Civic Engagement Fellow Host Site Application

What are Civic Engagement Fellows?

Civic Engagement Fellows(CEF) are student civic leaders based out of the Office of Leadership and Service-Learning. This fellowship is a year-long commitment to developing as a citizen leader, building a community partnership, and engaging other students for change. Fellows are placed in community non-profit organizations in which they complete 6-8 hours of service weekly, excluding holidays and academic breaks. Host sites propose position descriptions specific to their needs,including the responsibility for connecting other UNCG students to their programs and projects. Host site also identifies a supervisor who will direct the Fellow’s work. We hope this helps our host sites to manage their many connections with UNCG students while providing a meaningful leadership position for our Fellows. Outside of their community siteFellowsattend weekly training meetings on-campus and serve on two planning committees for campus-wide service events.

What are the benefits to hosting a Civic Engagement Fellow?

  • Qualified volunteer who is committed to making positive change in the community serving 6-8 hours weekly at your organization for an entire academic year, with opportunity for renewal
  • Fellows receive a stipend from OLSL; there is no financial commitment for hosting a Fellow
  • Sustained partnership with UNCG through your Fellow
  • Help with management and recruitment of UNCG volunteers
  • Invitation to attend our yearly Civic Engagement Fellow ‘Presentation of Learning’ to hear your Fellow share about what they’ve learned by working with you
  • Invitation to our annual Community Partner Appreciation Breakfast & other professional development, partnership, and networking opportunities related to Service-Learning as they occur

What are the expectations of a host site?

  • Provide sufficient meaningful work to fill 6-8 hours weekly
  • Designate supervisor who will communicate and meet regularly with Fellow and provide necessary training to fulfill their on-site responsibilities
  • Provide a position description specifically for the Fellow that includes recruiting and/or managing UNCG volunteers
  • Interest and ability to provide Fellow with understanding of the community issues and/or populations your organization engages (affordable housing/homelessness, food insecurity, youth services, immigrant/refugees, veterans, etc.)
  • Completing a mid-year and end-of-year evaluation
  • Sign and return UNCG Standard Instructional Agreement Form (will be provided upon selection as a host site)

Program Calendar

Summer – Applications for students to apply to Civic Engagement Fellows accepted on rolling basis

August 30– Final admissions decisions made

August 31 – On-campus orientation for Civic Engagement Fellows, Fellows begin setting confirmation interviews

September 11 – Deadline for students to visit assigned Host-Site for confirmation interview. After confirmation, Fellows begin working weekly hours as mutually agreed upon.

October 9-14 – Fall Break*

November 24-30 – Thanksgiving Break*

December 1- January 11 – Winter Break*

January 18 – MLK Day of Service – Required attendance by Fellows, host sites can participate by hosting service project for a group of students

March 5-14 – Spring Break*

March 25 – Spring Holiday*

April – Civic Engagement Fellow Presentations of Learning (date and time TBA)

April 27 – Exams & Summer break

Summer – Funding is not available for Fellows to work during the summer. If renewed, Fellows may return to their site as soon as classes begin in mid-August.

*Fellows on academic break and are not available to work

Host Site Information

Organization: ______

Proposed Supervisor Name: ______

Proposed Supervisor Title: ______

E-mail address ______Phone ______

Organization Address


In what ways, if any, do you partner currently with UNCG?

How did you hear about this opportunity?

How is hosting a Civic Engagement Fellow a good fit for your organization at this time?

Position Description

Please create a position description for the Civic Engagement Fellow you hope to host. Include the first item (although you may customize) and build the rest of the description based on your needs and capacity building activities provided in the box below. Capacity building activities are tasks and activities to create, expand or strengthen systems or processes in order to increase an organization’s ability to function effectively and meet its mission.Keep in mind the Civic Engagement Fellowship is intended to offer more than assistance with general administration. Use more space as needed.

  1. Recruit and manage volunteers from UNCG

We will do our best to match student’s preferences to the skills you indicate necessary. Once we match a Civic Engagement Fellow to your position they will schedule an introductory interview with you. This serves as interview practice for our Fellows and allows you to confirm with OLSL staff that this is an appropriate match for your organization. A Fellow will contact you for an interview before 9/11/15. Once Fellows are confirmed, they are free to set hours with you and begin working.

Thank you!

The Office of Leadership and Service-Learning thanks you for your application to host a Civic Engagement Fellow. We only have 10 spots this year, but we hope to expand in the future. We could not provide these types of meaningful and life-changing experiences for students without you! If you have any questions, before, after, or during this application please contact Kristina Snader, Assistant Director for Community Engagement at or 336-256-1406.

Completed applications and be submitted by scan or email to .

Service Trip Participant Contract