Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania

Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania





Part I

Civil laws and their applicatION

Chapter 1

Civil laws and the relationshipS theY regulate

Article 1.1. Relationships regulated by the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania

1. The Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania shall govern property relationships and personal non-property relationships related with the aforesaid relations, as well as family relationships. In the cases provided for by laws, other personal non-property relationships shall likewise be regulated by this Code.

2. The provisions established by this Code shall apply to property relationships based on the legal subordination of persons to state institutions and directly resultant from their exercise of functions of state power (realization of subordination), or from the performance of persons’ obligations established by laws towards the state, or from the infliction of administrative or criminal sanctions established by laws, including relationships in the field of taxation and other obligatory payments or dues to the state or to its institutions, also in the field of the state budget, as well as to any other relationships governed by the provisions of public law to the extent that these relationships are not regulated by the relevant laws, also in the cases when it is expressly prescribed by this Code.

3. Labour relationships shall be regulated by special laws. The provisions of this Code shall apply to labour relations to the extent that they are not regulated by special laws.

Article 1.2. Principles of legal regulation of civil relationships

1. Civil relationships shall be regulated in accordance with the principles of equality of their subjects’ rights, inviolability of property, freedom of contract, non-interference in private relations, legal certainty, proportionality, and legitimate expectations, prohibition to abuse a right, as well as the principles of comprehensive judicial protection of civil rights.

2. No civil rights may be limited, except in the cases established by laws, or on the basis of a court judgement made in accordance with laws, where such limitation is necessary to protect public order, the principles of good morals, likewise the health and life of people, property of persons, their rights and lawful interests.

Article 1.3. Sources of civil law

1. The sources of the Civil law shall be the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the present Code, other laws and international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania.

2. In the eventuality of contradictions between the present Code and other laws, the provisions of this Code shall apply, except in cases where this Code gives priority to the provisions of other laws.

3. Civil relationships may be regulated by the decisions of the Government and legal acts of other state institutions only in the cases and to the extent expressly indicated by laws. Where legal acts of the Government or those of the other state institutions contradict the provisions of the present Code or the norms of other laws, the provisions of the Civil Code, or those of the other laws shall prevail.

4. A court has the right to declare a legal act or a part thereof void if it contradicts the Civil Code or another law in those cases where the supervision of the conformity of this act to the Constitution or to other laws is not within the competence of the Constitutional Court. The court, having recognized such a legal act to be void, shall within 3 days send a copy of its judgement to the institution or the official that has passed the legal act concerned. The res judicata court judgement shall be published in “Valstybės žinios” (“The Official Gazette”).

Article 1.4. Customs

1. In the cases established by laws or agreed on in contracts, civil relationships shall be regulated by customs.

2. Customs may not be applied if they are contrary to the mandatory legal norms or to the principles of good faith, reasonableness and justice.

Article 1.5. Application of the criteria of justice, reasonableness and good faith

1. In exercise of their rights and performance of their duties, the subjects of civil relationships shall act according to the principles of justice, reasonableness and good faith.

2. In the cases when laws do not prevent subjects of civil legal relationships from determining their mutual rights and duties upon agreement between themselves, these subjects shall act in accordance with the principles of justice, reasonableness and good faith.

3. If laws or an agreement between the parties provide for certain issues to be decided by a court according to its discretion, the court shall act in accordance with the principles of justice, reasonableness and good faith.

4. In interpreting and applying laws, the court shall be guided by the principles of justice, reasonableness and good faith.

Article 1.6. Ignorance of laws or unproper understanding thereof

Ignorance of laws or unproper understanding thereof shall not exempt from the application of the sanctions established therein, and shall not justify the failure to comply with the requirements of laws, likewise improper compliance therewith.

Article 1.7. The effect of civil laws

1. Civil laws and the other legal acts regulating civil relationships shall enter into force only upon their publication within the procedure established by the laws.

2. Civil laws and other legal acts regulating civil relationships shall have no retroactive effect.

Article 1.8. Analogy of a statute and law

1. Civil relationships not regulated by the norms of the Civil law shall be governed by civil laws that regulate similar relationships (analogy of statute).

2. In absence of relevant civil laws regulating similar relationships, general principles of law shall be applied (analogy of law).

