2015 Self Study Report
Exhibit 6.4.d.2 Candidate Recruitment Practices
High school students and other potential undergraduate candidates are invited to twice-yearlyCampus Day recruitment events that college and department involve tours, question/answer sessions, tables with information, meeting faculty and current students in order that potential students(and perhaps their parents or guardians) may learn more about the U of M. Additional recruiting events are held in various locations in this and surrounding counties (i.e., College Fair held by Shelby County Schools at the Agricenter on College Night).
The University Admission & Recruitment Office holds a meeting in August and each college representative and advisors attend.The schedule is designed for the year Fall, Spring and Summer. In the Summer New Student Orientation meetings are attended by the counselors and advisors for each college with information tables and tours for the incoming freshmen.Penny Sevier and Katie Saunders are COE advisors for this event.In the spring, ICL has a Junior Pre-View Day connected with Spring Fling for recruitment using the information tables and displays in the UC and Rose Theater. This event is for parents and students to prepare for college before their senior year in High School.Other recruitment available is upon request.Cathy Meredith hosted students from Brighton High School interested in college in the Future Teachers of America.Satomi Taylor has been meeting with students interested in Early Childhood school sites and with the recruitment receptions.Other faculty have volunteered to help (i.e., Mary Ransdell, Duane Giannangelo, and Robert Williamson.)
The Graduate School Fair is hosted by the Career Placement Office.Bonnie Cummings approaches the parents and undergraduate students for interest in graduate school.Jeff Byford handles graduate recruitment through a newly developed website. Shelby Tate attends events such as Presbyterian Day School Martin’s Institute, and Shelby County Fairs to recruit for graduate school. Bonnie Cummings handles graduate recruitment for the Basic Aerospace course/workshop which meets during teacher term in the summer; IDT speakers attend one session and talk about the various certificates and degrees during the course/workshop.
Social media (i.e., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, You-tube Channels, LinkedIN) is employed by the university as well as the COE and in some cases, individual programs in order to reach a wider audience who may or may not be in the region. Located on these pages are links to the university, COE, and/or program so prospective students can quickly gain information. Faculty, staff and current students are encouraged to “like”, “add” or “follow” pages as a way to help promote programs and increase the efficacy of our social media efforts. The university creates and pays for local air time for commercials to run on television. (See the next page)
Additionally, some programs send targeted emails and flyers to practitioners to draw interest for MS and EdD/EdS degrees. This is time-consuming work but it is believed that the “personal touch” is beneficial. The recent reorganization and name change from the College of Education, Health, and Human Science back to the College of Education has hampered some print media campaigns.
Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIN / YouTube / OtherCOE / /
Center for Research in Educational Policy / / / /
Special Education / / /
Secondary Education /
Instructional Design and Technology / / /
Exercise Science /
Health Promotions / / /
Teacher Education Program / /
Educational Policy & Research /
Campus School / /
B. K. Lipman Early Childhood School & Research Institute /
University of Memphis /