For Official Use Only/ Last Date for Consideration:
Date Received:
Receipt No.
Date to Officers:
1. / Full Name of Applicant (including middle names) /Surname
/ Christian Name(s)2. / Home Address
(including Business Hours Telephone Number)
3. / Species of Animal(s) to be kept
Note: The species affected by the Act are shown on attached Schedule.
4. / Driving Licence Number
(as per DVLA Licence) where applicable
5. / Address of premises where animal(s) will be held.
6. / What accommodation (including exercise space) is available for the animal(s)?
7. / What arrangements are there in the case of fire or other emergency?
8. / Name and address of insurers and number of Policy held by the Applicant against damage and personal injury caused by the animal(s).
9. / Name and Address of the applicant’s veterinary practitioner or surgeon.
10. / Names and Addresses of any other persons other than the applicant who will act as Keeper(s) to the animal(s).
I declare that I am the owner of the aforementioned animal(s) and that it is/they are in my possession*, that I am aware of the provisions of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (Modification) Order 1984 and that I am over 18 years of age, and I apply under Section 1 of the said Act for a licence to keep the aforementioned animal(s) commencing the
Dundee City Council respects your personal information and undertakes to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. The personal data you have provided will be used to process the application in terms of the Act stipulated on this form. Your data may be disclosed to Tayside Police and other Council departments involved in the processing of the application and elected members when considering the application. The data (with the exception of details of any convictions) will also be kept in a register which is open to public inspection. Dundee City Council is the registered Data controller. Any queries regarding the processing of your personal data by Dundee City Council should be directed to the Principal General Services Officer, on (01382) 434000. A copy of the Council's Data Protection Policy can be obtained by writing to the Principal General Services Officer, 21 City Square, Dundee DD13BY.
Date: / SignatureApplicant/Agent
Address of Agent (if any)
This application should be lodged with the Depute Chief Executive (Support Services), Dundee City Council, 20 City Square, Dundee, together with the fee of £75 (which is non-refundable). Cheques should be made payable to Dundee City Council.
DVLA Licence details are required by Tayside Police to complete background checks on the applicant.
* If this is not the case, this part of the declaration should be deleted and an explanation of the circumstances given in an accompanying letter.
The animals affected by the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (Modification) Order 1984 are detailed in the Schedule to the Act which is in the following terms:-
Scientific Name of Kind / Common Name or NamesMAMMALS
Dasyuridea of the species Sarcophilus harrisi / The Tasmanian devil.Macropdidae of the species Macropus fuliginosus, Macropus giganeus, Macropus robustus and Macropus refus / Grey kangaroos, the euro, the wallaroo and the red kangaroo.
Callintrichidea of the special of the genera Leontophithecus and Sagunius / Tamarins.Cebidae / New world monkeys (including capuchin, howler, saki, spider, squirrel, titi, uakari and woolly monkeys and the night monkey (otherwise known as the douroucouli).
Ceropithecidae / Old world monkeys (including baboons, the drill, colobus monkeys, the gelada, guenons, langurs, leaf monkeys, macaques, the mandrill, mangabeys, the patas and proboscis monkeys and the talapoin).
Indriidae / Leaping lemurs (including the indri, ssifakas and the woolly lemur).
Lemuridae, except the species of the genus Hapalemur / Large lemurs (the broad nosed gentle lemur and the grey gentle lemur are excepted).
Pongidae / Anthropoid apes (including chimpanzees, gibbons, the gorilla and the orang-utan).
Bradypodidae / Sloths.Dasypodidaw of the species Priodontes giganteus (otherwise known as Priodontes masimus) / The giant armadillo.
Myrmecophiaga of the species Myrememcophaga tridactyla / The giant anteater.
Erithizontidae of the species Erithizon dorsatum / The North American porcupineHydrochoeridae / The capybara
Hystricidae of the species of the genus Hystrix / Crested porcupines
Canidae, except the species of the genera Alopex, Dusicyon, Otocyon, Nyctereutes and Vulpes and the species Canis familiaris / Jackals, wild dogs.
Felidae, except the species Felis catus / The bobcat, caracal, cheetah, jaguar, lion, lynx, ocelot, puma, serval, tiger and all other cats (the domestic cat is excepted).
Hyaenidae except the species Proteles cristatus / Hyaenas (except the aardwolf).
