Performance Indicators

Child Protection








/ Perf. / Action / Timescale / By Whom
1 /
How Many Child Protection referrals have been received in past 6 months?
2 /
How many children are on the Child Protection Register?
3 /
How many of these children had previously been on the register within the past 6 months?
4 / What % of children on the Register have an allocated social worker?
5 / What % of Child Protection and Review Case Conferences is held within timescales?
6 / What % of Case Conferences is attended by at least one representative or a report received from the Education Service (where invited)?
7 / What % of Case Conferences is attended by at least one representative from the Health Service or a report received (where invited).
8 / What % of Case Conferences are attended by a representative from the police?.
9 / What % of Initial case Conferences result in the Child’s name being placed on the Child Protection Register?
10 / What is the average duration of names remaining on the Register?
11 / What % of children on the Register have a Care Plan?
12 / What % of Care Plans is being fully implemented?

Residential Care (Date……………..)

13 /
How many children are in residential placements within the L.A.?
14 /
How many Children are in Residential placements out with the L.A.
15 /
How many children are in residential schools?
16 /
How many children are in Secure Accommodation?
17 /
How many children under 12 years old are in Residential Care.
18 /
What % of Looked After Children is in Community Placements?
19 / What % of children in residential care have a Residential Care Plan?
20 / What % of children in residential care are visited by their social worker at least once per month?

Looked After Children

21 / How many Looked After Children are not receiving their full education at school?
22 / How many Looked After Children have Standard Grades in English and Maths?
23 / How many children are in Foster Placements?
24 / How many children in foster care have had more than 3 placements during the last year?
25 / How many children in foster care have had 6 or more placements during their period of being looked after and accommodated?
26 / What % of Section 31 Reviews is held within timescales?
27 / What % of reports for reviews are submitted within timescales?
28 / What % of Reviews are attended by the allocated social worker?
29 / What % of reviews are attended by a representative of, or report received from, the Education Service, where invited?
30 / What % of reviews are attended by a representative of, or report received from, the Health Service, where invited?
31 / What % of Looked After Children have a Care Plan?
32 / What % of Looked After Children have a Care Plan which is being fully implemented?
33 / What % of LAC are seen by their social worker at least once per month?
34 / What % of reviews result in Quality Questionnaire being completed?
35 / How many children are subject to planning for permanency?


/ How many contacts has the Children’s Rights Officer had with Looked After Children in the past 6 months.
Youth Justice
37 /
What % of reports on offence grounds is submitted within timescales?
38 / What number of supervision requirements, where the grounds of referral were under Section 52(i) were implemented within timescales?
39 / How many persistent young offenders have been identified ? (Needs to reflect % change from previous figures.)
40 /
How many persistent young offenders have an allocated social worker?
41 / How many are involved in a programme of work to address the offending behaviour?
42 / How many Multi agency case progression meetings have taken place in past year?
43 / How many A.S.B.O.s have been issued in past 6 months?
44 / How many Dispersal Orders have been issued in past 6 months?
45 / How many children have been dealt with through the diversion scheme?
46 / How many children who have been made subject of a new supervision order have been seen within the timescales?

Children with Disabilities

47 / How many Children have been waiting more than 6 weeks for an assessment?
48 / How many Children regularly receive more than 6 nights respite per year?
49 / How many children are placed out with the Council’s provision for short breaks / respite?
50 / What % of families, who receive a service, receive Direct Payments in lieu of services?
51 / How many Children are receiving short breaks?
52 / How many young carers are receiving support?


53 / What size are social workers caseloads?
54 / How many unallocated cases?
55 / What % of days is lost through sickness relative to full Council rates?
56 / What % of reports submitted to the reporter is within timescales?
57 / What is the projected revenue outrun as % of total budget?
58 / What is projected capital outrun as % of total budget?
59 / What are staff vacancy rates?
60 / How many new staff have joined the service in the past 6 months?
61 / How many of these staff have undergone a full Induction Programme?
62 / How often is staff satisfaction questionnaire been issued?
63 / What % of staff supervision sessions have been cancelled or postponed in past six months?
64 / What % of staff has access to intranet?
65 / What % staff has an e-mail address?

User/Stakeholder Feedback

66 / What systems are in place to gather feedback from service users?
67 / What systems are in place to gather feedback from stakeholders?
68 / What systems are in place to process feedback?

Learning and Development

69 / What % staff has an EDP that is up to date?
70 / Map existing qualifications, (e.g. SVQ, HNC,etc)
71 / Record gaps in Learning and Development.
72 / Develop Service Learning Plan.
73 / Develop Individual Learning Plans.
74 / Create Individual Initial Qualification Records.
75 / Develop C.P.D and P.R.T.L. programmes.

19 December 2006

Clacks Child Care Service - Appendix 1Page 1 of 4