Class 4 Curriculum
Year 1
Year A 2016-17 / Topic / RE / PE / PSHCE & Citizenship / Science / Computing / Art & DTLinked to topic work / Music / French
Autumn / The World
Vikings / Does a beautiful world mean there is a wonderful God / Invasion games
OOA/gym / New Beginnings (yellow book)
To have some understanding of how a democratic political system works / Properties and Changes of Materials / DB primary - Codeing / Linked to topic /
Charanga unit: Reggae/ Bob Marley
/ MA FamilleAnimals
I am and I have
(etre and avoir)
Spring /
North America
Local Study
/ See Citizenship topic / Invasion gamesGym/athletics / Going for Goals (yellow book)
To understand Britain’s responsibilities in the global community (Citizenship) / Forces
Electricity / Shapes and Weather / Linked to topic / Charanga unit: Don't Stop Believin' / Vive le temps libre (sport and hobbies)
Tour de France
Summer /
North America
Local Study / Can Christian Aid Islamic Relief can they change the world / Striking gamesNet/wall games
Dance / Relationships (yellow book) / Living things and their habitats / Find out and Share / Linked to topic / Charanga unit: Stop! / À la plage (the beach)
Destinations (different countries)
Year B 2017-2018 / Topic / RE / PE / PSHCE & Citizenship / Science / Computing / Art & DT
Linked to topic work / Music / French
Autumn /
The World
Shang Dynasty
/ What can make our community more tolerant and respectful / Invasion gamesOA/gym / Good to be Me / Animals, including humans
Evolution and Inheritance / Ancient Civilisations / Linked to topic /
Charanga unit: Livin' on a Prayer
/ Ma famille (family)Les portraits (features of people)
Spring / South America
Mayans / See Citizenship topic / Invasion games
Gym/athletics / Getting On
To understand the difference between public services (e.g. Police) and the judicial system
To understand the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination (Citizenship topic) / Properties and Changes of Materials / Inside Your Insides / Linked to topic /
Charanga unit: Fresh Prince of Bel Air
/ On fait la fête (birthdays)Les cadeaux
Summer / South America
Ancient Greeks / How and why do Hindus, Muslims and Christians see life as a journey / Striking games
Net/wall games
Dance / Changes / Light / Understanding and Challenges / Linked to topic / Charange unit: Make You Feel my Love / Cher zoo (zoos)
Le carnaval des animaux
(animals and music)
Year C2018-2019 / Topic / RE / PE / PSHCE & Citizenship / Science / Computing / Art & DT
Linked to topic work / Music
Autumn / Why do people love their sacred places / New beginnings (green book)
Spring / See Citizenship topic / Going for Goals (green book)
To respect the opinions and beliefs / faiths of others (Citizenship)
Summer / Why are there now over 50 Mosques in Yorkshire / Relationships (green book)
*PSHCE, RE and Citizenship are part of a 3 year rolling programme for years 4,5 and 6.