Clarkfield City Council
Regular Council Meeting
July 19th, 2016
7:00 P.M.
Council Members Present: Jeff Lobdell, Neil Linscheid, Scott Vold, Paul Anspach, Sue Fritz
Others Present: Becca Schrupp-City Administrator, Dave Smith-Fire Chief, Donley Frederickson-Rosenbauer, Sharon Johnson-Care Center Interim, Jana Suckow, Hazel Hanson, Naomi Peterson, Darin Haslip, Building Official1.0 / Call Meeting to Order
2.0 / Pledge of Allegiance
3.0 / Appoint to the Council Sue Fritz
RESOLUTION 2016-0816
WHEREAS, the City of Clarkfield, County of Yellow Medicine, State of Minnesota declares a vacancy for a Council position, with the resignation of a Council member, and
WHEREAS, MN Stat. §412.02, sudb. 2a, states that when a vacancy occurs in a statutory city council, the statutes provide that a vacancy “shall” be filled by appointment, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council, of the City of Clarkfield, hereby appoints Emily Bruflat to fill the term of Council member until December 31, 2015.
Adopted by the Clarkfield City Council this 16th of August, 2016.
Jeff Lobdell, MayorRebecca Schrupp, City Administrator
3.1 / Oath of Office
4.0 / Roll Call
5.0 / Public Comments
Naomi Peterson: Wanted to know if there was any information the dental office. She was told to contact Open Door Health. She also wanted to know what they are doing about the weeds around town. Lobdell reminded her that the department was down an employee and that they are working on things. She asked about the cemetery. She stated that the posts that go in for the Legion that some are missing and some are broken on both the City and church side. She also complimented the City on the hanging baskets.
Hazel Hanson stated that she was happy that the pot holes are getting filled in and the vacancy was filled so well.
6.0 / Consent Agenda
6.1 / Approve Agenda and addition:
Motion by Linscheid to approve the agenda with the addition of 8.4 Care Center. Seconded by Vold. Motion passed unanimously.
6.2 / Approval of Minutes from the July 5thMeeting
Motion by Linscheid to approve the minutes of the July 5th meeting. Seconded by Vold. Motion passed unanimously.
7.0 / Financial Transactions: Approve Bills (sign bill printout sheet)
Motion by Linscheid to approve the bills in the amount of $34,042.54. Seconded by Vold. Motion passed unanimously.
8.0 / Reports
8.1 / Fire Department
There were no calls last month. They are still looking into National Night Out on August 2nd. They are waiting to see if Air Care will be there. It would be from 5-7/7:30. They have conducted a few interviews for new firemen. Donley Frederickson from Rosenbauer was there to discuss how NJPA would work with a new fire truck. A new one would cost around $395,000.00. The process with NJPA is like a State bid contract and no bid process is necessary. There are a few financing options such as a leasing program, using a local bank, or the USDA’s low interest loan.
8.2 / Building Inspector
Darin Haslip discussed the 3 properties that he visited because they were considered dilapidated structures. One will be demolished through a training burn. The second will be taken back by the County. The third is the fire damaged house. It is not salvageable and therefore will need to be torn down. Haslip has a few letters that he has prepared. One is giving him 30 days to abate the property. The seconded is an order to vacate. He is wondering if we can burn this place along with the other burn or do a permit by rule. He discussed the order to vacate with states that without any water hookup that due to the State plumbing code that one would have to vacate the premises. He would like the Council to adopt a policy on when the clock would start ticking in order to hand out these orders.
8.3 / Administrator’s Report
Council Information:
Filing for the offices this year will be August 2-August 16th. There are 4 open positions. 3 Council seats, 2 4 year and a special election for a 2 year position, and the Mayor’s position. The last day to withdraw is on August 18th. The City Offices will be open on August 16th and 18th until 5pm.
Time Off:
Reminder that I will be gone July 21st, 22nd, and 25th.
We are going to be working on and training with GovOffice on the website Monday from 10am-11am. This will need to be uninterrupted. Therefore, the office will be closed during those times. GovOffice wanted their first payment and a signed contract before starting. They have now received those.
The office will be closed on July 27th for a Women’s Conference in Bloomington.
There is a training on August 19th from 9am-12pm in Granite Falls on policies.
Council Decision:
Deputy Jenson has not spoken to Mr. Tongen again on his property. He is wanting to know if the Council would like to have him give him a ticket, go and talk to him, or what they would like to see as the next steps. Tongen talked with Anspach and stated that he was waiting until the end of the month to come up with the fund. He also said that there were some issues with the telephone lines. There was a question on if he called in a locate. The Council stated that if the City Administrator and Deputy says that the lot is not in compliance with any ordinance, then to give him a citation.
Work Session for Ordinances:
The Council should decide on another time to have a work session for the ordinance discussion. This may be helpful after we meet with Deputy Jenson on August 2nd to discuss some of his thoughts.
The Council would like Schrupp to have what is changing from what we have to what we are adopting. Lobdell called a work session for August 16th at 6pm.
8.4 / Care Center
Johnson went over the census from the Care Center for the past month. She stated that it is relatively stable. She discussed the expense of the rooftop AC units. They are thinking of replacing both at the same time. This will be about a $15,000.00 expense. They are looking at doing a capital budget and making a strategic list. The residents are enjoying summer activities and they have a fishing trip scheduled.
9.0 / New Business
9.1 / Class of 1986 Liquor Permit
Motion by Linscheid to approve a liquor permit for the Class of 1986 for July 30th. Seconded by Lobdell. Motion passed unanimously.
9.2 / Prairie Cardinals Liquor Permit
Motion by Linscheid to approve a liquor permit for the Prairie Cardinals for July 30th. Seconded by Vold. Motion passed unanimously.
9.3 / Late Fee: George Rysdahl
Rysdahl would like the Council to take off the late fee from his utility bill. The Council chose not to take off the late fee.
9.4 / Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Grant Application Resolution
Motion by Vold to approve Resolution 2016-0719-02. Seconded by Anspach. Motion passed unanimously.
10.0 / Adjourn Meeting
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm. Seconded by Fritz. Motion passed unanimously.