:5P/5R Our Topic: Age of Technology

Subject / 1st Half Term
/ In English we are learning about -
-  Myths set in Ancient Greece
-  How to write instructions
-  Developing basic skills e.g. grammar, spelling and handwriting
/ In Mathematics we are learning to-
-  Add and subtract vertically with numbers up to 3 decimal places; multiply fractions
-  Name and draw angles using a protractor
-  Convert between metric and imperial units
-  Solve algebraic equations
Timetables and mental maths will be revised every day.
/ Our Science topic is Earth and Space; through this topic we will be learning about-
-  What makes the world go round?
-  The earth, moon and sun - Copernicus and Galileo’s theory of a heliocentric solar
-  Day and night, eclipses and seasons, moon phases, stars, planets, solar systems
/ In computing we will be learning about internet safety to develop our awareness of cyber bullying when using email. We will also use the word count tool to check the length of my document and use bullets and numbering tools.
/ In History we will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons to find out about-
-  Who they were
-  Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and settlements
-  Understand the mystery of Sutton Hoo.
Art / DT
/ In Art we will be developing our textile skills through learning about weaving and braiding. We will be creating a loom-frame using a range of natural materials.
/ In Music children will have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument through our ECAM Project (Every Child A Musician).
Religious Education
/ In R.E we will be exploring stories from a range of religious traditions: Adam and Eve, Jonah, Bilal and the story of Buddha and Kisagotmai.
Physical Education
/ In P.E we will be developing our –
-  Netball skills to play competitively
-  Dance skills
Personal, Social and Health Education
/ Through the subject of Philosophy For Children (P4C) we will be developing –
-  Debating skills
-  Questioning skills
Modern Foreign
/ We will be learning Spanish. Our topics are numbers (30-99) and places in a house. We will also be developing our Spanish by learning about adjectives, infinitives, immediate future tense and forming a negative sentence through Spanish songs and literature.

Thank you for your support. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to an exciting and hardworking year.

Class Teachers: Ms Phelan and Ms Rahman