Clackamas River Water PRoviders
December 2nd, 2015
Guy Graham, City of Lake Oswego
Dave Stone, City of Estacada
John Goodrich, City of Tigard
Wade Hathhorn, Sunrise Water Authority
Lee Moore, Clackamas River Water
Andrew Swanson, Water Environment Services
Kim Swan, Clackamas River Water Providers
Christine Hollenbeck, Clackamas River Water Providers
Suzanne DeLorenzo, Clackamas River Water
Tracy Tripplet, Clackamas River Water Andrew Swanson, Water Environment Services
Kurt Carpenter, USGS
Kelly Stacey, Oak Lodge Water District
Don Bunyard, Clackamas River Water
Cheryl McGinnis, CRBC
Morgan Parks, CRBC
Brian Apple, Geosyntec
Approval of October CRWP Meeting Notes
MS4 Pesticide Study
Clackamas River Basin Council Presentation
Program Updates
Alternative Water Supply
CRWP Member Earthquake Preparedness
CRWP’s Basin Strategy/ Water Quantity Management/ Summer Water Supply
Approval of October Meeting Notes
Wade asked if there was a motion to approve the June minutes.
Lee Moore moves to approve the minutes, John Goodrich seconds the motion. Motion passes.
Public Comment
MS4 Pesticide Study
Kim reminded the group that the CRWP had allocated $10,000 two years ago to MS4 Pesticide Study and that the study was complete and would be distributed to the public in February or March of next year. Andrew Swanson from Water Environment Services provided some background on the purpose and goals of the Study. Kurt Carpenter from USGS provided an overview of the study results which included the different kinds of sample collected and the pesticides that were analyzed. He also talked about the patterns seen in occurrences and the aquatic life benchmarks.
Clackamas River Basin Council Presentation
Kim told the group that she had been working with CRBC to develop a Residential Pesticide Pledge Reduction Program and that CRWP funding was used last year to Investigate pledge programs and develop plan for implementing in Clackamas watershed. This year they have been working on writing the pledge, designing the yard signs, and creating the promotional mailer. Morgan Parks provided an overview of what they have been working and provided examples of what the yard signs will look like. They anticipate beginning to promote the program and start distributing the pledge and yard signs in the spring of 2016.
Program Updates
Table Top Exercise - Kim reminded the group that the CRWP Boil Water Table Top Exercise was taking place the following day and provided everyone with a list of attendees from member organizations along with the agenda.
PGE Mitigation Fund - Kim told the group that she represents water providers on PGE Mitigation Fund Committee and that the Committee had just approved almost $3.5 Million dollars in restoration projects. The list of approved projects is in the table below. Kim told the group that if anyone wanted more detail or specifics about the approved projects to let her know.
Project / Total Project Cost / Requested Funding / PGE Proposed Funding / Fund Committee Determination /USFS, "Slam the Sediment" Riparian Road Restoration / $135,691 / $55,691 / $0 / $0
USFS, South Fork Culvert Replacement / $600,720 / $300,360 / $267,720 / $267,720
Aquatic Contracting, North Fork In-Stream Habitat Improvement / $207,450 / $157,450 / $0 / $0
Aquatic Contracting, Refuge Creation at the Impoundment / $118,450 / $118,450 / $118,450 / $118,450
ODFW and USFWS, Bull Trout Redd Surveys and eDNA / $208,034 / $112,732 / $48,410 / $112,732
Bark, Riparian Road Decommissioning / $40,334 / $25,526 / $25,526 / $25,526
CRBC, Clackamas River Confluence Restoration Project at Dahl Beach Park / $362,966 / $52,637 / $52,637 / $52,637
CTWS, Austin Hot Springs Conservation Area / $271,000 / $190,000 / $0 / $0
Metro, Richardson Creek / $1,290,000 / $675,000 / $675,000 / $675,000
Metro, Bakers Ferry / $660,000 / $350,000 / $350,000 / $350,000
Clackamas County SWCD, CRISP / $2,337,500 / $862,500 / $258,750 / $431,250
PGE, Evaluation of Bull Trout Presence and Behavior / $450,818 / $364,818 / $364,818 / $327,996
David Bugni, Suter Creek Fish Passage / $379,063 / $295,660 / $295,660 / $295,660
McBain & Associates, PGE and USFS, Upper North Fork Reservoir Large Wood Fish Habitat / $1,341,600 / $1,020,780 / $1,020,780 / $820,780
Total: / $3,477,751 / $3,477,751
FY 2016-17 Budget - Kim told the group that she would be presenting the CRWP proposed budget for FY 2016-17 at the February meeting. The biggest change this coming year is that Tigard will be a fully paying member as of July 1, 2016.
Alternative Water Supply Study
Kim told the group that she had received verbal confirmation that Gladstone was willing to donate back those pipe segments in Gladstone to Lake Oswego so that they could be repurposed in the future, and that she was working on getting something in writing. The next steps will be to determine what the CRWP may need to do next (agreements, acquisition of the pipeline, etc.) to keep this option on the table for the future.
CRWP Member Earthquake Preparedness
The purpose of the discussion is to find out more about what CRWP members are doing to prepare for a Cascadia earthquake type event to better identify what kinds of earthquake/emergency preparedness plans CRWP members have, information could be shared, what are the vulnerabilities of key assets, to identify area where we can coordinate. It was decided that time will be put on future agendas to let each CRWP report out on what they are doing.
CRWP’s Basin Strategy/ Water Quantity Management/ Summer Water Supply
It was decided that there was a need to have a conversation with all CRWP Board members present regarding water supply. This would include a discussion regarding what supply agreements are out there, what are the curtailment triggers, what common message to we have regarding water supply, and how does curtailment get implemented. It was proposed that the CRWP hold a 1 hour Executive Session at the next meeting for this discussion.
Next CRWP meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 3rd from 9am – 11am at the NCCWC water treatment plant.