Frederick Bruhweiler
Institute for Astrophysics and Computational Sciences
Department of Physics
The Catholic University Of America (CUA)
Washington, DC
1977Ph.Din Astonomy, University of Texas at Austin Physics, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Average direct funding exceeds $350k/yr. Personally directs research of four Ph.D. students. Founded Institute for Astrophysics & Computational Sciences (IACS) at CUA in 1996. As IACS Director, he coordinates activitities of ~25 personnel including nine Ph.D.s, representing $1.5-$2 million annual funding.
Over 150 refereed publications in the areas of extragalactic astronomy, massive hot stars, white dwarfs, and the interstellar medium.
Very active in space astrophysics: Principal or Co-Investigator of numerous programs using IUE, Einstein, ROSAT, EUVE, CGRO, and HST spaceborne observatories. Worked closely with Instrumental Development Teams for Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) and Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) flown on HST, which provided Guaranteed Time Observations and funding for CUA.
Served on organizing committee for IAU Commission 34 (Interstellar Medium).
Served on organizing committee for several international scientific meetings. Numerous scientific review panels for IUE, EUVE, ROSAT, and HST observing programs. Numerous service awards from NASA. Elected to Users Committees of IUE and EUV space observatories. Elected as Permanent member of IUE Users Committee in 1994.
Teaching Physics and Astrophysics at undergraduate and graduate level.
Developed Astrophysics concentration in Physics at CUA. Besides supervising graduate student
research, typically 2-4 undergraduate and high school students are supported in summer
research. Of nine Ph.D.’s produced, all found prominent positions in academia and industry.
1996-PresentDirector of Institute for Astrphysics and Computational Sciences at CUA. Coordinated activities of nine Ph.D.s and responsible for raising funds to support Institute.
1992-PresentFull Professor in Dept. of Physics at CUA. Teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in physics and astrophysics. Research emphasizing HST, EUVE, and IUE observations. Directed 6-8 graduate and high school students. Served regulary on CUA and NASA committees.
1983-1992Associate Research Professor, CUA. Full-time research through grants. Supervising four graduate students in research, plus 2-3 undergraduate summer students. Served on the IUE Users Committee, a body designated by NASA as oversight for the IUE satellite.
1980-1983Staff Astronomer, Computer Sciences Corporation/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC0. Full-time research in astronomy, solely funded by research grants. Consultant for scientific operations to CSC at STScI
1979-1980IUE Resident Astronomer for Science Operations, Computer Sciences Corporation/GSFC. Assisted in planning of scientific observations, instrument calibration. Evaluated and solved software and hardware problems relating to scientific operations of spacecraft.
1977-1979National Academy of Science-National Research Council Post-Doctoral Associate, at NASA/GSFC. Research related to the Balloon-borne Ultraviolet Stellar Spectrometer (BUSS) experiment and the IUE satellite. Developed software for reduction of echellogram data at Univ. of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
1971-1977Research and Teaching Assistant, Univ. of Texas at Austin. Dissertation – Non-LTE abundance analysis of Chlorine in B stars using UV Copernicus Data. Developed image processing techniques and codes for S-019 Skylab UV stellar spectrograph experiment. Instructor for astronomy courses. Extensive public relations experience.
1969-1970Research Assist., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Shipboard data acquisition, computer programming and data reduction. Experience with gravity, seismic magnetic, bathymetric, and heat flow experiments. Participated in scientific cruises to east Pacific Rise, Caribbean and Atlantic.
Refereed Publications for 1999 only:
Sahu, M., Landsman, W., Bruhweiler, F., Gull, T., Bowers, C., Lindler, D., Barstow, M., Hubeny, I., & Holberg, J. 1999, “The D/H Ratio in Interstellar Gas Toward G191-B2B”, Astrophysical Journal (Letters), submitted.
Bruhweiler, F.C., Schultz, A., Miskey, C.L., Smith, B., Hart, A., Silvis, J., DiSanti, M., Schneider, G., & Reinhard, K. 1999, “HST Imagery of the Circumstellar Disk of Beta Pictoris”, Astrophysical Journal (Letters), Accepted.
Grady, C.A., Woodgate, B., Bruhweiler, F.C., Boggess, A., Plait, P., & Lindler, D. 1999, “HST STIS Coronographic Imaging of the Herbig Ae Star: AB Aur.” 1999, Astrophysical Journal (Letters), In Press.
Holberg, J.B., Barstow, M.A., Bruhweiler, F.C., Hubeny, I., Green, E.M. 1999, “Far-Ultraviolet Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Spectra of the White Dwarf REJ 1032+532.II Stellar Spectrum”, Astrophysical Journal, 517,850.
Holberg, J.B., Bruhweiler, F.C., Barstow, M.A., Dobbie, P.D.., “Far-Ultraviolet Space Telescope Imaging Spectrometer Spectra of the White Dwarf REJ 1032+532.I. Interstellar Line of Sight”, Astrophysical Journal, 517,850
Gabel, J.R., Bruhweiler, F.C., Crenshaw, D.M., Kraemer, S.B., Miskey, C.L. 1999, “The Ionization Mechanism of LINER Galaxy NGC1052” Astrophysical Journal, In Press. ( resulting from Ph.D. dissertation under Bruhweiler’s direction)
Smith Neubig, M., & Bruhweiler, F., 1999, “UV Spectral Classification of D and B stars in the Large Magellomic Cloud”, AJ, 117,2856. ( resulting from Ph.D. dissertation under Bruhweiler’s direction)
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