Civil-Military-Police Interaction


Awareness Module

Evaluation Form

© Commonwealth of Australia 2015

Your comments are important. This evaluation will help

to improve similar events in the future.

Directions: Circle the rating that best reflects your experience on this session. Provide additional comments in the space provided at the foot of the page.

Topic / Rating
  • Describe what civil-military-police interaction means in this context
  • Outline why an understanding civil-military-police interaction is necessary
  • Identify Asia-Pacific disaster high risk areas
  • Differentiate between civil-military-police coordination terminologies
  • Describe key civil-military-police terms
Was this presentation effective in providing you with new perspectives on civil-military interactions? / Ineffective / Mostly Ineffective / Somewhat Effective / Mostly Effective / Very Effective
  • Outline Australian whole of government response structure and roles
DFATAID Capabilities
  • Describe the roles and capabilities of the DFATAid
Australian Federal Police Capabilities
  • Describe the roles and capabilities of the International Deployment Group
Australian Defence Organisation Capabilities
  • Describe the humanitarian and complex emergency roles and capabilities of the ADF
Attorney-General’s Department Capabilities
  • Describe the roles and capabilities of the AGD in disasters and complex emergencies
The Private Sector
  • Outline the role and capabilities of the private sector in civil-military-police operations
Was this presentation effective in providing you with new perspectives on civil-military interactions? / Ineffective / Mostly Ineffective / Somewhat Effective / Mostly Effective / Very Effective
The INGO Community and the Challenges of Civil-Military Interaction
  • Describe features and mandates of the INGO community
The International Committee of the Red Cross: Roles and Responsibilities
  • Describe key elements and mandates of the International Committee of the Red Cross
The UN Humanitarian Coordination System
  • Identify what OCHA does and how it operates
Was this presentation effective in providing you with new perspectives on civil-military interactions? / Ineffective / Mostly Ineffective / Somewhat Effective / Mostly Effective / Very Effective
PART 4 Civil-Military-Police Interaction at Work
  • List the main civil-military-police actors
  • Outline the different levels of civil-military-police interaction
  • Identify differing organisational perceptions
Was this presentation effective in providing you with new perspectives on civil-military interactions? / Ineffective / Mostly Ineffective / Somewhat Effective / Mostly Effective / Very Effective
  • Identify the key differences between civilian and military planning
  • Identify the main issues involved when working in a complex environment
Was this presentation effective in providing you with new perspectives on civil-military interactions? / Ineffective / Mostly Ineffective / Somewhat Effective / Mostly Effective / Very Effective
  • Outline principles for civil-military-police planning and interaction
  • Outline the key ways to achieve effective civil-military-police interaction
  • Outline a checklist for effective civil-military-police interaction
Was this presentation effective in providing you with new perspectives on civil-military interactions? / Ineffective / Mostly Ineffective / Somewhat Effective / Mostly Effective / Very Effective


Do you have any comments or suggestions to help improve this session?

Thank you for your assistance.


ACMCCivil-Military-Police Interaction Overview


ACMCCivil-Military-Police Interaction Overview