Civil Rights Civil Liberties Schedule
Date / Goal / Reading / StandardAug 24th / Review Constitution Test; Incorporation / None
Aug 25th / Incorporation / 160-162 / SSCG,6B,C
Aug 26th / Civil Liberties Quiz / 162-192 / SSCG,6A
Aug 29th / Receive and Research Court Case / 162-192 / SSCG6A
Aug 30th / Work on Court Case Presentation / 162-192 / SSCG6B,D
Aug 31st / Class Presentations and Notes / 162-192 / SSCG6,E
Sep 1st / Class Presentations
And Notes / 162-192
Sep 2nd / Intro to Civil Rights / 223-235 / SSCG22
Sep 5th / Civil Rights Lecture / 223-235 / SSCG22
Affirmative Action Reading / In Class
Sep 6th / Affirmative Action Discussion / In Class
Sep 7th / Civil Liberties/Rights Test / 2230235
Incorporation / 14th Amendment / Due Process Clause / Equal Protection / 15th AmendmentEstablishment Clause / Free Exercise Clause / Prior Restraint / Symbolic Speech / Libel
Slander / Community Standards Test / Clear and Present Danger Test / 1st Amendment / 4th Amendment
5th Amendment / 6th Amendment / 7th Amendment / 8th Amendment / 9th Amendment
Miranda Rights / Exclusionary Rule / Right to Privacy / Commerce Clause / Civil Rights Act 1964
Voting Rights act of 1965 / De Facto Discrimination / De Jure Discrimination / Equal Employment Opportunity Commission / Equal Rights Amendment
American With Disabilities Act / Brown vs. Board of Education
Standards for Civil Liberties/Civil Rights.
Georgia High School Standards
SSCG6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of civil liberties and civil rights.
a. Examine the Bill of Rights with emphasis on First Amendment freedoms.
b. Analyze due process law expressed in the 5th and 14th Amendments.
c. Explain selective incorporation of the Bill of Rights.
d. Explain how government seeks to maintain the balance between individual liberties and the public interest.
e. Explain every citizen’s right to be treated equally under the law.
SSCG22 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the criminal justice process.
a. Analyze the steps in the criminal justice process.
b. Explain an individual’s due process rights.
c. Describe the steps in a criminal trial or civil suit.
d. Examine the different types of sentences a convicted person can receive.