Clarification questions we have regarding the Catering tender @ Medupi?
- Are there specific specifications for the PPE for the kitchen staff and staff delivering meals? No, basic PPE as per any industrial kitchen.
- Will it be possible to email or load pictures of the dining hall’s where lunch is to be delivered to? Dining halls on site very similar than the one we had the briefing in.
- Will the lunch meals be served on trays? On site? No.
- Are you able to provide the vehicle sizes and quantity of trucks/bakkie’s that are currently in use? No.
- Will it be possible to give us a list of Bus Services (service providers) currently being used by your own staff?See list published.
- Please confirm what the condiments you’ve mentioned, consist of? Standard: salt and pepper.
Please receive our further clarification questions on this tender:
- The first question is on the SD & L requirements. There is a pre-qualification requirement to commit to sub-contract at least 30% of the contract value. This works against Clause 4.2.3 on the NEC3 Term Service Contract document which states that “The contractor may not subcontract more than 30% of the contract value”. Please advise what takes precedence between these 2 contradicting instructions. NEC will be changed. One on bulletin draft to inform suppliers on terms and conditions. Final contract will be negotiated with successful suppliers as indicated in the meeting.
- The second question is on the SHE Returnables:
- The first requirement on these returnables is for a “Signed acknowledgement form of Eskom SHE rules and requirements”. Please direct us as to where we can find this form See form added to updated information
- The second requirement is for “Environmental work instruction for contractors and suppliers working on facilities projects”. Is there a particular document we need to fill in and return in response to this requirement? Last page of the updated information.Work InstructionsEnvironmental Work Instructions for Contractors and Suppliers Working on Facilities Projects
Kindly advise on the following:
- The menu specs lists 10gr coffee for breakfast and supper, this is more than the advised 2-3gr per person in terms of prudent nutritional guidelines(10gr is one large industrial cooking spoon full or 11 teaspoons- please see the attached photos). Is this correct? Keep on 10gr
Can you please clarify what must be returned for:
- It contradicts what is stated in the SHE Tender Returnables vs the site clarification meeting presentation (Page 7).Please return documents as updated information and tender returnables.
- Kindly clarify if both are applicable and if so I please need Annexure B – Eskom’s SHE rules and requirements form, that must be signed as this is not available on the website tender documents. The only document to there is under Quality Form A for compliance to QM 58.See answer on question a above
- Quality:
- No quality tender returnables criteria provided as per SHE, Technical etc, should we work on requirements as per site clarification meeting presentation (Page 8) for documents that must be submitted.Information and documents as per form A are required.