Civics and Economics Test #3 – Multiple Choice (B)

1. What is not an accurate statement about the political party system in the modern United States?

A. It is a two-party system.

B. It is dominated by Republicans and Democrats.

C. It allows third parties to run in elections.

D. It requires political party members to pay dues.

2. What is the term for the votes cast by citizens who are unable to vote in person on Election Day?

A. secret ballotsC. computerized ballots

B. butterfly ballotsD. absentee ballots

3. Winning an election is a two-step process. First, candidates must be ______, and then they must run a ______to convince voters to select them.

A. Registered; ballotC. Nominated; campaign

B. Campaigned; electionD. Assessed; test

4. Which of the following represents the idea that people should have the right to rule themselves?

A. PosterityC. Federalism

B. Limited governmentD. Popular sovereignty

5. An election between candidates from opposing parties for the purpose of choosing one of them to hold a public office is called what?

A. Primary ElectionC. Run-Off Election

B. General ElectionD. Recall Election

6. A political party supports this during an election:

A. Public PolicyC. Compromise

B. PlatformD. Third Party

7. What citizen is most likely to abstain from voting?

A. an apathetic citizenC. a well-educated citizen

B. a wealthy citizenD. a middle-aged citizen

8. Third parties usually impact government by:

A. Electing large numbers of politicians

B. Providing support and logistics to the two major government parties

C. Raising additional funding for a major party candidate and skirting public campaign finance laws

D. Identifying issues of concern that may be ignored by the two major parties

9. What is the main purpose of lobbying?

A. To prepare any flyers or posters for a nominee to public office

B. To drive the congressional representatives back into session

C. To persuade lawmakers to pass laws in the best interest of their group

D. To send notices to the President regarding the laws that interest them

10. During the summer of a presidential year, party delegates from across the United States take part in an event where they gather together.

What is the name of this event?

A. A National CampaignC. National Rally

B. A National ConventionD. National Conference

11. Who cannot vote in North Carolina?

A. an eighteen-year-old

B. a prisoner serving a felony sentence

C. someone who has lived in North Carolina for two months

D. a candidate in an election

12. Characterizing a candidate as a “person of questionable character who is in the pocket of special interests” would be an example of what kind of propaganda?

A. Glittering generalitiesC. Name-calling

B. Card stackingD. Transfer

13. Why is voting one of a citizen’s most important responsibilities?

A. It is an individual’s way of giving his or her consent to the government.

B. It proves that the individual is knowledgeable about current political issues.

C. It prevents corrupt government officials from gaining power.

D. It gives citizens a higher priority status in the government’s agenda.

Use the cartoon below to answer questions 14-16

14. Which party was formed in support of Andrew Jackson?

A.the Republican PartyC.the Democratic-Republican Party

B.the Democratic PartyD.the National Republican Party

15. Why was the Federalist Party formed? oppose Andrew Jackson’s campaign for the presidency support Andrew Jackson oppose the Democratic Party’s support of the institution of slavery promote a strong central government

16. Which party was formed in opposition to the Federalist party?


B.National RepublicanD.Republican

17. Which normally describes the political party system in the United States?

A. Multi-partyC. Two-party

B. Republic of partiesD. Coalition of parties

Use the picture below to the answer questions 18-20

18. What is the theme of this painting?

A.the nature of fair elections

B.the right and responsibility of voting

C.the importance of primary elections

D.the relationship between issues and elections

19. Which word BEST describes the artist’s attitude toward voting?



20. The artist probably includes a child in this painting because young people should

A.have the right to vote. their parents make choices at the polls.

C.learn the importance of voting.

D.obey their parents.

21. What is a common complaint against the influence of lobbyists in government?

A. Lobbyists provide too much information to legislators. Legislators are unable to sort through the mass of information.

B. Lobbyists act on behalf of narrowly tailored special interests, and thus advance agendas that may not be best for the larger community.

C. Lobbyists constantly lie, causing legislators to act on the misinformation and thereby hurting the public.

D. Lobbyists are constantly causing outbursts in the legislative chamber, slowing the progress of parliamentary business.

22. What is the criterion for determining how many electoral votes are allotted to each state?

A. the total of a state’s U.S. senators and representatives

B. the total of a state’s population, according to the most recent census

C. the total of a state’s citizens who are eligible to vote

D. the total of a state’s presidential electors

23. In 2003, California citizens passed a ballot initiative to remove Governor Gray Davis from office. This is an example of which type of election?

A. General ElectionC. Partisan Election

B. Primary ElectionD. Recall Election

24. Which of the following is the best example of participating in civic life?

A. Opening a store

B. Working with the volunteer fire department

C. Going on vacation

D. Investing in the stock market

25. On Election Day, reporters and polltakers interview voters as they leave precincts. What are these polls called?

A. Precinct PollsC. News Polls

B. Exit PollsD. Projection Polls

26. Which of the following has never been a factor in determining whether an American citizen has a right to vote?

A. AgeC. Race

B. SexD. Religion

Use the chart below to answer questions 27-28

27. Between 2000 and 2004, the group with the smallest increase in voter turnout was

A. 35–44. C. 55–64.

B. 45–54.D. 65–74.

28. Which groups had the largest percentages of voter turnout in the past two presidential elections?

A. 18–24 and 25–34C. 55–64 and 65–74

B. 35–44 and 45–54D. 75+

29. Complete the analogy. Conservatism: Republican as ______.

A. Liberalism : LibertarianismC. Republican : Democrat

B. Liberalism : GreenD. Liberalism : Democrat

30. Which of the following criteria would make a person eligible for election to the North Carolina senate?

A. being at least 18 years old, a state resident for 18 years, and a district resident for 5 years

B. being at least 21 years old, a state resident for 5 years, and a district resident for 5 years

C. being at least 25 years old, a state resident for 2 years, and a district resident for 1 year

D. being at least 35 years old, a state resident for 15 years, and a district resident for 6 months

Use the following reading selection to answer questions 31-32

I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State. . . . Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally. . . . The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. . . . And there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume.
—George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

31. This passage suggests that Washington believes that political parties will

A.ensure the civil liberties of all citizens.

