Mrs. Fischer’s A.M Kindergarten
Weekly Newsletter Nov 7-11

Important Announcements:
-Mrs. Wenzlick will be subbing in our classroom the morning of Tuesday, Nov 8. I will be in the building in meetings that morning, just not in the classroom. Prep your child to have a great day with Mrs. Wenzlick!
-Kinder Concert - Thursday, November 17, 2016
There is an afternoon assembly for the kindergarten classes to sing for the rest of the school at 2:30pm. If you would like to bring your child back that afternoon, they are more than welcome to come for that (as long as you stay for the assembly). You can bring your child at 2:15pm. More information on where to report will be coming next week…
On Thursday, November 17, the concert for families is at 6pm in the gym. Children should report to our classroom at 5:40pm and parents will find seats in the gym after drop off. Attire is school appropriate, or a little more dressed up.
-Math and Literacy groups are off and running. Thanks so much to our helpers that make small group learning time possible!
Math helpers: Tom Duster, Lilianna Resendiz, Ben Foulke, and Matt James
Literacy helpers: Felicia Williams, Amy Essig, Katie Foulke and Annie Beck
We’ll continue next week with more small group fun!

CKLA(Core Knowledge Language Arts)

/ Skills we will focus on this week:
-letters/sounds: review m, a, t, d, o, g, i, new sounds: n, h, s, f
-focus on beginning, middle and end sounds with those letters
Theme: Native Americans
-The Lenape
-Native American Alphabet
-Native Americans Today
Theme: Columbus and the Pilgrims
-The Spice Seekers


/ Ideas:
-Showing more details in our pictures.
-Where do ideas come from?
We are really focusing on proper pencil grip and getting at least one word on paper.
Writing prompts this week:
-My Secret Place
/ This week in Math...
-Time to the Hour (digital and analog)
-Ordinal Position to the Fourth
-A classroom election: “Duck for President” and graphing our votes

Character Education
/ More on “Green and Red” Choices
We’re going to review the expected behaviors in the classroom. As we press on toward Thanksgiving Break, I can tell that the honeymoon phase is over. Children are more comfortable with each other and with me. This is a great thing! We will continue to focus on those green choices that are helpful to our learning and to our friendships.
Mon: Tech Lab
Tues: Science Lab
Wed: Art
Thurs: Music
Fri: PE
***On PE days, please be sure your child is wearing sneakers that velcro or tie (not slip
ons) and shorts or pants (not dresses or skirts). Thanks so much!