
Chapter 10 and 11 Congress

Study Guide

What taxes does Congress have the power to levy?

Why did the Framers give Congress the power to coin money?

The Federal Government’s power to take private property for public use is called

What term describes the clause that is the constitutional basis for the existence of implied powers?

Why is the Senate called the “upper house”?

As the lawmaking body of the sovereign United States, what kind of power does Congress have in relation to foreign policy and national security?

What is the total number of full-fledged members of Congress?

Which is an example of a congressional power that is implied by the expressed power to levy taxes?

Congressional powers that are explicitly stated in the Constitution are

Which limits does the Constitution place on the commerce power?

Liberal and strict constructionists would most likely disagree over which power of


What term describes the powers Congress has that relate to the daily lives of the

American people?

How is each state’s representation in the Senate determined?

Sometimes, members of Congress vote to reflect what the majority of their constituents think about an issue. Which word describes this voting strategy?

How may Congress propose a constitutional amendment?

McCulloch v. Maryland upheld the concept of implied powers and set a pattern for which type of approach to interpreting the Constitution?

Why are the individual states denied the currency power?

Why did Congress pass the War Powers Resolution after the Vietnam War?

For whom do senators and representatives work?

Why might Congress levy a tax for a purpose other than to raise money?

Each state’s representation in the Senate is

Which type of congressional powers are clearly spelled out in the Constitution?

Give examples of an indirect tax

Where are most bankruptcy cases heard?

According to the 12th Amendment, if no one person receives a majority of electoral votes for President, who decides the issue?