Annual survey of authorswho have published in your journal template
You had an article published in <journal name> this year. To help us try to improve our service to authors, we would be grateful if you could answer some questions. Your responses will be treated confidentially.
1.Why did you submit your paper to <journal name>?
2.Was <journal name> your first choice of journal?
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If No, where did you submit this article before and why? ______
3.Have you had an article published in <journal name> more than once?
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If yes, how many times: ______
4.Based on your most recent experience with <journal name>, how would you rate:
Very poor / Poor / Average / Good / Very good / Not applicableThe quality of the journal’s communication with you about your paper? / / / / / /
The time taken for the journal to make a decision on your manuscript? / / / / / /
The time taken for the journal to publish your manuscript after making a decision on it? / / / / / /
The quality of the peer reviewers’ comments? / / / / / /
The journal’s written instructions for authors / / / / / /
6.Do you think <journal name> could improve:
Not applicable / No / Yes / CommentsIts editorial process in general? / / / / ______
The amount of communication with you about the status of your paper? / / / / ______
Its written instructions for authors / / / / ______
7.If you had an appropriate and relevant paper, would you submit to <journal name> again?
Not sure
Please explain why: ______
8.Based on your experience of the way the journal handled your paper, would you recommend submitting papers to <journal name> to your colleagues?
Please explain why: ______
9.What proportion of your colleagues read <journal name> on a regular basis? ______%
10.How could the journal improve its services to authors?
11.In general, how would you rate the quality of the papers published in <journal name>?
Very poor
Very good
12.How relevant are the papers published in <journal name> to your clinical practice?
Very relevant
Not relevant
Not applicable
13.What do you like most about <journal name>? ______
14.What do you dislike most about <journal name>? ______
15.Any further comments about <journal name>?
Thank you for your help with this survey
Reviewer survey template to be sent to all those who completed reviews in the last year
You have previously reviewed articles for <journal name> and we would value your opinion about the journal. We are striving to improve the journal and would be grateful if you could answer some short questions. Your responses will be treated confidentially.
1.Approximately how many reviews have you completed for <journal name>:
2.Why do you choose to review for <journal name>? ______
3.Does the journal provide useful guidance to reviewers on how to write a review of an article submitted to the journal?
Not sure
4.Do you have any suggestions for improving the journal’s peer review process?
5.Have you ever attended a training workshop for reviewers?
6.Would you be interested in attending such a workshop?
7.In general, how would you rate the quality of the papers published in <journal name>?
Very poor
Very good
8.How relevant are the papers published in <journal name> to your clinical practice?
Very relevant
Not relevant
Not applicable
Why is this?: ______
9.In your opinion, what are the strengths and weaknesses of this journal?
Weaknesses: ______
10.What could the journal do better?
11.Have you noticed any recent improvements in the journal? If yes, please describe:
12.Any further comments about <journal name>?
Thank you for your help with this survey
Reader survey template for putting on the journals’ websites for a month each year
We are striving to improve <journal name> and would value your opinion about the journal. We value your opinions and would be grateful if you could answer some short questions. Your responses will be treated confidentially.
1.How often do you read <journal name>?
Very regularly
2.Do you read the journal online over the internet or only the print journal?
I only read the printed version of the journal
I only read the journal on the internet
I read both the printed version of the journal and the online version
3.What do you like and dislike about the journal?
Likes: ______
Dislikes: ______
4.In your opinion, what are the strengths and weaknesses of this journal?
Weaknesses: ______
5.Are there any topics you would like to see addressed in thisjournal?
6.In general, how would you rate the quality of the papers published in <journal name>?
Very poor
Very good
7.How relevant are the papers published in <journal name> to your clinical practice?
Very relevant
Not relevant
Not applicable
8.How would you rate the readability of the journal?
Very readable
Very unreadable
9.Have you noticed any recent improvements in the journal? If yes, please describe:
10.How could the journal be further improved?
11.Any further comments about <journal name>?
Finally, some questions about yourself:
What is your job title and area of expertise?
Job title: ______
Area of expertise: ______
Thank you for your help with this survey
Appendix 9: Prospective authors’ survey: draft template
1.Have you heard of <journal name>?
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If NO to Q1:
Please can we take this opportunity to introduce you to <journal name>. Then describe the mission, types of paper the journal publishes, etc………..
Survey end.
If YES to Q1:
2a.Do you personally receive regular printed copies of <journal name>?
2b.Does your workplace receive regular printed copies of <journal name>?
3.How often do you read <journal name>?
a) Printed copies of the journal
Each time I / my institution receives a printed issue
Only when a colleague indicates there is an article of interest to me
Very rarely
For Mali Medical and Ghana Medical Journal only
b) Full text articles on the journal’s website
Provide relevant internet link. Either or
I didn’t know that the journal had a website where I can access the full text articles
For African Health Sciences only
c) Full text articles through the link to Atypon on African Journals Online (AJOL).
Provide link (
I didn’t know I could access the full text articles through the above website
d) Abstracts on African Journals Online
Provide the relevant internet link as appropriate
African Health Sciences:
Malawi Medical Journal:
Ghana Medical Journal:
I didn’t know I could access the abstracts through the above website
4.How relevant are the papers published in <journal name> to your clinical practice?
Very relevant
Not relevant
Not applicable
5.In general, how would you rate the quality of the papers published in <journal name>?
Very poor
Very good
6.Have you previously submitted an article to <journal name>?
<Skip format>
If YES to Q6
6a.To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements.
Strongly agree / Agree / Strongly disagree / DisagreeThe journal took too long to make a decision on my submission / / / /
The journal was efficient in dealing with my submission / / / /
<Skip format>
If NO to Q6
6b.Why have you not previously submitted to <journal name>? (Please tick all responses that apply).
I have not had an appropriate article to submit
I didn’t think my article was appropriate for the journal
I prefer to submit to international journals
I prefer to submit to other national journals
Other reasons please specify: ______
7.<journal name> publishes articles on XXXXXXXX (describe the type of articles published by each journal). If you have appropriate and relevant articles, would you be willing to submit these to this journal in the future.
No. If No, please explain why: ______
Thank you for your help with this survey