B.have harmful effects on the nation.

C.protect the United States from foreign powers.

D.lead to higher taxes.

32. Which of the following is an effect that Washington believes that political parties will cause?

A.Citizens will enjoy spirited debates about politics.

B.New political parties will be formed from old ones.

C.One party or person will control the country.

D.The nation’s capital will catch on fire.

33. What does reading the paper to learn the views of candidate best exemplify?

A. Being part of an informed electorate

B. A cost of public service

C. Patriotism

D. Exercising rights of the free press

Use the chart below to answer questions 34-35

34. Which of the following fits best as Step 5?

A.Election workers count votes.C.Show proof of citizenship.

B.Winner makes a victory speech.D.Vote by absentee ballot.

35. How does the election of the U.S. president differ from the process outlined in the chart?

A.Voters do not complete or sign an application form.

B.The winner is not determined directly by the popular vote.

C.Registered voters may cast their votes on the Internet.

D.Any U.S. citizen may vote for president, whether registered to vote or not.

36. What is the primary role of the state’s executive branch?

A.appoint members to General Assembly committees

B.carry out laws that have been passed by the legislature

C.create laws to better the lives of North Carolina’s citizens

D.manage the judicial branch

37. Which amendment in the US Constitution allows for North Carolina to hold its reserved powers?

A. 9th amendmentC. 14th amendment

B. 10th amendmentD. 16th amendment

Use the following chart to answer questions 38-40

38. Which of the following permits the accused to have a trial by jury?

A. North Carolina Supreme CourtC. Superior Courts Division

B. Court of AppealsD. District Courts Division

39. Which of the following hears disputes involving $10,000 or less?

A. North Carolina Supreme CourtC. Superior Court Division

B. Court of AppealsD. District Court Division

40. Appeals regarding infractions from district court are heard in which of the following?

A. North Carolina Supreme CourtC. Superior Court Division

B. Court of AppealsD. District Court Division

41. According to the North Carolina Constitution, how is the General Assembly organized?

A. Unicameral legislative body with representation based on population.

B.Bicameral legislature with the Senate representation based on land size and the House of Representatives based on population.

C. Bicameral legislature with the House of Representatives representation based on land size and the Senate based on population.

D. Bicameral legislature with the House of Representatives and Senate representation based on population.

Use the following document to answer question 42

42. The information shown above represents the work of North Carolina’s

A. executive branchC. legislative branch

B. judicial branchD. Supreme Court

Civics and Economics Test #3

II. Matching – You will NOT use every term

A. Electorate / G. Candidate / L. Democratic
B. Third party / H. Registration / M. Platform
C. Republican / I. Open Primary / N. Absentee ballot
D. Political party / J. Split Ticket / O. Endorsement
E. Canvassing / K. General Election / P. Plank
F. Closed Primary

1. political party that tends to favor less government regulation and services

2. series of statements expressing the party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues

3. only the declared members of a party are allowed to vote for that party’s nominees

4. organization of people who share similar ideas about government

5. person seeking public office

6. political party that tends to favor more government regulations and services

7. a process required of citizens before they are allowed to vote in elections

8. traveling through neighborhoods asking for votes or taking public opinion polls

9. situations in which an individual votes for some candidates from one party and some from

another party

10. voters do not need to declare their party preference in order to vote for the party’s nominees

11. smaller, minor party

12. method of voting for people who cannot go to the polls on election day

III. Short Answer

Group ONE - Select TWO of the following three questions and answer in COMPLETE sentences

A. Describe the three BRANCHES of Government.

B. What is the difference between an open and closed primary?

C. Describe the job of a lobbyist.

Group TWO - Select TWO of the following three questions and answer in COMPLETE sentences

D. What are three qualifications a person needs to meet to vote in North Carolina?

E. Why is it important for a voter’s choice at the election polls to be secret?

F. Who recently announced they were suing the state of North Carolina and why?

Group THREE- Select ONE of the following three questions and answer in COMPLETE sentences

What propaganda techniques are being used in these pictures? Describe as many as you can identify. (maximum of three)

Endorsement / Just Plain Folks / Transfer / Symbolism / The Bandwagon / Name-Calling / Stacked Cards / Glittering Generality



Group FOUR - Select ONE of the following three questions and answer in COMPLETE sentences

J. If you had been running for President in 1792, in which three states would you have campaigned hardest? Explain your answer.

K. Explain the relationship shown in the diagram.

L. Which of these two men do you think would be more likely to support the direct election of leaders? Explain.

Alexander Hamilton
The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and however generally this maxim [statement] has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. (1787)
Thomas Jefferson
Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government. (1789)
I have great confidence in the common sense of mankind in general. (1800)

Group FIVE - Select TWO of the followingimages andEXPLAIN which type of political party system it represents as well as the advantages and disadvantages of that system.



Group SIX Political Cartoons

Select ONE of the following, use the following format:Description: In 2-3 complete sentences describe what you see in the cartoon. Significance: In 1-2 complete sentences explain the cartoonist’s message or importance of the topic.



Group SEVEN Comparing National and State governments

Select ONE of the following, use the following format: Context: In 2-3 complete sentences describe how the image connects to the different levels of government. Significance: In 1-2 complete sentences explain the importance of the relationship.

