INTRODUCION. The following represents the rules and conditions for allowing licensed waste haulers to deposit domestic wastes at the Wanamingo Wastewater Treatment Plant (hereinafter called WWTP).
LOCATION. The WWTP shall be the receiving facility for domestic wastes as defined in Section 52.01 of the Wanamingo Code of Ordinances. The WWTP is located at the north end of Hillcrest Avenue in the City of Wanamingo, Minnesota. The domestic waste receiving area is on the south side of the plant within the gate area.
HOURS OF OPERATION. The WWTPcurrently accepts septage from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday –Thursday. The driver for a licensed waste hauler shall call ahead and speak with maintenance staff to make an appointment ahead of time. Any time or day not listed will be up to maintenance staff to allow or deny access depending on schedules. The City reserves the right to deny accessat times of wet weather or other unforeseeable circumstances. The maintenance staff can be contacted in advance at 507-273-9660 or 507-259-9200.
ORIGIN OF WASTE. The WWTP was constructed and is operated andmaintained as a service to City of Wanamingo residents. The City has extended use ofthe hauled waste disposal site to the remainder of GoodhueCounty and directly adjacent Counties as a courtesy to itsneighbors and to better insure the environmentally sound disposal of residential septic tankwaste generated within those areas. The WWTP will only accept domestic waste as defined in Section 52.01 of the Wanamingo Code of Ordinances which typically originate from home septic tanks,recreational vehicles, and portable toilets. All other types ofwaste are not allowed and prohibited as described in Section 52.02 of the Wanamingo Code of Ordinances. Improper disposal of these prohibited wastes are punishable by law pursuant to Section 52.07 and 52.99 of the Wanamingo Code of Ordinances.
FEES. All users of the hauled domestic wastes shall pay a minimum fee and any added costsestablished by City staff that reflects the cost of providing adequate treatment, stabilization andultimate disposal of those “high strength wastes”deposited at the City’s hauled wastedisposal site. Current fees are $67.00 per 1000 gallons and each licensed waste hauler is limited to 3,000 gallons per day and 10,000 gallons per month. Billing will be sent out at the beginning of each month and payment is due by the 25thday of the same month. Delinquent payments beyond the due date will cause a disallowance from dumping by that licensed waste hauler until all unpaid accounts are paid in full.
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A Domestic Waste Disposal Registration Form must be completed and on file with the City before any licensed waste hauler shall be allowed to continue or initiate the depositing of domestic wastes at the WWTP. The Registration Form must include a copy of the current required license issued by the State of Minnesota.
Analysis. Each licensed waste hauler understands and acknowledges that an analysis (random testing) of wastes being delivered to the WWTP will be conducted for the purpose of determining if any prohibited wastes are present. The nature, timing and frequency of all such testing shall be at the discretion of WWTP staff.
Proof of Insurance. A licensed waste hauler shall maintain minimum insurance coverage as follows:
1. Comprehensive General Liability with $1,000,000.00 coverage for each occurrence.
2. Comprehensive Vehicle Liability with$500,000.00 combined single limit coverage
The licensed waste hauler shall provide the City with such proof of insurance as the City deems sufficient and shall promptly report to the City any changes in insurance coverage.
Safety. A licensed waste hauler shall comply with all Federal, State and Locallaws, ordinances and regulations governing the use of all safeguards, safety devices, protectiveequipment, and take any needed actions as necessary to protect the safety and health of Cityemployees, the safety and health of the public, and any and all property during the collection,transport, and disposal of waste at the WWTP.
Enforcement. Failure of a licensed waste hauler to comply with the duties, responsibilities, and terms and conditions as stated in this Policy may subject the hauler to immediate revocation of all rights to use the WWTP as provided herein and may also subject the hauler to a claim for damages and penalties as provided by Section 52.07 and 52.99 of the Wanamingo Code of Ordinances.
Waste Hauler or Company Name
Business Address
Telephone Number
Officer or Partner’s Name if not an individual named was hauler
Type of Waste
6. VehicleCapacity (gallons) ______
7. Is all waste coming from within the City of Wanamingo’s limits?
______Yes ______No, if no continue with 7a.
7a. If waste is from outside of City limits list counties and townships from which waste isoriginating.
8. I/We certify that any hauled domestic waste discharged at the City of Wanamingo WWTP by thewaste hauler will be from a residential source only. I/we alsounderstand that commercial,agricultural, and industrial septic waste and/or hauled waste is aprohibited discharge. I/Wealso understand that I/we am/are liable for any process upset and/or damagecaused by discharge of waste by this waste hauler to the City of Wanamingo.
9. Waiver of Liability. I/We certify that as a waste hauler using the City of Wanamingodisposal site that I/we do hereby assume all risk of personal injury, death, propertydamage or loss which may occur as a result of using the City of Wanamingo disposalsite and do hereby further agree toindemnify and hold harmless the City ofWanamingo and all officers, employees, agents and servants thereof from any and allliability arising therefrom.
11. I/We acknowledge receipt of a copy of Wanamingo Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating Policy for Accepting Domestic Wastes From Licensed Waste Haulers and understand and agree to be bound by all of the duties, responsibilities, terms and conditions therein stated.
Waste Hauler’s Authorized Signature:______
Title: ______
Date: ______