Clark Atlanta University

Whitney M. Young, Jr., School of Social Work

MSW MONTHLY REPORT September and August 2007

Supervisor/Date Kimberley Lyles 11/06/06

Student/Date M. Noel McGee 11/06/06

I. Practicum Assignments - Write all the key assignments you were given during the month (ex. read policy and procedure manual, performed intake on 5 clients, etc.):

·  Advocate and assist women and children in accessing resources necessary to improve their economic status as they move toward self-sufficiency.

·  Respect the dignity and promote the welfare of black lesbians and their children.

·  Assess the availability of services in the community that can provide support to participating women and children.

·  Establish collaborative relationships with community agencies and supporters that provide access to services and resources that enhance the well being of participants and promote self-sufficiency.

·  Advocate for the advancement of lesbians of color by encouraging political participation for changes in policy that promote social justice and fairness.

II. Learning Goals - Choose one of the assignments listed in Section I, and discuss one goal from your Educational Plan that relates to the chosen assignment:

·  Reject negative value judgments rooted in dominant cultural norms.

·  Establish collaborative relationships with community agencies and supporters that provide access to services and resources that enhance the well being of lesbians of color and promote self-sufficiency.

·  Advocate for the advancement of lesbians of color by encouraging political participation for changes in policy that promote social justice and fairness.

Black lesbians face discrimination from organizations that exist to support them. It seems that Black lesbian issues are often ignored within political/campaigning groups and in social/support groups.

Ill. Knowledge - Include course content from the Strengths Perspective that relates to the assignment in Section II:

·  Recognize the abilities of lesbians of color to create families outside of the traditional family models.

·  Identify common and cultural resources / supporters of among lesbians of colors.

·  Establish S.H.E. as a supporter of the National Black Justice Coalition’s Black Out 2006 Coming Out Initiative. Campaign supports and defends the rights of all individuals as they define themselves.

IV. Skills - Identify two skills (interviewing, communication, data gathering, collaboration, use of self, empathy, observation, listening, etc.) and describe how you used these skills for the assignment chosen in section II:

·  Transactional – Demonstrate genuine warmth and sensitivity toward lesbians of color. Three components of the client-centered approaches to psychotherapy are warmth, empathy, and genuineness.

·  Survival – Place high priority on the needs and rights of black lesbians and their families involved in program.

·  Organizational – Assess systems and sub-systems that assist lesbians of and their families in identify their own support system

V. Values - Discuss two (2) values from the NASW Code of Ethics, NAMSW, or HIPPA and other standards of practice that relate to the assignment chosen in section II:

NASA Code of Ethics

1.07 Privacy and Confidentiality

·  Social workers should respect clients’ right to privacy.

·  Social workers should protect the confidential of all information obtained in the course of professional services, except for compelling professional reasons.

VI. Roles - Choose one role (advocate, negotiator, broker or educator) that relates to the assignment chosen in section II and briefly write how you demonstrated this role:

·  Educator

By making accessible environmental opportunities and resources needed to resolve individual and family problems and enabling lesbians of color to develop decision making and problems solving skills so that they can become their own advocates.

VII. Generalist Practice - Delineate the problem solving process as it relates to one of the assignments in Section I.

1. Engagement – Identify problems, feelings, and goals

·  By assisting lesbians of color in the completion of a Family Service Plan that identify individual and family needs.

2. Data collection – Information related to the scope, duration, and severity of the problem; capacity for change; cultural implications; formal and informal environmental resources

·  Gathering information on services providers by resource agencies in Fulton County/ City of Atlanta.

·  Establishing and maintaining contacts/ relationship with community agencies that provide support services to lesbians of color and their families.

3. Assessment – Conceptualize and prioritize problems; develop a contracted plan

·  Conduct S.H.E. psychosocial assessment that gathers the following information and history: demographic, family, personal, legal, employment, educational, medical, family interaction and support systems.

·  Complete S.H.E. family service plan that outlines presenting problem, services goals, task/ responsibilities, person(s)responsible and frequency, expected outcome and target dates.

4. Intervention – Implement strategies for problem solving according to the tasks identified in the contracted plan

·  S.H.E. support/ discussion groups are for black lesbians at all points of exploration with their sexuality and sexual identity. The support groups provide a safe space for participants to examine their identity and experiences. This group addresses relational issues, including intimacy, engaging in new relationships, expressing needs effectively, building self-esteem, and managing social anxiety.

·  S.H.E social activities program provide a place for participants to learn about resources in the community and act as a space for Black Lesbians to support each other in their exploration of identity and to understand the impacts of personal, family, and cultural dynamics.

·  S.H.E outreach and education program focuses on developing strategies to create change in the composition of government, that make decision for all citizens, including lesbians of color. S.H.E provides a forum and affirming space for the voices of lesbians of color.

5. Evaluation – Measure the effectiveness of the intervention

·  Assist in the management of records and computer updates used to determine agency outcomes.

6. Termination – Determine whether the client system should be transferred, referred, or terminated; plan follow-up if needed

·  Individual and/or family receives services

VIII. Integration of Theory – What human behavior theory best relates to understanding the problem presented in section VII? Why?

Client –Centered Therapy

The “client –centered therapy” assumes that the child and family possess inherent capabilities for growth. The therapist’s role in client –centered therapy is to help the client achieve his/her own destiny by promoting the client’s free expression of feeling through three core conditions: genuineness, empathy, and unconditional positive regard.

Black lesbians face double oppression because of their race and their sexuality. Some feel they have been forced to choose between the gay 'culture' and the Black and ethnic minority culture.

An important point is that when homophobia occurs within Black communities this can mean that an individual is cut off from support networks of family and friends which are important to enable a person to develop a positive Black identity and to counter the racism faced on a daily basis. Black lesbians therefore have to consider the importance of 'coming out', weighing the possible loss of family and community support against the gains.

IX. Monthly Statistical Report - Complete monthly statistical report form as indicated.

Clark Atlanta University

Whitney M. Young, Jr., School of Social Work


Student: M. Noel McGee / Agency: S.H.E.
Month: August 2006, September 2006, October 2006 / Address: 339 Angier Suite 3
Faculty Liaison: Professor Breelove / Agency Supervisor Kimberley Lyles

Monthly Caseload

/ # Cases / # Intakes / # Sessions / # Cancellations / Males/Females
Adults (20+) / 4 / 4 / / 4
Adolescents (13-19) / /
Child (0-12) / /
Family / 2 / 2 / / 2
Group / 7 / /7
Community / 5 / /5


/ /
Agency supervisory hours for the month: September 2006 15 hours
October 2006 20 hours
Number of presentations you performed: _____1______
Race and ethnicity of clients (indicate number for each):
African Americans __9__ Hispanic _____
Asian Americans ____ Native American _____
Caucasian ____ Other _____


Staff / 15
Community / 35
Case conferences