Mustelidae of the species of the genera Arectonyx, Aonyx, Enhydra, Lautra (except Lautra lutra), Melogale, Mydaus, Piteronura and Taxidea and of the species Eira barbara, Gulo gulo, Martes pennanti and Melivora capensis / Badgers (except the Eurasion badger), otters (except the European otter) and the tayra, wolverine, fisher and ratel (otherwise known as the honey badger).
Procyonidae / Cacomistles, racoons, coatis, olingos, the little coatimundi and the kinkaujou.
Ursidae / Bears.
Viverridae of the species of the genus Viverra and of the species Arctictis binturong and Cryptoptocta ferox / The African, large spotted, Malay and Indian civets, the binturong and the fossa.
Obobenidae, Otariidae and Phocidae, except Phoca vitulina and Halichoerus grypus / The walrus, eared seals, sealions and earless seals (the common and grey seals are excepted).Elephants
Elephantidae / Elephants.Odd-Toed Ungulates
Equidae, except the special Equus asinus, Equus caballus and Equus asinus x Equus caballus / Asses, horses and zebras (the donkey, domestic horse and domestic hybrids are excepted).Rhinocerotidae / Rhinoceroses.
Tapiridae / Tapirs.
Procaviidae / Tree and rock hyraxes (otherwise known as dassies).Aardvark
Orycteropidae / The aardvark.Even-Toed Ungulates
Antilocapridae / The Pronghorn.Bovidae, except any domestic form of the genera Bos and Bubalus, of the species capra aegagrus (hircus) and the species Ovis aries / Antelopes, bison, buffalo, cattle, gazelles, goats and sheep (domestic cattle, goats and sheep are excepted).
Camelidae except the species Lama glama and Lama pacos / Camels, the guanaco and the vicugna (the domestic llama and alpaca are excepted).
Cervidae of the species Alces alces and Rangifer tarandus, except any domestic form of the species Rangifer tarandus / The moose or elk and the caribou or reindeer (the domestic reindeer is excepted).
Giraffidae / The giraffe and the okapi.
Hippopotamidae / The hippopotamus and the pygmy hippopotamus.
Suidae, except any domestic form of the species Sus scrofa / Old world pigs (including the wild boar and the wart hog) (the domestic pig is excepted).
Tayassuidae / New world pigs (otherwise known as peccaries).
Any hybrid of a kind of animal specified in the foregoing provisions of this column where one parent is, or both parents are, of a kind so specified / Mammalian hybrids with a parent (or parents) of a specified kind.
Cassowaries and Emu
Casuariidae / Cassowaries.Dromaiidae / The Emu.
Struthionidae / The ostrich.Crocodilians
Alligatoridae / Alligators and caimans.Crocodylidae / Crocodiles and false gharial.
Gavialidae / The gharial (otherwise known as gavial).
Lizards and Snakes
Colubridae of the species of the genera Atrractaspis, Malpolon, Psammaphis and Thelatornis and of the species Boiga dendrophila, Dispholidus typus, Rhabdonphis subminiatus and Rhabdophis tigrinu / Mole vipers and certain rear-fanged venemous snakes (including the moila and montpellier snakes, sand snakes, twig snakes, the mangrove (otherwise known as the yellow-ringed catsnake), the boomslang, the red-necked keelback and the vamakagashi (otherwise known as the Japanese tiger-snake).Elapidae / Certain front-fanged venemous snakes (including cobras, coral snakes, the desert black snake, kraits, mambas, sea snakes and all Australian poisonous snakes (including the death adders)).
Heloderm Viperidae atidae / The gila monster and the (mexican) beaded lizard
Viperidae / Certain front-fanged venemous snakes (including adders, the barba amarilla, the bushmaster, the copperhead, the fer-de-lance, moccasins, rattlesnakes and vipers).
Dipluridae of the species of the genus Atrax / The Sydney funnel-web spider and its close relatives.
Lycosidae of the species Lycosa raptorial / The Brazilian wolf spider.
Sicariidae of the species of the genus Loxosceles / Brown recluse spiders (otherwise known as violin spiders).
Theridiidae of the species of the genus Latrodectus / The black widow spider (otherwise known as redback spider) and its close relatives.
Buthidae / Buthid scorpions.The second column of the Schedule is included by way of explanation only - in the event of any dispute or proceedings only the first column is to be taken into account.