3. Special norms, i.e. those establishing exceptions to general rules, may not be applied by analogy.

Article 1.9. Principles of interpretation of the Civil Code provisions

1. In order to ensure the integrity of the present Code and the conformity of its separate structural parts, the provisions of this Code in the process of their application shall be interpreted by taking into account the structure and system of this Code.

2. The words and word combinations used in this Code shall be interpreted according to their general meaning, except in those cases where it is clear from the context that a word or word combination is used in a special – legal, technical or any other – meaning. In the cases of non-conformity between the general and the special meaning of a word, priority shall be given to the special meaning.

3. In determining the right meaning of an applicable norm, the purposes and tasks of the Civil Code and the norm concerned shall be taken into consideration.

Chapter 2

Private international law

Section one

General provisions

Article 1.10. Application of foreign law

1. Foreign law shall apply to civil relationships where it is so provided for by the international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania, agreements between the parties or the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

2. A reference to foreign law shall include all the provisions applicable to the facts of a case under that law. The application of a provision of foreign law may not be precluded solely because of the provision being attributed to public law.

3. A reference to an applicable foreign law means a reference to the national material law of the state concerned, but not a reference to the private international law of that state, except in cases provided for by this Code.

4. Where the legal system of the state to which the renvoi is made by the provisions of this Code comprises different legal systems based on the criteria of division into several territorial units, a reference to an applicable foreign law shall mean a reference to the legal system of the relevant territory determined in accordance with the criteria established in the law of that foreign state.

5. Where the legal system of the state to which renvoi is made by the provisions of this Code comprises several legal systems applied to different categories of persons, the applicable legal systems shall be determined in accordance with the criteria established in the law of that foreign state.

6. Where the criteria foreseen in Paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Article may not be identified within the scope of the applicable foreign law, the law of the legal system to which the relevant case is most closely connected shall apply.

Article 1.11. Limitation of the application of foreign law

1. The provisions of foreign law shall not be applied where the application thereof might be inconsistent with the public order established by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and other laws. In such instances, the civil laws of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply.

2. Mandatory provisions of laws of the Republic of Lithuania or those of any other state most closely related with a dispute shall be applicable regardless of the fact that another foreign law has been agreed upon by the parties. In deciding on these issues, the court shall take into consideration the nature of these provisions, their purpose and the consequences of application or non-application thereof.

3. In accordance with this Code, the applicable foreign law may not be given effect where, in the light of all attendant circumstances of the case, it becomes evident that the foreign law concerned is clearly not pertinent to the case or its part, with the case in question being more closely connected with the law of another state. This provision shall not apply where the applicable law is determined by the agreement of the parties.

Article 1.12. Determination of the content of foreign law

1. In the cases established by the international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania or by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, the application, interpretation and determination of the content of foreign law shall be performed by the court ex officio (on its own initiative).

2. In the instances where the application of foreign law is established upon agreement between the parties, the burden of proof in relation to the content of the applicable foreign law in accordance with its official interpretation, practice of application and the law doctrine in the relevant foreign state, shall be imposed on the disputing party that refers to the foreign law. Upon request of the disputing party, the court may provide assistance in collecting information on the applicable foreign law.

3. If the court or the disputing party that refers to foreign law fails to perform the obligation indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the law of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply.

4. In the exceptional cases where it is necessary to take immediate interim measures to protect the rights or the property of a person, the court may decide on the urgent questions by applying the law of the Republic of Lithuania pending the determination of the law applicable to the dispute and the content thereof.

Article 1.13. International treaties

1. Where the provisions established in the international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania are different from those determined by the present Code and other laws of the Republic of Lithuania, the provisions of the international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply.

2. The international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply to civil relationships directly, except in cases where an international treaty establishes that a special national legal act is necessary for its application.

3. The provisions of international treaties shall be applied and interpreted in accordance with their international character and the necessity to guarantee a unified interpretation and application thereof.

Article 1.14. Referring back and referring to the law of a third state (renvoi)

1. If the applicable foreign law refers back to the Lithuanian law, that reference shall be observed only in the instances provided for by this Code or the foreign law. 2. If the applicable foreign law refers to the law of a third state, that reference shall be observed only in the instances provided for by this Code or the law of the third state.

3. If in the matters of determining the civil legal status of a person, the applicable foreign law refers back to the law of the Republic of Lithuania, such reference shall be observed.

4. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article shall not apply in the instances where the applicable law has been chosen by the parties to a transaction, likewise in determining the applicable law to the form of a transaction and to non-contractual obligations.

5. Where the provisions of this Chapter provide for the application of an international treaty (convention), the matters of renvoi, i.e. referring back and referring to the law of a third state, shall be decided in accordance with the provisions of the applicable international treaty (convention).


Law applicable to THE civil legal status of natural persons

Article 1.15. Civil capacity of foreign citizens and stateless persons

1. Foreign citizens in the Republic of Lithuania shall possess the same civil capacity as the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania. Exceptions to this rule may be established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

2. The time of birth and death of foreign citizens shall be determined in accordance with the law of the state where was the domicile of the foreign citizens (Article 2.12 of this Code) at the moment of their birth or death.

3. Stateless persons shall possess the same civil capacity as the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania. Special exceptions to this rule may be established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

4. The time of birth and death of stateless persons shall be determined in accordance with the law of the state where was the domicile of the stateless persons at the moment of their birth or death.

Article 1.16.Civil active capacity of foreign citizens and stateless persons

1. Civil active capacity of foreign citizens or stateless persons shall be governed by the laws of their state of domicile.

2. If such persons have no domicile or it cannot be determined with certainty, their legal active capacity shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the state within the territory of which these persons formed a relevant transaction.

3. If a person has residence in more than one state, the law of the state with which he is the most closely connected shall apply.

4. The ascertainment of incapacity or limited capacity of foreign citizens and stateless persons with permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

5. A change of domicile shall not affect civil active capacity if that capacity was acquired prior to the change of domicile.

Article 1.17. Prohibition to invoke incapacity

1. A party to a transaction, who is incapable under the law of the state of his domicile may not invoke his incapacity if he was capable under the law of the state in which the transaction was formed, unless the other party was or should have been aware of the first party’s incapacity under the law of the state of the latter’s domicile.

2. Provisions of Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to family law and the law of succession, as well as to real rights.

Article 1.18. Declaration of foreign citizens and stateless persons to be missing or dead

Foreign citizens and stateless persons shall be acknowledged missing or declared dead in accordance with the law of the state of their last known domicile.


Law applicable to legal persons or any other organiSations

Article 1.19. Civil capacity of foreign legal persons or any other organisations

1. Civil capacity of foreign legal persons or any other organisations shall be governed by the laws of the state where these persons or organizations are founded.

2. If the procedure of founding a foreign legal person or any other organisation has been violated, its civil capacity shall be determined by the law of the state of its actual functioning.

3. Irrespective of the state of foundation of a legal person or any other organisation, the civil capacity of its subdivisions shall be determined in accordance with the law of the Republic of Lithuania if the head office, principal place of business or other activity of the subdivision is located in the Republic of Lithuania.

4. Merger, association or transfer of the head office of legal persons or any other organizations, one of which is located in the Republic of Lithuania and the other in a foreign state, shall have effect on their civil capacity in the Republic of Lithuania only if implemented in conformity with the laws of both states concerned.

Article 1.20. Issues regulated in accordance with the applicable law

1.The following shall be regulated in accordance with the applicable law determined in Article 1.19 of this Code:

1) the legal nature (legal form and status) of a legal person or any other organization;

2) foundation, reorganization and liquidation of a legal person or any other organization;

3) the name of a legal person or any other organization;

4) the system and competence of the bodies of a legal person or any other organization;

5) civil liability of a legal person or any other organization;

6) the power to represent a legal person or any other organization;

7) legal effects of the violation of laws or founding documents;

2. Protection against infringement of the business name of a legal person or any other organization registered in the Republic of Lithuania shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

Article 1.21. Law applicable to the representative offices and branches of foreign legal persons or any other organizations

1. Representative offices and branches of foreign legal persons or any other organizations registered in the Republic of Lithuania shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

2. At least one of the persons acting on behalf of a representative office or a branch shall be bound to reside in the Republic of Lithuania.

3. The rights and obligations (competence) of the persons acting on behalf of a representative office or a branch registered in the Republic of Lithuania shall be determined by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

Article 1.22. Law applicable to representatives of foreign legal persons or any other organizations and to their civil liability

1. If the business of a legal person or any other organization founded under foreign law is conducted in the Republic of Lithuania, the civil liability of the persons acting on behalf and in the interests of those legal persons or any other organizations shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.